Crime Headlining Crime Megathread Vol 4.

says fbi, so there's that
Interesting. Also, weren't like a total of 14 allegedly unarmed black people killed by cops last year? Out of like 40 million or something?

Makes me wonder if the entire BLM movement is based on outright lies, nevermind the rioting, apologizing for it, and crazy agendas (targeting nuclear family structure) that they've since removed from their website.

They're Marxists... those marching are dupes that don't know the real numbers, or don't care because they are Marxists too.
The data are consistent with the last five years: the majority of white homicide victims are killed by whites, the majority of black homicide victims are killed by blacks, and there are more than twice as many cases of black on white homicides (566) as white on black homicides (246).
Raw, context-free data like this is somewhat limited in its usefulness to 'explain' anything. It also gets a little complicated when considering how race and ethnicity are categorized and reporting issues...but we can still make some general observations without any further context.

That 'white on white' and 'black on black' murders are (by far) more common than 'black on white' or 'white on black' murders seems unsurprising, given that (AFAIK) the majority of violent crime is not random, but rather involves people who already knew each other.

It would be helpful to look at per capita figures, or expected vs. observed frequencies, when group size is unequal (e.g. there are far more white Americans than Black and Hispanic/Latino Americans in the general population)...but eyeballing the data still yields some interesting observations as the magnitude of some differences is sufficiently large so as to obviously be significant.

That more whites are killed by blacks (rather than vice versa) seems intuitive, given that there are simply far more white people overall; however, the much higher per capita murder and victim rates among Black Americans stands out. Black Americans commit slightly more murders and are victims of only slightly fewer murders than white Americans, despite making up a much smaller % of the population. Socio-economic factors (poverty, education, employment, family and community variables, etc.) probably help to explain a good amount of that discrepancy.

Looking at gender is a little more straightforward, given the roughly equal proportion of males and females in the general population. Substantially more males (black and white) commit murder and are victims of murder than females. Further, only 10% of male victims were murdered by a women, while the vast majority of women victims were murdered by men (my guess would be that domestic violence explains a lot of that).

Anything else strike anyone as noteworthy? I'm too lazy to do any deeper dive into any potential associations between gender, race, and ethnicity together.

yes there is more you can do. the people most likely to need to read and digest this post wont so you need to boil it down into a tldr post otherwise ........ racists.......
"He also noted that he had not been trespassing on the Twiner’s property. The Twiners said that because they pay taxes and own property on both sides of the road they should not have to deal with people riding ATVs on the road."


Well of course, they own property on both side of the road means they own the road, duh.

I'm dyin', squirtle. <45><45><45>

What about this is funny to you?

This is despicably racist.