International International Genocide Trial Featuring Israel

You don't know what happens to Christians in dominant Muslim nations throughout Africa and the Middle East apparently.

Oh, horrendous shit happens.

But are they really on this scale?
Oh, horrendous shit happens.

But are they really on this scale?

They have been and it's been met with silence by bodies like the U.N. and international courts.



(2021 - Regarding 2010 slaughter of Christians)


Israel certainly should not get a pass, but the Muslims have been getting a pass on their persecution of Christians for decades.
You don't know what happens to Christians in dominant Muslim nations throughout Africa and the Middle East apparently.

- A crime doesn't excuse the other!

The fact that Bibi used that attack to camuflage his failed justicial overhaul, and as a excuse to execute thousand of civilians. He is a worst monster than Putin and George Bush Senior.

Didn't even Stalin respect the civilians corridors at war?

We know aht happens to people at those countries and hope some-day the UN will stop turning a blind eye. Like they have been doing to Israel all those decades!
I dont know the ins and outs of the UN but doesn't the U.S. typically block anything they try to do against our allies? How is this different? The UN would have brought Israel to heel long ago for their illegal settlements if not for the U.S.
They have been and it's been met with silence by bodies like the U.N. and international courts.



(2021 - Regarding 2010 slaughter of Christians)


Israel certainly should not get a pass, but the Muslims have been getting a pass on their persecution of Christians for decades.

Look, I'm not going to downplay these atrocities. They are awful.

But just to explain, I don't think it's easy to compare any modern 'warfare' to what's happening in Gaza, and in so short a time.

It might be the most concentrated, most brutal assault on a populace anywhere on Earth for at least a few decades.

South Africa presented their case in an initial 85 page document, followed up by their presentation. Including;

- Three pages of qoutes with ethnic cleansing and genocidal intent from Israeli officials and military leaders. This is important because it provides evidence for intent.

- The indiscriminate bombing campaign dropping more bombs in a few months than the entirety of the Iraq and Afghanistan war, with half being unguided and hundreds being 2000lbs bombs in the so called designated 'safe zones' they told the civilians to go to. There are defacto no shelter or safe zones in Gaza.

- The total destruction of the infrastructure in Gaza, including 2/3 of all structures in Northern Gaza and 60 percent of all residential homes. This coincides with the displacement of nearly 2.000.000 people. In addition to the strategic targeting in the air and on the ground of government buildings, places of worship, libraries, food mills, stores and record archives.

- The destruction of the healthcare system, now running at less than 30 percent capacity. More directly, the withholding of medicine, power and aid to hospitals resulting in disease and needless suffering. This includes C-sections and amputations without anasthesia as well as several epidemics not being treatable.

- The deliberate and stated intentional use of starvation tactics through blocking food, water and power to the civilian population as collective punishment resulting in nearly a million people starving. This is currently being described as the worst humanitarian crisis in modern history and it's estimated that 80 percent of global famine is currently in Gaza.

- The killing of 24.000 people, including almost 10.000 children in three months, as well as the largest amount of journalists and UN workers in UN history. In addition to 60.000 injured and thousands missing. Estimates are that nearly 5 percent of the population in Gaza have either been killed, injured or are missing. This is ongoing and more than 100 children are still killed each day.

- The more than 7.000 Palestinians currently held in Israeli prisons, many without trial or charges and indefinitely.

- The documented incidents of soldiers on the ground summarily executing civilians, including the case of the Israeli hostages, the storming of Al-Shifa leaving infants to rot, bulldozing bodies and homes, humiliating, kidnapping and torturing civilians, destroying shops and homes and using excessive force.
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South Africa presented their case in an initial 85 page document, followed up by their presentation. Including;

- Three pages of qoutes with ethnic cleansing and genocidal intent from Israeli officials and military leaders. This is important because it provides evidence for intent.

- The indiscriminate bombing campaign dropping more bombs in a few months than the entirety of the Iraq and Afghanistan war, with half being unguided and hundreds being 2000lbs bombs in the so called designated 'safe zones' they told the civilians to go to. There are defacto no shelter or safe zones in Gaza.

