Social Reccomend me some conservative movies.

Especially starship troopers.

Favorite scene and why

I always pictured you and me 2v1 the giant brain bug in a dance off. Just jamming away as it tried to brain us and we dodge it the last second until it tires out and we break it's brain sucking thing off it's face
Favorite scene and why

I always pictured you and me 2v1 the giant brain bug in a dance off. Just jamming away as it tried to brain us and we dodge it the last second until it tires out and we break it's brain sucking thing off it's face
Too violent for me. I used to watch those Starship Troopers cartoons though.
Favorite scene and why

I always pictured you and me 2v1 the giant brain bug in a dance off. Just jamming away as it tried to brain us and we dodge it the last second until it tires out and we break it's brain sucking thing off it's face
Hell no! The drop scene, with the orchestra score.


a film that embodies hard work, personal accountability and sacrifice.

If you want something, work for it.
Almost no movies are conservative. Intellectuals tend to be left. Hollywood is full of artistic intellectuals making solid movies. Typically, if a movie is really really bad, you can take a good guess that it's conservative. The very sexist "Material Girls" comes to mind.
Almost no movies are conservative. Intellectuals tend to be left. Hollywood is full of artistic intellectuals making solid movies. Typically, if a movie is really really bad, you can take a good guess that it's conservative. The very sexist "Material Girls" comes to mind.
Clown pls go
Mad max 1 and 2

True lies

Rambo all of them

the original death wishes

most any great western

LOTR is basically about protecting your borders from invasion style immigration.

Taxi driver

the Matrix for sure with red pilled blue pilled

A clockwork orange
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