Lost streetfights ...


Purple Belt
Sep 22, 2016
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I have to obligate so there was this time when I just came back to Paris suburbs after a year in the country (suburbs in Paris are quite the opposite as the suburbs in US) and got shitfaced with pals IN Paris. Left too late, too drunk, no more subways, it was the winter and fucking snowing, had to walk for an hour + in this shit ... Finally get close to home, cross a group of people, try to communicate friendly, end up badly, tell the "alpha" of the group to go fuck himself ... I'm 1.75m, he was prob 1.90, charges me and hit me with a few punches, I don't hit shit so I take him to the ground, end up on bottom and grab his hair like a bitch so he don't have have the room to punch.

Had my knife but didn't use it , it was a ok one on one, their pals braked it.

The guy didn't do any damage appart from a slice from a ring I think, must be punching like a bitch but anyway I clearly got my ass handed that time.

My girl gave me a rough time until a told her I was the one attacked by bigger and lose, then she was all caring and erotic :)

What about you alpha sherbraz ? Ever lost a fight ?
I walked past this pub while making my way home from work.

Then I heard some bizzar comments about my hairline being shouted at me.

I turn around and some short guy starts saying he'll touch me with "teh"? Jab or something.

I make a run for it mean while he's trying to jab the back of my head.
Run up on Waylon Mercy you aint gon run you gon float. I'll run off with ya ho and you'll run off as a ghost.
late at night I was walking home from work and while smoking a cigarette, some hoodlum esque teenager asked me for one. I politely said no because I myself had bummed one off a coworker. A bit later down the road I hear someone running behind me so I looked back and saw the guy who tried to get a cigarette from me. He tried to tackle me and and I shrugged him off. He then throws up his hands in "boxing" guard, does that reverse nod thing where you throw your chin up and says "sup?!". I punch him hard in the stomach and his two friends who I didn't see at all tackled me to the ground and held me to beat the shit out of my head. I tried grabbing ankles, grabbing rocks, throwing my hands around like a maniac but I just took a beating. I slumped the rest of way home where my gf was too busy playing Guitar Hero to notice I was bleeding and sluggish. Bitch.
Well that explains a lot. You should stick to physics instead of fighting.

You are so cute with your "white flag white flag" stupidities in your brain.
I've fucked up white, muslims and jews (the bad kind, the League of Defense stuff) ; no blacks or asians tho.

Moved to backcountry anyway and 30 pushing, no more streetfights
Take it easy Mr. Le Pew. I'm just teasing you.

I got the shit kicked out of me at a Phish concert. I was wearing a Knucklehead Smith tee shirt at the time. Boy did I feel silly.
Take it easy Mr. Le Pew. I'm just teasing you.

I got the shit kicked out of me at a Phish concert. I was wearing a Knucklehead Smith tee shirt at the time. Boy did I feel silly.

Wup. What about telling it ? That's the meaning of the thread.
late at night I was walking home from work and while smoking a cigarette, some hoodlum esque teenager asked me for one. I politely said no because I myself had bummed one off a coworker. A bit later down the road I hear someone running behind me so I looked back and saw the guy who tried to get a cigarette from me. He tried to tackle me and and I shrugged him off. He then throws up his hands in "boxing" guard, does that reverse nod thing where you throw your chin up and says "sup?!". I punch him hard in the stomach and his two friends who I didn't see at all tackled me to the ground and held me to beat the shit out of my head. I tried grabbing ankles, grabbing rocks, throwing my hands around like a maniac but I just took a beating. I slumped the rest of way home where my gf was too busy playing Guitar Hero to notice I was bleeding and sluggish. Bitch.
Pics of gf (bitch)?
Got hit with one of these once. I was told later that I lost the decision on points...

Got sucker punched once whilst sat down at a park, blacked out and came to walking him down warding off his punches before tripping him with a daeshi harai and landing in full mount. He cried for me to let him go and then chatted shit when I had mercy and let him go.

Actually that's not the most of a loss I've had, it was as a teen. I bumped into a dude at a concert and he turned and punched me in the face. I ate it, was too surprised to do anything, was the first proper punch I'd taken.
The worst my ass has been kicked was when couple of my friends and I went to a club in rural area where one of my buddies was supposed to pick up some hot village chick. Ended up fighting at least 20 guys in the middle of the club with zero chance of getting out. Redneck stomp is unlike anything else, my friends.
Been suckered punched a few times - so yeah.

Got TKO'd in an MMA fight and once in kickboxing (both amateur).

*I guess I should have read the title more carefully - street fights. Never really been in any outside of getting sucker punched (once in the bar and once while walking down the alley drinking brews with some of my friends and then dude got violent).
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Wup. What about telling it ? That's the meaning of the thread.
Well this group of young men were engaged in tomfoolery and kicked a beer that sprayed my wife. I informed said youngmen of their abhorrent behavior and the insults inflicted upon my lady. In protest, a lad, outside my field of vision, smote the side of my head. I lunged forward executing a solid double leg on the rapscallion in front of me.
In hind site this was a terrible plan. As I lay pronate upon my would be attacker , the remaining foes took the opportunity to take boots to my head and sides. I grabbed one of the others by the balls... literally fished around until I could feel his balls, and crushed them.
Shortly after security came by and broke it up. But I took lumps that day.