International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. II

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Hezbollah Says It's "Fully Prepared" To Join Hamas In War With Israel
On Wednesday, Hezbollah said it targeted an Israeli position near the Lebanese village of Dhayra. Retaliatory Israeli fire wounded three people.

Beirut: Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah movement said Friday it would be "fully prepared" to join its Palestinian ally Hamas in the war against Israel when the time is right.

Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem spoke as Hamas and Israel traded heavy fire for a seventh day, after hundreds of Hamas gunmen stormed across the border from Gaza into Israel on Saturday and killed more than 1,300 people, most of them civilians.

Israel has retaliated by bombarding Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, killing at least 1,900 people, also mostly civilians and including more than 600 children, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

"We, as Hezbollah, are contributing to the confrontation and will (continue) to contribute to it within our vision and plan," Qassem told a pro-Palestinian rally in Beirut's southern suburbs.

"We are fully prepared, and when the time comes for action, we will take it," he said.

The official, whose remarks coincided with a visit to Beirut by Iran's foreign minister, rebuffed calls for Hezbollah to stay out of the war.

Outreach by "major countries, Arab countries, and envoys from the United Nations, directly and indirectly, asking us not to interfere in the battle, will not affect us", he said, adding: "Hezbollah knows its duties."

Israel has traded fire with Hezbollah and allied Palestinian factions in Lebanon in recent days.

A Reuters journalist was killed and six others from AFP, Reuters and Al Jazeera were wounded in southern Lebanon on Friday when they were caught up in cross-border shelling.

Israeli forces had said its troops were "responding with artillery fire towards Lebanese territory" after a blast damaged the border barrier.

And early Saturday, the Israeli Air Force said on X, formerly Twitter, that its forces had "struck a Hezbollah terror target in southern Lebanon in response to the infiltration of unidentified aerial objects into Israel and fire" on an Israeli drone.

"The IDF intercepted the infiltrating aerial object and the fire" on the drone, it added.

In Beirut's southern suburbs on Friday, more than 1,000 Hezbollah supporters rallied for Gaza, carrying Palestinian flags and banners that read: "May God protect you".

"(Hassan) Nasrallah, strike Tel Aviv," they chanted, addressing the leader of the Shiite Muslim group.

Najwa Ali, a Palestinian refugee born in Beirut 57 years ago, was among those taking part in the solidarity rally.

"I have never seen Palestine, but when I go back one day, it will be with my head held high, without an Israeli soldier telling me where to go or what to do," she told AFP.

On Monday, Hezbollah said Israeli strikes killed three of its members, while Palestinian fighters claimed a thwarted infiltration bid.

On Tuesday, Israel said it hit Hezbollah observation posts, while Hamas's armed wing claimed rocket fire.

On Wednesday, Hezbollah said it targeted an Israeli position near the Lebanese village of Dhayra. Retaliatory Israeli fire wounded three people.

Nasrallah has got some wicked longevity on him at this stage huh, over three decades strong now as secretary general, and he's still in his early 60s. That's nearly as long as Khamenei's run in Iran, and it represents legitimacy. Denouncing Hezbollah as a "terrorist group" does nothing to hinder its potency or preparedness that is several levels above Hamas; it basically fought the IDF to a stalemate in 2006 and - to no surprise - didn't lose a single battle in the Syrian war, whether it was against Al-Nusra, FSA, ISIS, didn't really matter.
Oh, so people who are hated and attacked constantly for the better part of a century by people who literally want to wipe them off the map can sometimes start hating back? Wow, who would have thought.

yes the Palestinians have been hated and ethnically cleansed for the better part of a century you are right. it's good that you recognize the palestinian people struggle for self-determination and their right to protect themselves
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there's no proof. The account is "israelwarroom" it's clearly propaganda to dehumanize Palestinians even further than it had already been

ln the reality israel bombs indiscriminately but it's surgical bombing is above hospitals, killing foetuses in the womb as well as the mother like that :

not a war crime at all, and it's already verified, it's just the "we don't care" kind of babies and human being dying here so fuck our double faced standard. And in 20 years "why they hate us?????"

"But this is just collateral damage" they'll argue. If they kill 100 of these it's worth it because they got 1 terrorist. So many people are exposing themselves as monsters on this forum. Even people that I normally agree with. We're back in post 9/11 territory where we just wanted to kill a bunch of people for revenge and it didn't matter whether we got the right people. We are on the right side of history and a lot of these bloodthirsty reactionaries will pretend they never supported their current stance a few years from now similar to how today you won't find anyone that admits to supporting the invasion of Iraq.
one thing differentiating this conflict from the russia - ukraine one is the absolute, complete seriousness of it.
there's no kadyrov making funny clips, there's no prigojin cracking jokes in shitty low res videos, no ukrainian soldier playing with cats, or russian soldiers singing near a fire. zero place for lightheartedness.

all you got here is psychopaths yelling how the other side must genocided into oblivion, and other psychopaths on the sidelines, on the internet, in these very threads, cheering them on, for the righteousness of the genocide their side unleashes. just absolute, unquestioning, drooling bloodshot-eyed hatred. the level-headed voices that make appeals for peace are drowned out.

you're all a bunch of monsters.

