Is Georges St-Pierre the hardest fighter to dislike?

He is definitely one of them. But for the professional haters, they’ll find a way.
I can understand being indifferent, but if someone actively dislikes or even hates him, that is a projection that is indicative of some internal conflict in that person. There's no legitimate reason to dislike.
except that his fights are awfully boring.
Man, the guy is likable.

For those who missed it, I just found this on Youtube:

The guy is so likable and genuine in interviews.

No proven PED use, no big controversies.

Just a likable, handsome Canadian.

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Plenty of haters on this forum. Usually Anderson Silva fans though....
GSP is a bit too Mr.Perfect for many. And he had a very conservative fighting style for a long time.

He's my favorite fighter, but it's not hard to dislike him.

I think someone like Whitaker is really hard to dislike. Exciting, humble, down to earth... the works.

Sakuraba... an absolute legend. Class act. And hilarious.

Also, Roxy.... come on. She's so classy and dedicated.

Also, Anthony Smith came across really well lately.

I personally don't understand how people can find Cormier not loveable. He's an incredible human.

You had me agreeing with you right up until you mentioned Cormier.
GSP had the audacity to say something like "don't blink" and then go out there and hold a guy on the mat for 24+ minutes while not doing a whole lot of anything. Not to mention he couldn't even come up with his own trash talk against Hughes (copying his "not impressed" statement). Finally, he retires after he gets a beating put on him by Hendricks, and then comes back and cherry picks Bisping...and then walks away again.

So no...I find it very easy to dislike GSP, at least as a fighter. I don't give a shit about fighters outside of their actions in the cage, so him doing whatever else he does in his personal life is his personal business. When it comes to the UFC and fighting he was easily one of the best, but he was also easily one of the least exciting.
Yeah, he just genuinely comes across as a good human.
Except for GreaseGate, Point Fighting and oh, his steroid use. Besides that, he's a peach.
Oh let me count the ways...

- became incredibly boring after losing to Serra. Took zero risks and always bought a dull fight
- talks up a superfight against Silva for years but never delivers
- gifted a decision against Hendricks, not his fault but annoying
- immediately retires, refusing to give Hendricks a rematch
- constantly talks about returning but hides away from people like Lawler, Woodley, Weidman, rockhold, etc
- waits til the perfect cherry picked opponent (bisping) is available, Dana gives immediate title shot over more deserving people like Jacare, Romero, etc
- tells Dana that he will defend title, but then goes 1 and done, refusing to defend against people he knows would whoop his ass (Whittaker)
- greased against Penn
- hgh gut and chiselled physique, at the minimum very suspect, especially considering the "retirement" when USADA comes in
- seems extremely unintelligent, literally goes on Rogans show and says he thinks he's been abducted by aliens because sometimes he goes to bed and doesn't remember sleeping
- no personality
- gets compared to actual goats like Silva and Fedor, despite tapping to strikes against a lw and wrestle/pointfighting to decisions

anderson silva lost to japanese lw, fedor never came to the ufc

lol at grease penn, bitterness is not good for the heart or soul
I definitely respect the hell out of the guy, but I was never a fan. Most of his fights weren't very exciting and that's putting it mildly.

Oddly enough, while I was just kinda neutral on GSP (he seemed like a great guy, but a boring fighter) for some reason my wife HATED him. He and Bisping were the two fighters she just absolutely hated and I think she would've rooted for Osama bin Laden over either one of them.
As far as being a gentleman I'd say yes he's right up there with Wonderboy. But he is a bit of a diva when it comes to fight selection and he played it about as safe as he could in the octagon, especially during his second title run. Plus he even admitted that he hated being a fighter. So for those reasons I could see why someone might "dislike" him on a professional, not personal level.
A Silva is up there. Doesn't seem to take himself too seriously, has a fun personality, usually fights exciting.
As far as being a gentleman I'd say yes he's right up there with Wonderboy. But he is a bit of a diva when it comes to fight selection and he played it about as safe as he could in the octagon, especially during his second title run. Plus he even admitted that he hated being a fighter. So for those reasons I could see why someone might "dislike" him on a professional, not personal level.

GSPs whole career it was line up one WW after another. He took them all on.. He only used his power at the very end of his career with match ups..
I love GSP as a person, and he's an amazing fighter. It's his diehard Canadian fans that I don't like. I don't think anyone would argue he's not a top 3 GOAT but his diehard fans make me think I'm watching Brokeback Mountain.
People who think GSP is impossible to dislike are universally Canadian.

A lot of Canadians don't like GSP either. Partly a Canadian trait (many Canadians try to cut down anyone who is doing better than themselves). For instance, a lot of Canadians don't like much better and more famous athletes like Sid Crosby, Steve Nash, and even Wayne Gretzky.

I don't know much about him, but he seems to be pretty good guy based on his public persona.
In all serious I find it to be Fedor. One flaw people might find that GSP has is that he is boring. Has nothing to do if he's a nice guy or whatever just that people might not like the guy because of it(and that's subjective). That does factor in with a lot of people as a potential reason to like or dislike a fighter. I don't see how Fedor even has that. He's a smiling Russian that is super respectful with the ultimate mindset in the ring. I've seen the guy have massive haters on here and it's perplexing so I've narrowed it down to possibly why.

He beat your favorite fighter
You've drank the UFC kool-aid
You're nationalistic
You enjoy being a contrarion.
You dislike his fanbase so you dislike him.
Your favorite fighter is a potential goat so you want Fedor diminished.
hes easy to hate because of his fans

True of every famous fighter, and in fact every famous athlete ever. Most of us never meet any famous fighters or athletes, so our opinion is based partly on their public persona (typically an act), and partly on their fans. And fans are almost always hopelessly biased in favor of their hero (part of being a fan), which is always annoying.

All fans are annoying, and that annoyance gets transferred to the fighter.