If you are Jon Jones would you fight Stipe or Aspinall for your legacy retirement fight?

If you are Jon Jones would you fight Stipe or Aspinall for your legacy retirement fight?

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Aspinall is a big and strong guy. I would like to see aspinall against JJ but honestly if I was JJ I would try to avoid that fight too. Stipe is too old to appear like a threat.
Most fighters are looking for the easiest fight for the most money, which would be Stipe here. Jon isn't going to get any new accolades at this point, isn't going to be around long enough for a defense record, and he already gets the PPV points no matter who he fights, so it's pretty much just take the fight with least chance of losing if the UFC allow him to avoid a tougher fight.
Too much of Jon's identity is hinged on being undefeated. He's afraid of losing because of this. He won't be able to handle it. Neither will his fanboys.

Jones doesn't want to fight anyone who's as hungry as Jon was from 2011-2015. Especially if they're as big and as skilled as Tom.

Jon plans on smashing old man Stipe and riding off into the sunset as the fake GOAT. I hope old man Stipe knocks him dead and spoils the party.

Is this real?
at this point, after wasting most of his career, i dont blame jon for choosing stripe over tom, taking the payday and calling it quits. im disappointed in him as he will always be remembered as ducking tom on his way out but he seems to not give a fuck anymore so, meh...

the best out come for the sport now would be both tom and stripe win and unify the belt and the division can move forward from there. if jon wins then retires, toms left with a shadow of a belt and imo he would need to clear the division to be considered its true champion, thats a long road.
Stipe because Aspinall would beat me.
Stipe obviously.

It wraps up Jones’ legacy of beating all the greats in his generation.

Aspinall is no doubt the more dangerous fight, but he’s a virtual nobody.
I'd fight Miocic. Easier fight, bigger name. More money.

Why risk everything at the last turn fighting a much larger HW who is young and in his prime? Jones would be exorbitantly dumb to risk his undefeated record at the last stretch to silence critics.

Jones is way past his prime, and his last three fights prior to submitting a clueless Gane were his worst performances, with two questionable decisions at LHW: Smith, Santos, and Reyes. That was years ago. And we just don't know what will happen to Aspinall in the future: he could lose to Blaydes or whoever and if so it would look worse for Jones.

But of course Aspinall is the more challenging fight.
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If I were Jones, I had his insane skillset and career of beating up everyone I've ever fought, I'd fight Aspinall. I'd fight the biggest challenge possible to put an exclamation mark on the end of my career and prove I'm the best by a clear margin.

That's what I don't get about Jon, as good as he is, he's a headcase that lacks conviction that he can win.

That's why he partied and got wrecked on booze and coke before fights, so he had an excuse if he was beaten. That's why he has a history of doing PEDS to get an unfair advantage, that's why he always manages to do something to get out of fights with power punchers, Rumble, and Francis. The one time he did fight one in Rampage he literally extended his arms and fingers as far as they would go the entire fight and even turned tail and literally ran a few times in the fight.

People forget Jones is way, way past his prime. Prior to submit an utterly clueless Gane, he had back to back the three worst performances of his career at LHW, with two arguable decisions: Smith, Santos, and Reyes. That was years ago. Fighting a much larger and younger Aspinall at the end of his career and risk it all for someone who is far from an established name is simply dumb.
If Jon Jones beats old Stipe who hasn't fought for 3 years, is that even a big deal for his legacy?

But if he beats Aspinall would that cement his legacy as the GOAT even more so?

Pros in fighting Stipe. He's considered by some the greatest HW fighter.

Pros in fighting Aspinall. Current interim champion and a guy in his prime.


Stipe...without a doubt

Aspinall is not a champion level fighter yet... he's only an interim champion cuz Jones got hurt...

Stipe however is a proven HW ex champion with Tons of top wins that will undoubtedly boost ones resume ... and fill my bank account

And then. Id fight tom
Stipe for sure.

But whether or not this fight should happen it’s a different story.

If I were the UFC, I’d like to book this fight because it will sell PPVs, Jones will probably win and maybe the UFC could book another huge title fight with him as champ.

As a fight fan and from a sports perspective, I dont like Jones vs Stipe. Jones should fight Tom. He’s the IC and the best fight out there in terms of skills and excitment.

So it all depends on the perspective.
one has the recor
If Jon Jones beats old Stipe who hasn't fought for 3 years, is that even a big deal for his legacy?

But if he beats Aspinall would that cement his legacy as the GOAT even more so?

Pros in fighting Stipe. He's considered by some the greatest HW fighter.

Pros in fighting Aspinall. Current interim champion and a guy in his prime.

one has the record for most defenses at HW and other has one good win one...
Stipe first, then the winner of Aspinall/Blaydes, and then maybe another fight or two after that. If Jon is making big money in these fights I'd probably want to keep making big money.

There's also the option of beating Stipe and then retiring so trolls online can cry, cope, seethe, and forever not bust that nut they been waiting to let out for a decade and a half.
Alex Pereria is his best possible fight he could make regarding draw ability an fan interest

imo this is the meta move for Jon.

He gets an OBVIOUS path to victory a la Gane, he gets a big name with a strong legacy, and he gets a fight people will be hyped for since the guy has fought since pre-Nam.

I don't really get the "legacy" aspect of either Tom/Stipe fight at this point, considering Jon's case is pretty cemented as the GOAT if you don't consider steroids. If you do, no win is changing your mind.

And even if Jon wins, he beats either a young bum or an old, washed bum. If he loses, he can blame his own age. Prime Jones is going to be hard to beat resume-wise given the list of killers he dismantled.
imo this is the meta move for Jon.

He gets an OBVIOUS path to victory a la Gane, he gets a big name with a strong legacy, and he gets a fight people will be hyped for since the guy has fought since pre-Nam.

I don't really get the "legacy" aspect of either Tom/Stipe fight at this point, considering Jon's case is pretty cemented as the GOAT if you don't consider steroids. If you do, no win is changing your mind.

And even if Jon wins, he beats either a young bum or an old, washed bum. If he loses, he can blame his own age. Prime Jones is going to be hard to beat resume-wise given the list of killers he dismantled.
There's no fighter in MMA history with Jones resume and there wont be imo . Alex would be perfect last fight for him.
Stipe does nothing for Jon in the eyes of the real fans I would be much more impressed if Jones beats Tom
cant believe there are weirdos who voted for tom

lol even if he beats tom
then toms goes on a decline
no one remembers tom

but if u beat stipe with a bigger payday
the HW GOAT in your resume
thats 100x better
stipes name will be rememberd for 50 years
dont know about tom lmao
now you go figure this out