Definitely agree. The Russian Ukraine thing is awful but never massively frightened me. Because Putin wants Russia to survive, he's a narcissistic fucker that thinks his country will rule the world - it won't but that's what stops the nukes. He knows what would become of Russia.

In this situation it's different. Hamas and other Muslim terrorist groups, are a suicide cult. They genuinely believe that death brings them to heaven and loads of virgins. So life is extremely cheap.

They would have no problem being dead if it meant the infidel is also dead. Palestine means less to them than that option. When you throw Hezbollah into the mixer and then inevitably Iran (a nation run by lunatic, anti Western Ayatollahs) its very possible were gonna see nukes by 2024. These people would rather die than see the west "win".

Russia has at least got "self preservation" high on their mind. These people don't.

My prediction.

Hezbollah bomb the UK warships been sent to the coast. WWIII activated. UN go in, Iran get stuck in, nukes fly. Before Christmas maybe. In the meantime, the west stop funding Ukraine as we have our own war to fund, Russia pillage through Eastern Europe and again nukes fly.

Only Latin America and southern Africa are safe IMO.
When was the last election? Never mind that. Hamas was created funded and trained by israel. Additionally, idf agents, selected for their ability to speak like and act like and blend in with the Arabs, both Christian and Muslim, have been operating undercover in the Gaza Strip since at least the 1970s.

Now when did those rockets start flying into israel, while rarely if ever killing anyone?

Did you write that yourself? Or can you post a link?
Hamas was created in 1987 by Ahmed Yassin. In 2006, Israel asked the Bush Administration to get involved and ban Hamas from general elections due to their extremism. Israel preferred Fatah, because they were becoming more moderate, and accepted a 2 state solution.

The Bush administration declined to get involved, as their doctrine was "allow free elections, and pro-western governments will be elected" like in Iraq.

Every exit poll had Fatah winning by large margins, but Hamas won. Independent councils from around the world concluded that there was no rigging, and it was a fair election. Israel tried having the same deal with Hamas as they had with Fatah, basically Israel's right to exist alongside Palestine. Hamas rejected the proposal, and there haven't been any general elections in Gaza since 2006.

If Israel really wanted Hamas in power, they wouldn't have tried getting outside influences to stop their ascension, imo.
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"But this is just collateral damage" they'll argue. If they kill 100 of these it's worth it because they got 1 terrorist. So many people are exposing themselves as monsters on this forum. Even people that I normally agree with. We're back in post 9/11 territory where we just wanted to kill a bunch of people for revenge and it didn't matter whether we got the right people. We are on the right side of history and a lot of these bloodthirsty reactionaries will pretend they never supported their current stance a few years from now similar to how today you won't find anyone that admits to supporting the invasion of Iraq.
The murderous terrorists who went on a killing spree against civilians will be on the right side of history?

Let me ask you - what does hamas / Palestinians / “your side” do in between terror attacks to try negotiate a political solution? What does success look like to them / you?
yes the Palestinians have been hated and ethnically cleansed for the better part of a century you are right. it's good that you recognize the pasletinian people struggles for self-determination and their right to protect themselves
Ah right, yes.The ethnic cleansing. And those evil Israelis and their genocide! Is that why the Palestinians there enjoy a population growth that is 25 times as high as that of the US?


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Yeah. I mean, I'm not just rooting for my team when I say this: There's bound to be a lot of these kinds of hoaxes going on in Gaza at the moment.

1: Muslims are duplicitous in general, and have fewer compunctions about lying. Sorry, but that's a fact.
2: Hamas are extreme versions of muslims. They're terrorists for christ's sake.
3: Hamas controls the flow of information inside Gaza completely. Most media produced and disseminated comes from Hamas press corps. Virtually all statistics about causalties et cetera comes from Hamas. Independent journalists inside Gaza have been vetted for ideological affinity, and are only allowed to see and hear what Hamas wants them to see and hear.
4: Hamas is stuck inside a besieged urban area with little in the way of arms or supplies. Propaganda is pretty much the only weapon at their disposal, so they are going to make the most of it.

