Social How did your Thanksgiving political discussions with family go?

I think he's been much more than fine, but OK. I think concern about his ability to campaign is legitimate. Great president, never been good at campaigning. I strongly disagree about Newsom or Buttigieg, though, as I think they would be much weaker candidates (and separately, while I am extremely impressed with Buttigieg, I would have serious concerns about his lack of experience and I doubt he would be as effective as Biden has been in office). Whitmer, Klobuchar, Pritzker, or Beshear would be stronger candidates outside the factor of the dropout.
I know you rate Biden higher than I do. I’m just sayin, if we ranked all the presidents best to worst, where would Biden be? I’m thinking somewhere between #20-#25 and that’s fine. Not bad, but not amazing.

I felt the same way about Pete’s experience in 2020, but either 2024 or 2028 could be good for him. People have run for president and even won with the same experience or less. But someone young, intelligent, and articulate would be a big change from both Trump and Biden, and I’m all for it. I’m fine with Klobuchar too though.

I supported Biden in ‘08 sctuwlly before Obama gained traction, and I’ll be forever grateful to him for beating Trump. But I’d like to see him step aside at this point.
sherdog is my family. let's begin with the airing of grievances. i got a lot of problems with you people!
Airing of grievances is what we do in the WR every day lol
Goddamn man, dubs again??
I know you rate Biden higher than I do. I’m just sayin, if we ranked all the presidents best to worst, where would Biden be? I’m thinking somewhere between #20-#25 and that’s fine. Not bad, but not amazing.

I felt the same way about Pete’s experience in 2020, but either 2024 or 2028 could be good for him. People have run for president and even won with the same experience or less. But someone young, intelligent, and articulate would be a big change from both Trump and Biden, and I’m all for it. I’m fine with Klobuchar too though.

I supported Biden in ‘08 sctuwlly before Obama gained traction, and I’ll be forever grateful to him for beating Trump. But I’d like to see him step aside at this point.

Airing of grievances is what we do in the WR every day lol
Goddamn man, dubs again??
I think not as good as Obama but better than any other president since Eisenhower. Comparisons get harder as you go further back. I think it depends on the individual, but youth is a negative and intelligence and being articulate are way overrated when it comes to being president. From a high-level perspective, the most important aspect of the job is really staffing. In terms of making policy happen, there is some interpersonal persuasion stuff that matters. And of course, I think actual policy is hugely important, though people will disagree about what is good and bad there. You might think it's good luck, but Biden has seen insanely good numbers (I think much more of it is due to him than, say, Clinton or Reagan).
There was some discussion Israel/Palestine, but mostly it was about Football. most of our discussions are civil.
we spoke of how IG has become the "gore-ner" of social media. like seriously - I saw JFK's assassination for the first time, digitally enhanced, a guy getting crushed by a super train, Gazans rounded up & surrounded by IDF soldiers who beat & executed a Palestinian mother in front of her children, a whole bunch of Ring camera recorded deaths. a guy getting shot point blank in the eyes/face through the visor area of the motorcycle helmet he was wearing, that protected him from the headshots that were fired upon him prior, a suspended scaffold on a skyscraper being tossed around like a piece of paper with workers one by one falling to their deaths after gripping on for their dear lives. so much more. oh shit, I forgot - the speeding motorcycle deaths are fucking brutal holy fuck. one rider crashed into another, where the driver flew off the overpass & down 100+ feet.

I keep selecting 'not interested' too, shit doesn't help. it was the same for others too, when the fuck did this happen to IG??
maybe one of the first video you watched triggered the algorithm to return similar videos? Either start watching different video genre enough so those gore videos get override by the new ones or just create a new account
There was some hubbub over him pardoning not one, but two turkeys at my brother in law's shindig. Some called him a good man, others called him soft on crime. Then the pumpkin pie came out...
maybe one of the first video you watched triggered the algorithm to return similar videos? Either start watching different video genre enough so those gore videos get override by the new ones or just create a new account

already considered, my nieces aren't into watching this shit. yet they keep getting videos of people dying all the same.
Everyone in my family that attends holidays is on the left so it went pretty smoothly. Only a little bit of hypocrisy on their side as they mildly judged my for buying and owning three guns even though by way of inheritance each male there has more than I do lol!! Our grandparents were ranchers...

