Economy New York Times - The President's Taxes

You sure about that? Thought the Trump Organization was a pass-through organization?

Yes I’m sure about that.
Anyone that runs a business is sure about that.
They’re separate. I don’t agree with it but it’s a fact.
His taxes were paid through his companies not his personal taxes.

  • The "effective" tax rate for a typical corporation is around 11%, which is half what the average American pays.
  • Trump's companies have raked in at least $1.2 million dollars of tax payer money.
Fact of the matter is Trump has profited handsomely through tax payer money along with gaming the tax system (like every wealthy person). That's not a surprise by any stretch. What is surprising is how millions of poor American voters some how believe that this is the guy who is "fighting for the common man".
Most hard working people pay their taxes and live from pay check to pay check.

I wish I only paid $750 in taxes a year.

I don't care if you support Trump or not this is not going to sit well for hard work Americans.
Only a fucking moron lives paycheck to paycheck
Duck #1 noted.

Again, post the definition of terrorism.

"Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”

You always say duck noted, concession accepted, etc etc etc when you don't want to answer questions or address positions contrary to yours.

Yet again, since Antifa is clearly a terrorist org, why has nothing been done about them by Trump's appointed people in the DOJ, or at the DHS, or from the FBI, or anywhere else in the intelligence apparatus?

Why is it that the government's position is completely contrary to yours, Trumps and Bill Barr's? One of those is the head of the nation, the other our leading law enforcement officer!!!

You're drrrrrrrunk!!
Duck #1 noted.

Again, post the definition of terrorism.

I’m getting all misty eyed here. Bobby is using my tactics I’ve used against him. Come on Bobby, give us a definition is a Spy again!!
And it appear Ivanka was double-dipping to the tune of $750,000 which Trump fans IS tax evasion when he claims it as a right off. What’s even worse? There’s $26 million in unexplained “consulting fees” because they don’t say who it is too and for how much. Odds are a portion of these fees are illegal in nature.
It'll be ok. You can follow Eric Trump while his daddy is in Prison.
Sorry man. Don’t hate me because I love your jokes.
Your posting in this thread is the funniest shit I’ve seen on the dog in a while..

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