I have no idea if that particular doll hoax story is actually true, but regardless I think people need to pay attention to just what the information space is like on the palestinian side. The information is not trustworthy just because BBC relays it.

lol Muslims are duplicitous and lie because you said so ? on what basis is that except your extreme racism ? One of the first thing we're taught in our religion is to be truthful and not lie, it's literally the 17th greater sin, but hey how would you know you only care to read if there's some bad buzz to spread. Now do all muslims apply it to a T of course not, there are lots of bad apples. But FYI that's a basic text we're taught since we're children:

“Indeed, truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to Paradise, and a truthful person continues to speak the truth until he becomes the most truthful person. Lies lead to evil and evil leads to Hell, and a liar continues to lie until he is listed as a high ranking liar before Allah." [Al-Bukhari]

totally a religion that encourages people to lie.

Now it's funny all you guys believed the fake story about the 40 beheaded baby without any need of confirmation and spread it out like wildfire, but now when real people are dying you're pretending they're not even people ? because they're Palestinians you dehumanize them further ? what do you think the 6500 bombs that have been dropped on them are ? Some kind of candy that explodes in colorful rainbow clouds of marshmallow over their head ? Maybe you guys will tell us that next.
I cant wait for aliens to be revealed so we can discard all these religious bullshit excuses and admit that we all just want to continue killing each other just because we want to.

Very underrated post. Very.

it has been confirmed that it has been asked from Egypt to open the Rafah border in order to let pass American humanitarian workers still in Gaza, Egypt accepted on the absolute condition that the passage of humanitarian aid is allowed again to pass
Definitely agree. The Russian Ukraine thing is awful but never massively frightened me. Because Putin wants Russia to survive, he's a narcissistic fucker that thinks his country will rule the world - it won't but that's what stops the nukes. He knows what would become of Russia.

In this situation it's different. Hamas and other Muslim terrorist groups, are a suicide cult. They genuinely believe that death brings them to heaven and loads of virgins. So life is extremely cheap.

They would have no problem being dead if it meant the infidel is also dead. Palestine means less to them than that option. When you throw Hezbollah into the mixer and then inevitably Iran (a nation run by lunatic, anti Western Ayatollahs) its very possible were gonna see nukes by 2024. These people would rather die than see the west "win".

Russia has at least got "self preservation" high on their mind. These people don't.

you are just a cheap propaganda guy.
Trying to repeat Zionist propaganda.
There is a reason why you support the Zionist agenda. It goes in line with your white supremacist western ideology.
That’s why you have to resort to this cheap propaganda trying to psycho analyse people based on claims and information from war criminal who ethnically cleanse Palestinians based on ethnicity.
It’s a mess because of your western white supremacist ideology of colonialism.
It’s your ideology which is the cause of all conflicts.
Don’t try to act like the moral superior being based on ethnicity. You don’t have morals those who support this racist ideology.
Your ideology is world record holder of killing and bombing people. It’s funny how these disciples of this terrorist ideology try to deny clear facts and statistics.
The murderous terrorists who went on a killing spree against civilians will be on the right side of history?

Let me ask you - what does hamas / Palestinians / “your side” do in between terror attacks to try negotiate a political solution? What does success look like to them / you?

How many Palestinian lives is it worth to kill 1 Hamas terrorist? 5? 10? 50? 100?
you are just a cheap propaganda guy.
Trying to repeat Zionist propaganda.
There is a reason why you support the Zionist agenda. It goes in line with your white supremacist western ideology.
That’s why you have to resort to this cheap propaganda trying to psycho analyse people based on claims and information from war criminal who ethnically cleanse Palestinians based on ethnicity.
It’s a mess because of your western white supremacist ideology of colonialism.
It’s your ideology which is the cause of all conflicts.
Don’t try to act like the moral superior being based on ethnicity. You don’t have morals those who support this racist ideology.
Your ideology is world record holder of killing and bombing people. It’s funny how these disciples of this terrorist ideology try to deny clear facts and statistics.

White supremacists hate Jews. They just happen to hate Islam more because they see that religion as an actual threat to Christianity. It still remains the fastest growing religion.
How many Palestinian lives is it worth to kill 1 Hamas terrorist? 5? 10? 50? 100?
How does that answer my questions to you?

It doesn’t. Want to try again?

This is embarrassing.
What has this got to do with ethnically cleansing.
I don’t think you don’t even know what ethnically cleansing.
It’s the removal of an ethnicity from an area.
You are trying to deny the maps and the continuous theft of left.
Do you have any shame?
Are you able to concede or you are just a bigot.
Let me ask you this question.
Is Israel systematically stealing land and homes of the Palestinians in the last 70 years? Yes or no?
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