Opinion How have the current Riots affected your voting decision?

Which party runs the cities where the police have the highest amount of abuse?
Haven't looked at the stats and I suspect there's a lot of factors we'd have to go into to have a serious discussion about his, but I know which party is more openly hostile toward different groups of people.

I'm not a water carrier for either of the two main parties so bear that in mind.
i think Trump has been a subpar president that hasnt accomplished anything but i could never vote for leftists.

Exactly. Trump has always been the lesser of two evils choice for me. He is still the lesser of two evils in the upcoming election. The left is just too insane.
Biden supports the rioters and is weak on China. I think Trump could have handled this better but a Biden presidency would be the death knell for America. You might as well learn how to speak Chinese at that point.

China will handle the protestors though
If you put a gun to my head, I'd vote Trump. But without the gun... 3rd party.
Biden will be a drooling vegetable soon, especially if he is placed under President-level stress. Plus he's a big fat pussy.

Anyways... whatever 3rd party candidate can make some tiny waves of discontent that might be noticed for 10 minutes or so. Every time.
The riots have shown neither Trump nor Biden are capable leaders in moments of crisis.
Are you referring to the protesters or the police?
Some wrongful deaths out of hundreds of millions of people shouldn't give anyone the right to loot and burn businesses down. Especially when it happens en mass across the country. What is the end game, what are they trying to accomplish exactly?
Don't understand why any sane person would vote for either of those cunts.
The leftards got all hysterical about Trump destroying America, but they are the idiots destroying the United States at the moment.
The riots may cause a few billion in damages.

But let me ask you this, who gave the richest of the rich upwards of 5 trillion of tax payer money during a pandemic while 40 million are out of work and there are food lines? Do you think the re-distribution of wealth to the tippy top will destroy the country more than some property damage?
Some wrongful deaths out of hundreds of millions of people shouldn't give anyone the right to loot and burn businesses down. Especially when it happens en mass across the country. What is the end game, what are they trying to accomplish exactly?

Change. And by change, I mean giving law enforcement an excuse to militarize themselves even further.

I love the logic that rioting and looting is somehow going to weaken the police force, and bring about change. Oh', you'll get some change alright...
Some wrongful deaths out of hundreds of millions of people shouldn't give anyone the right to loot and burn businesses down. Especially when it happens en mass across the country. What is the end game, what are they trying to accomplish exactly?
Do you really think people have taken to the streets and set a blaze buildings close to the white house because there were "some wrongful deaths"?
I believe these fuckers who are rioting and looting should be arrested for the scumbags they are but I still want Trump out of the white house. If I had to pick between Trump or Biden no doubt I would choose Biden. Tired of all his lies and criminal activities he surrounds himself in that white house and out of it.

Biden is owned by the Chinese.
Some wrongful deaths out of hundreds of millions of people shouldn't give anyone the right to loot and burn businesses down. Especially when it happens en mass across the country. What is the end game, what are they trying to accomplish exactly?
Riots are typically an expression of frustration, not a means to an end. If you want riots to cease, you need to ensure what MLK referred to as a "positive peace" achieved by justice rather than a "negative peace" which is merely hiding the tensions that exist.