Higher status: Doctor or Lawyer?

A law school Prof used GPT on his own final exam. He gave it a B.

A friend of mine whom used (not fucking me, literally a friend) GPT on another law exam got a C-.

But fun fact: Lawyers are technically doctors, along with theology profs and real docs, but no one calls you that because it's silly. "Lol shut up you're not a real doctor." Not even many law students know that fact.
there are a lot of doctorate degrees, however, they arent universally addressed as doctor unless they are a physician. The added perk is getting pussy thrown at you left and right your entire life, and knowing you can rest easy in a pink hole anytime you feel like it has got to be a great feeling. I work amongst many docs, and half of them treat people like shit and I dont blame them, they can get away with it <Lmaoo>
Doctor is basically a god in my country

Lawyer no one cares about
Unless your name is Phoenix Wright, Doctor wins.

Also you can represent yourself in court, pretty sure it's illegal to perform surgery on yourself.
Doctors save lives lawyers ruin lives.
Haha, this is an interesting debate! Doctor vs. Lawyer status can be quite subjective. I guess it depends on your perspective and what you value more in a profession. Both fields have their unique challenges and rewards.
Ambulance chasers

Cracks me up every time I see this phrase. It's obviously a diversion tactic from the slimy Ambulance industry. I've actually accused an Attorney of being honest before.
Lawyers have a terrible reputation. Winning is always more important than the truth.

Sure there are a few good ones but overall the profession is known for being sleazy.
Saving people's lives or blood sucking parasite, tough call.

Financially, getting a law degree has both a higher ceiling and a lower floor than being a doctor. You can be a partner of a major firm raking in millions or you can be a doc reviewer making under 6 figures doing the most boring task in the world.
Doctors easily. Oftentimes lawyers seem sleazy or untrustworthy.
Unless your name is Phoenix Wright, Doctor wins.

Also you can represent yourself in court, pretty sure it's illegal to perform surgery on yourself.
This Doctor was on an arctic expedition and had to remove his own appendix.

Doctor. By a mile!

Lawyers suck as human beings most of the time. I became real close to going to Law School, but after working for a top litigator in San Diego during my Senior Year at UCSD, I realized how shitty the profession is and bowed out. The funny part is, my first real job out of college that did not totally suck was representing doctors and hospital groups on unpaid Medical Liens that had settled, but the lawyers kept the money. It was a dog fight with many lawyers, but after they got to know me they paid up quickly on future cases, because they didn't want to go through the threat of being disbarred through California Civil Code which allowed me to have their Trust Accounts audited to discover the disposition of my client's funds. They wanted no part of that and it's what the statute allowed. Now the California State Bar has been defanged and the same lawyers would likely laugh at me and keep the medical providers money.

I then worked for an actual Law Firm as the General Manager. I had multiple lawyers, paralegals, legal processors, collectors, etc. working for me by the age of 26. I did it for years until I was totally miserable and my hot wife told me to quit. I was offered 1/3 of the take from the lead lawyer, but turned it down to go into technology and eventually technology / energy. I'm far more happy and don't have to manage a legion of assholes.