Joe Rogan continues his series of alt right interviews: 915 Nick DiPaolo

And yet for some of us Steve Rinella and Ryan Calghan are the only ones we go out of our way to listen to
rinella only been twice too709/879 and that shirt guy only once
Heres a suggestion:

Dont listen to the podcast if you dislike the quality of guest. Its got fuck all to do with you who he has on. Its an audio bit on the internet. Simpmy dont download it.

Why not focus your outrage on bigger fish?

But I am special, I can do anything I put my mind to, the world revolves around me, only my opinions matter and I should get whatever I demand.

Joe Rogan's role in creating the pro-Trump, alt-right sphere of influence has to be analyzed more critically (self.GamerGhazi)

submitted 8 days ago * by TheRootsCrew

I've been talking about this more and more, but we have to acknowledge a few facts. I'm taking this from /u/bom-chicka-wah-wah

Namely people like Joe Rogan. I used to be a fan of Joe's podcast, now i can't fucking stand it. I lost all respect for him after he starting hitting the Alt-right crack pipe.

Some of his past guests :

  • Milo Yiannopoulos
  • Steven Crowder
  • Dave Rubin
  • Charles C. Johnson
  • Christina Hoff Sommers

You and whoever that Reddit tard is are complete total dumbfucks.

Nick has been friends with Joe for years and has been on his Podcast before. So what their opinion differs from you? What you want some Libtard echo chamber? Fack off and don't listen to Joe, who btw, is Liberal in many ways and Conservative in others.

Pussy snowflakes.
So funny how the Left get all hysterical and hateful simply because Rogan has people on his show who they don't agree with.
He had Henry Rollins on a few weeks ago for christs sake and the majority of his comedian friends are Trump hating liberals.
He has a mix of guests and of course this is something the Left absolutely HATE.
It's either everything their way and everything they agree with and want, or nothing at all.
It doesn't just end there. Here are some other alt-right literally Hitlers he's had.






Other than Sam Harris, which one of those looked interesting to you to click it?

I clicked on the first Kasparian "video", wondering what they talked about, given that this was before Trump showed up.
The problem is that the left in 2016 hitched itself to a frickin demon and thusly lost more than a little charm and flair. Rogan is a purveyor of zeitgeist, is he supposed to focus on the gloomy blacklisting goons? He has to make good radio.
He keeps on alt writing.

Did you watch the show with Neil De Grasse Tyson? I only bring him up because during the show he brought up a Wiki page that listed all the cognitive biases and how our education system neglects teaching them.
Confirmation Bias: The tendency to search for, interpret, focus on information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions.
Joe brings in guests with ideas across the spectrum. If you don't recognize that context, if you selectively focus on the guests with ideas that you don't agree with, then you're just an idiot. Probably a very weak and insecure one at that.
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You know Neil DeGrasse Tyson pays Anthony Cumia to sublet his studio. Yet Cumia is meant to be an evil nasty guy.
So funny how the Left get all hysterical and hateful simply because Rogan has people on his show who they don't agree with.
He had Henry Rollins on a few weeks ago for christs sake and the majority of his comedian friends are Trump hating liberals.
He has a mix of guests and of course this is something the Left absolutely HATE.
It's either everything their way and everything they agree with and want, or nothing at all.

They live in a bubble. They degrade any thought that differs from theirs and are basically fascist.

Joe simply provides a platform for people on the right because unlike liberal media, he realizes that there is more to gain from intelligent debate than from silencing who you disagree with.

I remember when Fallon has Trump on and was blasted by pussy liberals who wanted him to attack him. They were angry that he showed his guest respect and treated him like a gratious host.