International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. II

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Might be hard to fully contextualize this far removed from the anxiety of the Kabul evacuation. AFN got steam rolled and Taliban took Kabul while the U.S. was evacuating. It was high tension, but the U.S. soldiers continued on until a suicide bombing (ISIS-K) killed 170 civilians and 13 service members. In response, the U.S. droned the "mastermind" and his family. Turned out they were wrong, and killed an aid worker and his 7 children. They then covered it up until the NYT made it abundantly clear that the guy wasn't some militant, then the army investigated itself and determined they did nothing wrong.

Yeah, that's a war crime by the US Military. I'm willing to accept Collateral Damage, because that's been a part of warfare all the way back to when humans were hacking each other to bits with swords and axes. But for the US not only to fuck up but then lie about it is indefensible.
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western governments don’t care about you. You are just a number in a system.

there is no threat of the way of life. Traditionalism goes in line with human nature. You are under threat now in secular liberalism.
Traditionalism preserves families, ties and bond.
Identities will vanish in secular liberalism.
In 200 years of secular liberalism Christianity has completely vanished in secular liberal countries and societies.
Secular liberalism teaches you to hate your ancestors and tradition and destroys identities and tradition.

I don't disagree entirely against your claims against secular liberalism.
Traditionalism and conservatism are important to keep a country alive.

It just seems specifically that a lot of the ideology that you are saying here conflicts much Western thinking and you speak of it disappearing and being destroyed. I understand this in the context of our conversation as a call for a rise of Islam and an end of reign for the West.
I have already explained. Religious people are under secular liberal law.
Or do you claim there is no conflict between secular liberal law and religious law?
i asked you what specifically is being forced out of religions by western governments? not sure why this question is so difficult for you to answer.
Here we go again.

You're either team Blue or Red. Covid vax booster or antivaxer. Russia or Ukraine. IDF or Hamas.

Tribal people with advanced technologies...I have less optimism the older I get .

I never had much to begin with:rolleyes:
I am not sure how to articulate this but I feel there are different types of being a jew, like ethnic and/or religous.

Sammy Davis Junior for example was not a decendent from an indigenous person to what we now call Israel.

Like if a Mohawk cheif makes me a full member of the clan, its not like I am an indigenous Canadian and can score free tutition at a govt Univeristy.

lol not trying to offend or take away from people who have no dna connection to being a jew

I wouldn't worry too much about "non-ethnic" Jews. We don't proselytize so converts are a very small percentage of Jewish population.

Here's how I see it. If the Nazis wanted to throw you in a gas chamber because you're Jewish, you're Jewish enough for me. Israel is the only safe haven country for Jews and needs to stay that way. One-state solutions and right of return for "supposedly" 5.9 million Arabs endangers that. That's not acceptable in my mind.
i asked you what specifically is being forced out of religions by western governments? not sure why this question is so difficult for you to answer.
stonings, beheadings, to name a few, then allowing people to practice a religion of their choice and apparently taking care of your own mental health.
i asked you what specifically is being forced out of religions by western governments? not sure why this question is so difficult for you to answer.

I did answer. Secular liberal law is forced on religious people. Economics, social, justice and so on.
do you even know what that means?
Really? It seems to me that Israel has been the one expanding its borders/settlements over the past few decades.
Yeah but the arabs have tried to genocide the jews and erase Israel since the moment it was created, if they accepted the 2 state solution and didnt wage war none of this would have happened.
I did answer. Secular liberal law is forced on religious people. Economics, social, justice and so on.
do you even know what that means?
dude. i've repeatedly asked you what specifically is being forced out of religion and religious teachings. you still haven't answered.
Dubai has been pretty much holding the current round of conflict fully in the responsibility of Hamas - I haven't seen public criticism of Israel from state officials.
Bahrain I admittedly have not been following.
Maybe you can show me?

I stated the two examples of actual consequences that I know of which were Morocco and Saudi

UAE are the precursor of all this Arab pro-israeli movement and in their case they will probably not change as they do not have popular pressure. they don't know what it is. Emiratis aren't even numerous enough for that imo. they even sent humanitarian aid to Israel so it says a lot. they will keep at it

Bahrain was pretty neutral condemning both Hamas and Israel. Koweït took position against israel. But both are not major players. They have a lot of money but when did they influence the politics in the region ? outside Koweït being the trigger for the first gulf war I don't recall any real moves from them.

Saudi and Egypt are the ones to look at. and those two have a HUGE risk of it going out of hand domestically if they continue pro Israeli policies. that's why Saudi halted the normalization immediately, and that for the first time Sissi who is a USA puppet showed some - albeit small - bravado and conditioned the exit of American humanitarian workers from Gaza to the entry of humanitarian aid convoys. he HAD TO do that to at least appease the Egyptian crowd a little

Both Sissi and Ben Salman are deeply impopular and dare I say hated, MBS has even alienated a huge part of the royal family, so they both can't ally with Israel in the foreseeable future. it is dead. Israel won't normalize with Saudi and the relationship with Egypt won't be so good as they were from now on

Morocco has a difference in that the king is very popular amongst its citizens and they trust him. the monarchy is something that Moroccans are loyal to. BUT for the first time since Mohamed VI reign he has to face 15K people in the streets and not repress them. He knew he had to let them even if they were chanting "the people want the criminalization of the normalization" (الشعب يريد تجريم التطبيع)

in 2016 there were protest in the eastern region of Rif and they were silenced in blood. but now notice the change. he's in a very precarious position on this subject.

the other states have positioned themselves clearly condemning israel massacres like Algeria, Tunisia, Irak, Syria, Lebanon, Koweït and in the non Arabs Iran, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, South Africa

the normalization with Arab states is dead. for the UAE what will it mean if there is only them and not the Saudi ? nothing

that is my analysis I can always be wrong but I think that
Fear in Berlin as Star of David scrawled at entrances of buildings where Jews reside

Israelis living in German city fearful of rising animosity, amid shows of pro-Palestinian support in wake of Hamas mass terror attack

So they're literally marking the houses where Jews live in Berlin. What century is this again? And are we just going to accept this stuff, or knock it the fuck down before it gets even worse?
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