They are typical liberals, uneducated (on the trans issue only) so I just don't bring that up. They only know the obvious left positions that I agree with but have no real understanding of the nuances of the issue and the problems that need addressing.

It's mixed race with native american, black and mexican people along with white people represented.

But mostly we just enjoyed each other's company.
What calibers do you have?
Politics came up briefly. My family is religious conservative and they were hating on Trump. Not much was said about Biden other than he was old and senile.
I don't think politics came up this Thanksgiving. There was talk about ancestry, family tree work. Our guess has a last name of French yet his family ancestry is Greek. Sounded like his family was trying to pull a fast one over the French people at some point. Then the usual banter on usual non controversial stuff. Oh, something came up about schools. The feeling was that schools in the north are better. I was going to point out that Florida has been ranked the best state for education for 6 years in a row but let it pass. That was the worst of it.
I just found an old box of 10mm and it has me thinking if I can still handle that type of recoil...o_O
Yeah I prefer so called underpowered guns. I cannot miss with that .22. I mean I really can't miss. Tell me which leaf to shoot and I'll shoot that leaf right out of a tree.
My FIL didnt show up as he got sick, he's usually the one who cannot resist bringing g up religion (hes is very very Catholic and spends lots of his free time at Church with the choir), and politics. He doesnt get butt-hurt by me, though. Sometimes some of the conspiracy theorists in the Family will get butt-hurt from a far if I pick that sh*t apart to him in real time
More than that, the DNC has zero power in the matter. There actually are primary elections. It's just that no one takes them seriously when there's an incumbent president. In 2020, Bill Weld (among others, but he did the best) ran against Trump. Obama beat out John Wolfe Jr. among others in 2012. Bill Wyatt was the No. 2 vote-getter in the 2004 Republican primaries.

And the DNC is supposed to be neutral, by their charter, though the WH controls it when there is a sitting Democratic president. So either way, there's no authority here.

But for the broader issue, if Biden were to step aside, that would cause chaos. And there's just no reason for it. Polls this far out have very little predictive value, and by any reasonable measure, Biden has been a very good president.
"And the DNC is supposed to be neutral"
But they are not, they kicked out both Bernie and RFK JR. - Should have let them debate.

Even if you live in some sort of delusional alternative realty, where Biden is up early, killing deals, saving America, dropping killer speeches, and the average American is not concerned about inflation, wars, and silly policies, he still should have debated RFK, the peoples candidate.
FYI TS, the DNC has no say in who runs for president. Very odd misconception. Probably no group in the world with such a big contrast between their actual power and what CTers think their power is.

My family is cool. Great time with everyone, politics barely came up, everyone is very happy with Biden.

You're all very happy with Biden? Is EVERYONE in your family on the same mental state Biden is?
"And the DNC is supposed to be neutral"
But they are not, they kicked out both Bernie and RFK JR. - Should have let them debate.

Factual claim is false (also, they're not neutral when the president is a Democrat). Trump didn't debate Weld, Obama didn't debate Wolfe, Bush didn't debate Wyatt. No point in any of that.

Even if you live in some sort of delusional alternative realty, where Biden is up early, killing deals, saving America, dropping killer speeches, and the average American is not concerned about inflation, wars, and silly policies, he still should have debated RFK, the peoples candidate.

Well, in the actual reality, Biden is, in fact, killing deals (got a hugely consequential bipartisan infrastructure deal, for example), saving America (got us out of the pandemic recession and the pandemic), dropping killer speeches. Not sure if the average America is as deluded as you are, but inflation has factually been whupped, and we're extremely lucky to have Biden running foreign policy at this point. RFK has higher unfavorables than favorables among Democrats so he's definitely not the people's candidate. CTism and nepotism play better among Republicans actually, so he should try for their nomination.

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