I am very unathletic and I paid for it

start moving around at home, like shadow boxing, dancing, pretending to do random shit, put some music on and move around, i like to do it with a mirror or atleast to be able to see myself in a reflection in my peripherals, or try closing your eyes and dancing, maybe transition into stretching, try to really familiarize yourself with your body and what its limits are and how it moves and feels and then go from there but make it a habit and become consciously aware of your physical form more
Sorry to hear that, man. Keep those updates coming. Best wishes to you!

As others have said, Judo, man.

Here's a routine I do everyday. Keep in mind, you can do this little circuit for as many repetitions as you like for a great workout using minimal space, while you ingrain ukemi into your DNA:

Starting left side forward, complete the sequence, then perform it on the right:

1. Sprawl
2. Forward shoulder roll
3. Rear shoulder roll
4. Side break fall
5. Shrimp out to the right, grab a right underhook on an imaginary opponent, into right technical stand up
6. Forward break fall from squat/knees
7. Pop up to a squatting position, hit a rear break fall, now imaginary opponent has you in mount, elbow escape to half guard, shrimp to full guard
8. Imaginary opponent stands up, reach by your hips and pick both ankles while kicking off with both legs at their hips, then immediately exploding up in a technical stand up

Again, repeat on your right side. Do both sides, that's one repetition. You can add it anywhere in your work out, or just do it alone over and over.

Getting out hiking and climbing is always fun and helpful for acclimating your body to different planes of movement.

Best wishes to you!
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Hi, me again. I want to share what actually inspired made me try that ill-advised knee from which I ended up breaking my arm.

I noticed Dan's beautiful knee strikes. He's not telegraphing them at all. Very very sharp with these. Factory X guys throw similar knees.

The boxing bag that I wanted to hit was of the pear shaped kind. I wanted to hit the bottom of the bag (like with an uppercut) with a very high knee and from close distance. Like very sneaky knee. I wanted to see if I can hit the head from inside the pocket with a knee. But I failed to recognise that pro fighters who have good high knees are very flexible and they hit these knees on an opponent who either ducks into them or/and is shorter. And second: that my bag was hanging too high even for a flexible guy to hit it, let alone my unathletic fatass.

The video is for illustration. This is not me. But this is approximately how high was the bag compared to how tall I am.

If anybody wants to know my recovery goes relatively well. I don't have any pain in the arm, which is strange, because according to the x-rays the bone is not healed yet despite more than 3 months have passed since surgery. I'm gonna take another x-ray in August. I make my little athletic developing drills and do a lot of cardio now. Mostly running.