my newest pencil drawing of chuck Lidell's iconic celebration

Looks like a drunk Jack Hermansson laying on the ground with straws behind his head and a slug on his face. Perspective is all wrong, too. No shading, no clear light source, no line weights. Anatomy is wonky altogether. At the very least - if he's leaning back - shouldn't the head be drawn smaller? When it's big like that, he looks like a forward leaning alien.

And it's Iceman - where is his mohawk? Where is the chin beard? People giving you props have no clue what they're talking about. Just zoom in on his stomach - what is that? A belly button? If you look closely, its not even in line with the abdominal muscles.

I printed out this silly image and measured the calves - THEY ARE NOT PROPORTIONAL. This just isn't good art. I'm sorry. 6/10 at best and mainly cause the elbows aren't pointy, otherwise it be closer to 4/10.
Okay. Listen this is just my hobby and I'm not super experienced yet but I thought this was good. You didnt have to shit all over it but I respect your blunt opinion.
Okay. Listen this is just my hobby and I'm not super experienced yet but I thought this was good. You didnt have to shit all over it but I respect your blunt opinion.
Your art is fucking garbage and you are bringing great shame to this forum. I didn't earn a black belt here to have you - some hack pleb wannabe artist - mock the home of my life's greatest achievements.
Why does he have the hands of a baby raccoon, and a head like a massive balloon? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Dude, you should definitely give the Paint Shoop contests a try. That looks good to me!
Oh I see it now. Yours is the one that looks like Walter white with fake titties, bear claws and aids
That's some serious Andy Warhol shit right there, is what that is.
Thank you for this.

Your efforts have brought joy to myself and others.