Michael Bisping's poor attempt at being like Connor McGregor is bringing the cringe so much.

Bisping has done this since the TUF days, which is saying something since over a decade later he's still terrible at it. Unlike Conor he's not very bright or quick witted, so it's just the same things you'd here some school boy yelling. He's going to try and hype this joke of a fight so he can make a little money before retiring after the loss. Hopefully once that's done the UFC also drops him from UFC tonight, cause damn it's amazing how an "Analyst" can often have no clue what they're talking about or how to convey their opinions.

Conor is bright? Have you read his Twitter? He can't even spell...
TS means Connor is not cringeworthy himself? =]
I definitely find a lot of the things McGregor does cringeworthy like when he does punchlines that he obviously rehearsed ahead of time. But the difference between him and Bisping is, Connor does it well and owns it. Fighters have been twats since the start. But nobody was doing Connor before Connor. Bisping is that comedian who tells a joke and then tries to explain why it's funny after.
Cry me a fucking river. Bisping called gsp out on his cowardly bullshit. Avoiding hard fights. Gsp could only sit there and say awkward things and had nothing to say back.

It was good watching georges "coward" st pierre get bullied by the count
So GSP is avoiding hard fights even though hes moving up to fight the MW champion lol ? Isnt Bisping the one avoiding the top contenders lol ?
I was watching the Bisping/St.Pierre press conference and had to turn it off as soon as Bisping arrived and started swearing at St. Pierre. We get it, Bisping. You want to be Connor McGregor. But you're not. Just stop. So cringey. I don't like St. Pierre, but damn that was disrespectful. And not in a funny or amusing way. I know McGregor probably thinks all this is pretty embarrassing too.
Bisping has been like that since he got in the UFC. Why would he need to try to be like Conor? He is Bisping. The one and only.
So GSP is avoiding hard fights even though hes moving up to fight the MW champion lol ? Isnt Bisping the one avoiding the top contenders lol ?
I'm referring to GSP ducking Anderson for years in his prime. He only chooses safe fights he can win. You can't deny this
People need to lighten up. He's just acting like this to sell the fight. Simply playing the bad guy. After the fight he'll be kissing GSP's ass.
I was watching the Bisping/St.Pierre press conference and had to turn it off as soon as Bisping arrived and started swearing at St. Pierre. We get it, Bisping. You want to be Connor McGregor. But you're not. Just stop. So cringey. I don't like St. Pierre, but damn that was disrespectful. And not in a funny or amusing way. I know McGregor probably thinks all this is pretty embarrassing too.

Michael was making money with his mouth and blasting opponents while Conor was taking government cheese.
I'm referring to GSP ducking Anderson for years in his prime. He only chooses safe fights he can win. You can't deny this

Meanwhile Anderson was fighting LHW rejects and possibly roiding like fuck.
I can't remember if Sherdog had so much derp in this forum back in the day.
I was watching the Bisping/St.Pierre press conference and had to turn it off as soon as Bisping arrived and started swearing at St. Pierre. We get it, Bisping. You want to be Connor McGregor. But you're not. Just stop. So cringey. I don't like St. Pierre, but damn that was disrespectful. And not in a funny or amusing way. I know McGregor probably thinks all this is pretty embarrassing too.
Did you just start watching MMA? Bisping was doing that shit when Connor was just a gleam in his daddy's eye. I for one love that he showed up SOOOO obviously drunk and justified it by saying "I'm English."
Exactly. I've been watching Bisping fight since The Ultimate Fighter. I always knew he was a twat. But come on, everything he's doing now is just a blatant attempt to copy some of Connor's charisma and schtick. I'm just saying, it's embarrassing. He needs to take a different approach at being an obnoxious dildo. Showing up late to press conferences so you can conveniently interrupt the other guy? Some of you are so gullible.
MMA commentary is not your thing bro, don't quit your day job...
Cry me a fucking river. Bisping called gsp out on his cowardly bullshit. Avoiding hard fights. Gsp could only sit there and say awkward things and had nothing to say back.

It was good watching georges "coward" st pierre get bullied by the count

It's funny that Bisping calls GSP a coward, yet GSP cleared out all the contenders in his division during his reign.

Yet somehow Bisping has won the title and defended it, yet hasn't fought Romero, Jacare, Weidman or Moussai.
Don't know what you guys are so uptight about. I thought it was funny and entertaining and even GSP was laughing.
Hell yeah! I was laughing my ass off. I have always been on the fence about Bisping, but that presser made me a full-fledged fan...
Another newb who thinks trash talk started with Conor McGregor. L O L

Bisping has been acting this way before anyone watching the UFC ever even knew who Conor was. You need to check your facts and your history, son.

Not to this extend, while Bisping always tried to talk shit, he never did it like this. He has picked up a lot from Conor's persona, including being late. Bisping of old would probably still talk shit to GSP, but not in such a disrespectful manner.
Bisping is loving playing the heel more than ever this time.
He knows the Yanks hate him and they're going to have to cheer on a French-Canadian now.
Not to this extend, while Bisping always tried to talk shit, he never did it like this. He has picked up a lot from Conor's persona, including being late. Bisping of old would probably still talk shit to GSP, but not in such a disrespectful manner.

lol Of course he did. You ever watched the TUF with Dan Henderson?
UFC shit talking timeline:


Know your history OP