- The total destruction of the infrastructure in Gaza, including 2/3 of all structures in Northern Gaza and 60 percent of all residential homes. This coincides with the displacement of nearly 2.000.000 people. In addition to the strategic targeting in the air and on the ground of government buildings, places of worship, libraries, food mills, stores and record archives.

- The destruction of the healthcare system, now running at less than 30 percent capacity. More directly, the withholding of medicine, power and aid to hospitals resulting in disease and needless suffering. This includes C-sections and amputations without anasthesia as well as several epidemics not being treatable.

- The deliberate and stated intentional use of starvation tactics through blocking food, water and power to the civilian population as collective punishment resulting in nearly a million people starving. This is currently being described as the worst humanitarian crisis in modern history and it's estimated that 80 percent of global famine is currently in Gaza.

- The killing of 24.000 people, including almost 10.000 children in three months, as well as the largest amount of journalists and UN workers in UN history. In addition to 60.000 injured and thousands missing. Estimates are that nearly 5 percent of the population in Gaza have either been killed, injured or are missing. This is ongoing and more than 100 children are still killed each day.

- The more than 7.000 Palestinians currently held in Israeli prisons, many without trial or charges and indefinitely.

- The documented incidents of soldiers on the ground summarily executing civilians, including the case of the Israeli hostages, the storming of Al-Shifa leaving infants to rot, bulldozing bodies and homes, humiliating, kidnapping and torturing civilians, destroying shops and homes and using excessive force.

"Time to put Gaza on a diet."
"Time to put Gaza on a diet."

Defense minister announces ‘complete siege’ of Gaza: No power, food or fuel

The Times of Israel
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he has ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, as Israel fights the Hamas terror group.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.

“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.

Starvation as weapon of war being used against Gaza civilians - Oxfam

The international agency analyzed UN data and found that just 2 percent of food that would have been delivered has entered Gaza since the total siege - which tightened the existing blockade - was imposed on 9 October; following the atrocious attacks by Hamas and the taking of Israeli civilian hostages. While a small amount of food aid has been allowed in, no commercial food imports have been delivered. 

International Humanitarian Law (IHL) strictly prohibits the use of starvation as a method of warfare and as the occupying power in Gaza, Israel is bound by IHL obligations to provide for the needs and protection of the population of Gaza. In 2018, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2417, which unanimously condemned the use of starvation against civilians as a method of warfare and declared any denial of humanitarian access a violation of international law. Oxfam said that it is becoming painfully clear that the unfolding humanitarian situation in Gaza squarely fits the prohibition condemned in the resolution. 

Hamas Terrorists to Receive Oct. 7 Martyr Stipends​

"Since the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Authority has added thousands of Palestinians to its list of people who qualify to receive terror stipends, an Israeli watchdog reported on Wednesday.

The findings sparked outrage among surviving residents of the communities.

P.A. officials announced that 3,550 terrorists imprisoned in Israel will receive payouts, as will the families of 23,210 slain "martyrs," the Jerusalem-based Palestine Media Watch (PMW) said."
Is this one of those UN things that the USA can arbitrarily block despite the whole world agreeing they're wrong?

The US actually passed a law obligating the military to invade the Netherlands if the Hague prosecutes Americans. That doesn't apply to Israel but that pretty much tells you how the US views the Hague prosecuting US friendly war criminals.
Of all nations to bring the charge, it’s South Africa. <Lmaoo>
The US actually passed a law obligating the military to invade the Netherlands if the Hague prosecutes Americans. That doesn't apply to Israel but that pretty much tells you how the US views the Hague prosecuting US friendly war criminals.
That is true and it's doubtful that even if Israel is found guilty that they will respect the decision or stop the war. They are already claiming that if they lose it's because of bias and persecution. At the same time, it'll lend credibility to the claim that Israel is committing war crimes and might be enough to weaken their support, thus putting more pressure on them to kill less civilians.

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