Social Michael Moore Predicts Doomsday Virus Scenario for MAGA Nation: ‘Many of You Are Going to Die’

Pretty sure everyone is go to die and until there is no political or monetary advantage to declaring deaths as "covid" we'll never know what the impact is.
i must say, as a political group with political aspirations, the republicans are really shooting themselves in the foot with this no vaxx thing. most of the people dying are right voters. most elections are decided on razor thin margins. they are literally killing themselves out of office. it's stupidity like i have rarely encountered.
I should probably listen to an adonis like moore about health.
Morbidly obese people that eat daily like a college kid after hitting a bong all day should be careful about pointing fingers.
For the elderly, possibly. Moore is always an over reactionary, so it becomes hard to take him seriously. I liked Roger and Me, but he has skewed so far left now, it is impossible to see him as anything but a punching bag for the right.
He is a sick fuck and this is his wet dream. Michael Moore is a slimy conman and propagandist.
I would like to thank Michael for discovering the letter that indicates the self perceived “ruling class” believes we are no longer a democracy, but a plutocracy organized and driven to serve a select few. I hope he’s cool with that being driven through his own political party now.

You identify the threat but then fall back on partisan rhetoric. Eventually you’ll get it. As of right now, you are doing exactly as the powerful want you to do. Point your fingers and bitch at “the other party”.
You identify the threat but then fall back on partisan rhetoric. Eventually you’ll get it. As of right now, you are doing exactly as the powerful want you to do. Point your fingers and bitch at “the other party”.
I’m not a partisan. I resent a lot of what the left has become, while thinking what Bush era republicans were was really lame overall, as well.
I’m not a partisan. I resent a lot of what the left has become, while thinking what Bush era republicans were was really lame overall, as well.
Okay. So what Era Republicans are good then? Trump?
I’m not a partisan. I resent a lot of what the left has become, while thinking what Bush era republicans were was really lame overall, as well.

Its ALL politicians not just the Dems. It’s Trump and McCarthy, McConnell and Greene. Once you acknowledge this truth then you’ll stop being part of the problem.
IDGAF you fat fuck. I trust my immune system more then I trust the corrupt politicians and their corporate masters in the Pharmaceutical industry. I want to take my chances with the virus with a 99.96% survival rate rather take an untested experimental vaccine. Why is this such an issue?

If it's gonna kill me let it kill me then. Why can't us unvaxxinated just sign something that says we agree to be denied medical help if we are infected so we can be left the fuck alone?

Nothing about the Government and media's reaction to COVID has made sense unless you look at it through the perspective of it being a planned event to achieve a desired result. The desired result they wanted appears to be to have everyone injected with mRna Vaccines. More people should be asking why they want this so bad.

I'm vaccinated and didn't get an mRNA vaccine. I guess I dodged a bullet there eh?
For the elderly, possibly. Moore is always an over reactionary, so it becomes hard to take him seriously. I liked Roger and Me, but he has skewed so far left now, it is impossible to see him as anything but a punching bag for the right.
The thing about Moore, there's always at least underlying truth to what he's saying even though he absolutely sensationalizes everything

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