NCAA Wrestling

I mean, it's pretty hard to pick against Dake after that, but obviously I love JB. Holy shit that was a BOMB

I am a big Burroughs fan and not particularly a Dake fan. But for the sake of the team, I think Dake has a better shot at taking gold. Honestly, I think Dake is a strong favorite while Burroughs's ceiling is around 2nd. But Burroughs is damn near impossible domestically. So I am rooting for Dake.
Happy for McKenna

Cox didn’t flake for “fear of Snyder”. Shit happened.

Gable looked good.

Dake is either going to dominate 2 in a row or lose close in 3
Burroughs is going to war with Dake later.
Will it be back and forth? One sided? I’m excited.
JB can't get past Dake's chest wrap..... we're going to need some vintage blast doubles for him to score imo....