Rumored Michael Chandler is getting paid

He wants to be Mini Thanos in the next Avengers movie....

lol! honestly!
You want to know an even better one? EVERYONE's ancestors are black. The white genes (light skin) only pop up about 10,000 years ago. Lots of people would struggle with that fact.

Yeah, Chandler must feel like the Conor fight was the one that got away, what a bummer. He needs money.


college campus conclusions from 50 years ago.
This is actually kind of interesting. Does this mean that because of the merger that fighters are able to have a contract in both the WWE and the UFC?
This is actually kind of interesting. Does this mean that because of the merger that fighters are able to have a contract in both the WWE and the UFC?
Colby would be a great addition there lol he's been playing a WWE gimmick for years now
This is getting sad and pathetic, just move on chandler.
This is actually kind of interesting. Does this mean that because of the merger that fighters are able to have a contract in both the WWE and the UFC?

Can you imagine the exodus of fighters from the UFC when they get a chance at real paycheques? They'll have to lower the salaries of the WWE guys.

college campus conclusions from 50 years ago.
You do know that science exists, right? These spring-loaded political defenses don't much take this sort of reality into account.

Skin color is indisputably in the genetic record. The first homo sapien fossils date back 300,000 years ago in Africa. Then they had to evolve lighter skin in response to Vitamin D shortage when they traveled outside of Africa to places with less need for UV protection (Africa is right on the equator with the highest radiation levels). The basics aren't even that complicated. You couldn't survive as a hunter gatherer in Africa with light skin.

Various populations gained light skin at different times. There is some debate of exactly when it happened, and variation in populations, but it happened in the last third of our existence or less; no legit scientist would debate that.

Unless of course you are talking neanderthals which we share 2-4% DNA with- they evolved in Europe after descendants left Africa so they were likely white much sooner.

You can get this kind of info with a Chat GTP inquiry BTW, or an internet search in science sites.

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Since Chandler be like 5'3" soakin' wet wit shoes, that means triple h gotta be like 5'9" bro 🤯❓

WWE be lyin' all dem years mans thot triple h was a giant fam😔🧢🎓

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