is WEIGHT GAIN possible on a Paleo diet?


Sep 2, 2006
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the plan is to limit myself to just meat, eggs, nuts and fruits/veggies. no carbs.

would weight gain still be possible on this?
Yes, weight gain is possible on a paleo diet.

Yes, fruits and vegetables are composed of carbohydrates.

Yes, the stickies are full of great information.
Let me make one thing clear... If you are in a caloric surplus on any diet; you are going to gain weight.
to lose weight you need to spend x+cal than you eat
to keep weight you need to spend x cal than you eat
to gain weight you need to spend x-1 cal than you eat

all the rest is bull shit
Yes, weight gain is possible on a paleo diet.

Yes, fruits and vegetables are composed of carbohydrates.

Yes, the stickies are full of great information.

Most things on this forum are pretty lame, especially lately, but this made me LOL...
to lose weight you need to spend x+cal than you eat
to keep weight you need to spend x cal than you eat
to gain weight you need to spend x-1 cal than you eat

all the rest is bull shit

Yeah, but it's not that simple. Some diets are way easier to get caloric surplus/caloric decifit. That's just my experience.

I did the Warrior Diet, which is an intermittent fasting paleo type diet, and I would find it very hard to gain weight on. The reason being that eating this way, a healthy natural way, you get a tendency to eat enough but not more than that.

In my limited real world experience, low carb diets make you lean (and strong with weight training), but not 'huge'.
You could do "Gallon of Goat Milk a Day". GOGMAD? I believe goat milk is still considered Paleo.
You can gain weight eating nothing but watermelon and lima beans. And you can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies. I think you need to read the FAQs a little more, TS.
It's very possible and in my opinion a better way of doing it than going for a huge carb binge. Better for overall health and body composition.
What are you trying to gain weight for? Can you gain weight eating paleo...yes. Is it optimal? No.
there are carb sources that are paleo like sweet potatoes, but doing it without carbs will be a bit more difficult.

Consume mass quantities.
there are carb sources that are paleo like sweet potatoes, but doing it without carbs will be a bit more difficult.

Consume mass quantities.

Sweet potatoes are not paleo.
It's possible but not easy. Paleo is good for people trying to lose weight. If you want to gain a lot of mass, I'd suggest not doing Paleo. The reason is that Paleo is great for trigger satiety and getting you full for LESS calories. Obviously this is the opposite effect from what you want.

If you do Paleo, you'd have to start resorting to some weird 'tricks' to get your cal intake up like stuffing yourself with nuts (no jokes please) or drinking shots of olive oil. If you're gonna do extreme stuff, then what's the point? Just eat pizza until you get to your goal weight and then change it up when you want to cut or maintain.
You also need fruits. The filling of glycogen and liver stimulates anabolism.