mark my words: Belal will never get a title shot


Gold Belt
Apr 11, 2010
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Doesn't matter if he wins 10 more in a row. TKO PR account reasoning aside, it has nothing to do with how many decisions he has (in case you think that's true... last title shot was Colby lol).

The chance of Belal getting a shot at a belt in 2024 is the same as an Iraqi person fighting for a belt in the UFC in 2005. Same as a Jewish person competing in Germany in 1943 where they'd have a chance to grab the mic and give a national speech if they won. 0% chance. There is absolutely no way a situation would ever be allowed where he might win and give a post-fight speech while wearing a UFC belt representing the company. Can you imagine the organization dealing with youtube videos with titles like "newly crowned UFC champ pleads with world to pay attention to ethnic cleansing in Middle East"? Me neither.

Attack the messenger if you want. Attack the premise if you want. But what you absolutely, positively, cannot do is ever prove me wrong by bumping this thread once he's in the cage fighting for a title while the war is still going on.

Mark it / the sooner we grow up and understand how the world works the less time we'll waste fooling ourselves into thinking he could have fought at 300 or "if only he wins X more fights then surely he'll get a title shot" etc etc. Not happening.
Ah yes. Of course. You are the mature one here, according to you. Got it. Thanks for letting us know
Attack me personally if you want, sure.

Please try and bump this based on whatever happens though. If he never gets a title shot, will you reply? I would happily account bet if it meant anything (not that it does but you get my point)... since him getting a title shot has a 0% chance of happening as long as the war is active.
I dunno man. They have let, and still let athletes from some of the worst parts of the world compete. One of the most popular UFC champs has taken pictures with a dude who has committed what equates to genocide. I dont think the reasons your saying at why he wont get a title shot. Its because he's boring.
Ehhh I don’t buy it. Khamzat went on the mic after his last fight and speaking in Chechen he made a plea for Kadyrov to allow him to go to Palestine and fight in the war. Remember- “I was not raised to fight in these shorts….” Yet it seems like the UFC is trying to get him into a title shot as fast as they can. If they would let Khamzat fight for a title despite his beliefs regarding Israel/Palestine then why not Belal?
One of the most popular UFC champs has taken pictures with a dude who has committed what equates to genocide.
Who are you talking about?

Whoever they were, they likely had no direct political intersection to anything connected to the company.

An uncensored Iraqi in 2005 is the closest parallel I can draw. No way he'd get a title shot in an American company just in case he won and then gave a speech about white phosphorous attacks or something.

Ehhh I don’t buy it. Khamzat went on the mic after his last fight and speaking in Chechen he made a plea for Kadyrov to allow him to go to Palestine and fight in the war. Remember- “I was not raised to fight in these shorts….” Yet it seems like the UFC is trying to get him into a title shot as fast as they can. If they would let Khamzat fight for a title despite his beliefs regarding Israel/Palestine then why not Belal?
Khamzat isn't Palestinian. I get what you're saying but less than 1% of media/casual fans process what he said in Chechen. If he won Belal would be speaking English as the reigning Palestinian UFC champ. PR armageddon.

EDIT: Also if we're being honest Khamzat hasn't been booked since then + Dana outright doubled back on his public promise that a win over Kamaru would result in a title shot so yeah that example isn't reassuring at all
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Khamzat isn't Palestinian. I get what you're saying but less than 1% of media/casual fans process what he said in Chechen. If he won Belal would be speaking English as the reigning Palestinian UFC champ. PR armageddon.

I actually think Belal would be easier for the UFC to work with in this regard than Khamzat. They can talk to Belal about their concerns and why it’s important for him to be careful about what he says in public. But Khamzat will, at the end of the day, say whatever he feels. Anyways, I don’t think the war has anything to do with Belal not getting his title shot.
I think you're exaggerating. It's not that controversial to be pro-Palestinian. Pretty sure he's next but I guess we'll see.
Ethnic cleansing lol!

Arabs took that land by force. They can lose it by force.

Stuff happens.
I actually think Belal would be easier for the UFC to work with in this regard than Khamzat. They can talk to Belal about their concerns and why it’s important for him to be careful about what he says in public. But Khamzat will, at the end of the day, say whatever he feels.
Good point / that may be true.

But I don't think how pliable Belal is even enters the equation... I just think it is a line too far that the top of the company won't even bother to consider.

Think of it this way... what impetus would they have NOT to cancel him? The worst that'll happen is a handful of us will make a thread calling them on the bullshit exactly like I'm doing now. Will the MMA media attack the UFC for it (lol yes that's a joke)? Will there be a revolt on the part of casuals? Belal has a mountain against him/no means to surpass it.
I think he gets the next shot or a number 1 contenders match at least.
And Dionysian lol...strange for someone with a Greek name to be simping for Arabs who took traditionally Greek lands from Greek and then proceeded to genocide Greeks and all sorts of non Muslims.

Let me know when the scary Jews start the death marches for Arabs.
While a company with a significant Jewish American ownership runs the UFC, the biggest conflict of interest is not Belal using it as a platform for #FREEPALESTINE, it's that he's not a draw, and the point of a corporation is to make the shareholders as much $ as possible.
Same as Tony, Khabib, and Dariush being passed over.
Ethnic cleansing lol!

Arabs took that land by force. They can lose it by force.

Stuff happens.
Palestinians are closer genetically to ancient Israelites than anyone except samaritans and Iraqi jews. what do you think happens when a group of people convert, do they lose their ancestral ties to a land?
Doesn't matter if he wins 10 more in a row. TKO PR account reasoning aside, it has nothing to do with how many decisions he has (in case you think that's true... last title shot was Colby lol).

The chance of Belal getting a shot at a belt in 2024 is the same as an Iraqi person fighting for a belt in the UFC in 2005. Same as a Jewish person competing in Germany in 1943 where they'd have a chance to grab the mic and give a national speech if they won. 0% chance. There is absolutely no way a situation would ever be allowed where he might win and give a post-fight speech while wearing a UFC belt representing the company. Can you imagine the organization dealing with youtube videos with titles like "newly crowned UFC champ pleads with world to pay attention to ethnic cleansing in Middle East"? Me neither.

Attack the messenger if you want. Attack the premise if you want. But what you absolutely, positively, cannot do is ever prove me wrong by bumping this thread once he's in the cage fighting for a title while the war is still going on.

Mark it / the sooner we grow up and understand how the world works the less time we'll waste fooling ourselves into thinking he could have fought at 300 or "if only he wins X more fights then surely he'll get a title shot" etc etc. Not happening.
I dont think it has much to do with Belal background. They offer shots to guys who have way more extrem views than Belal and who are friends with high ranking pos.
That being said, at this point, its strange that they did not give him the title shot he deserves.