Reinventing SM's Fat @$$


Feb 18, 2008
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Perhaps forcing myself to post my eating habits here will shame me into taking better care of myself/not being a fat ass.

Starting Date: September 28, 2009
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 263.8
Long-term weight goal: 190 by August 28, 2010
Short-term weight goal: 253.8 by October 31, 2009
Mid-term weight goal: 240 by December 21, 2009

Other goals: I'm still weak so I want to keep getting stronger or at least maintain my strength. At this point, a 40-pound weight loss is more important to me than strength gains (but both are important). If I can get down to 220 or so, I may revaluate where I'm at if my strength is suffering, but I will cross that bridge if/when I come to it.

I start a new "get healthy and lose weight" plan every month, sometimes every week. For the first time, though, there are clear indications that my health is suffering. For the first time ever, I was told my blood pressure was "a little high." Also, I've been battling a staph infection for nearly 8 weeks, and I really think that my poor eating habits, lousy physical condition have played a part in making it harder to beat this thing. In addition, I have asthma and ulcerative colitis, so not being a fat shit who eats junk food makes me feel better overall. I know this based on times when I have stuck to a healthier eating plan for an extended period of time, but I still drop it after awhile.

My vices:
Being lazy - I use work/not having time as an excuse to eat shit. And then as soon as I have one meal that isn't so hot, I figure the whole day is shot and eat like crap the rest of the day. Sometimes that extends to the rest of the week with a "I'll start Monday" approach. Then on Tuesday I'll have a busy day and repeat the whole process.

I will finally be back in the gym tonight after being gone for almost 2 months with the staph. I'm hoping that + this will be the inspiration I need to finally clean up my eating for good.
September 28, 2009

Weight: 263.8

7:30 am - Probiotics with big glass of water
7:45 am - Protein shake: one scoop Strawberry protein powder, 1 tablespoon flax meal, handful of spinach, 1.5 cups of water - 2 fish pills
9:30 am - coffee with half-and-half
10:30 am - " "
11:12 am - one cup Ricotta Cheese Gelatin*
1:45 pm - Ham/turkey/white American cheese/mayo on sub roll, with Diet Snapple Lemon Tea
3:30 pm - coffee with half-and-half
4:50 pm - " "
5:30 pm - 1/2 Protein shake: 1/2 scoop vanilla powder, 1 cup of water
8:15 pm - 1/2 Protein shake: 1/2 scoop vanilla powder, 1 tablespoon Greens+, 1 teaspoon creatine, 1.5 cups water
8:50 pm - 1 bbq chicken breast + 2 ham/swiss rollups
10 pm - Diet Root Beer w/ heavy cream, sugar free pudding w/ sugar free Cool Whip

*I take a two pound container of ricotta cheese, cook up two packets of plain gelatin and add to the ricotta along with 1/2 cup splenda and 1 tablespoon vanilla extract. My mom made this when I was living there during my internship, and they are delicious. I think she got the recipe from South Beach.
Look forward to reading this. Your attitude regarding starting a new plan, thinking one meal ruins the whole day so you say "screw it", and the "I'll start Monday" thing is exactly how my wife is! It drives me nuts. Good luck!
Thanks, Oblivion.

Do you think my goals are reasonable? I.e., aggressive, but doable?
Thanks, Oblivion.

Do you think my goals are reasonable? I.e., aggressive, but doable?

Fuck ya. I dropped 12 lbs fairly quick, and 12 lbs was 6.5% of my bodyweight. I think I lost 10 lbs in like 2 weeks. My diet was never awful before when I was at my high weight, but I just indulged and ate sweets. If you cut some calories and up your cardio to burn calories, you should be able to hit your short-term and mid-term goals. Your long-term goal may be a bit harder, but it's do-able.
Diets are very habit-oriented, and studies show that people most effectively make/break habits if they do them one at a time. You might have more success if you plan to break one bad habit/introduce one good habit per month. Then you won't be jumping from diet plan to diet plan but will overall be eating healthier.

Some key habits to build/break would include:
- Cook on the weekends, every weekend, so you always have something healthy to take with you to work.
- Stop drinking soda/sugary drinks
- Stop visiting the office candy dish/stop taking things from it when you walk past
- Stop eating sweets in general
- Eat more veggies
Those goals are def reasonable. Ive had several people lose over 30lbs in about a month or little more just by switching over to a Paleo/Primal style. One of them, going on about 6 months has lost 50lbs with ease.
you can do side-bends or sit-ups, but please don't lose that butt.
September 29, 2009
Weight: 262.6

7:30 am - Probiotics with big glass of water
8 am - Protein shake: 1 scoop strawberry protein powder, 1 tablespoon flax meal, handful of spinach, 1.5 cups water - follwed with 2 fish pills
9:20 am - coffee with half-and-half
10:30 am - Diet Snapple Lemon Tea
11:18 am - coffee with half-and-half; Ricotta Cheese Gelatin*
1:45 pm - ham/turkey/white American cheese/mayo on sub roll; with Diet Snapple Raspberry Tea
5:15 pm - 3 ham and Swiss cheese rollups
8 pm - ham and cheddar omelet with side of bacon, about three forkfulls of hash browns
10 pm - sugar free Jello mouse and a diet root beer with heavy cream mixed in
11:30 pm - fiber supp with Greens+
If you like sweets try this low carb cheesecake:

# 12 oz cream cheese, softened
# 3 pkts Splenda
# 1 tsp. vanilla extract
# 1 Cup heavy cream

Combine cream cheese, sugar substitute, and vanilla extract in a bowl and mix well. Beat the heavy cream in a separate bowl until it forms soft peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture.

Transfer the mixture to a large glass bowl and chill, covered with plastic wrap, for at least 25 minutes.

Its money!!! add protein to make it anabolic low carb cheesecake.
Your weight loss goals are entirely realistic. You could probably get down to 200 without much of a problem (depending on how strong you are) with a "low cal, high workload" approach.
Your weight loss goals are entirely realistic. You could probably get down to 200 without much of a problem (depending on how strong you are) with a "low cal, high workload" approach.

Thanks, man. I'm assuming that "low cal, high workload" is simply: Less food, more activity?

200 is actually a sub goal of mine. I haven't been under 200, other than a short period of time after a horrible, horrible flu, since I was 19. I figured that around 200 would be a good time to reexamine where I was and decide if I wanted to work on getting leaner still, or focus more on strength again. That's a long ways off, though: right now I'm very confident that I can lose a good chunk of weight while still getting stronger. Mostly because I'm fat and weak.

If you like sweets try this low carb cheesecake:

# 12 oz cream cheese, softened
# 3 pkts Splenda
# 1 tsp. vanilla extract
# 1 Cup heavy cream

Combine cream cheese, sugar substitute, and vanilla extract in a bowl and mix well. Beat the heavy cream in a separate bowl until it forms soft peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture.

Transfer the mixture to a large glass bowl and chill, covered with plastic wrap, for at least 25 minutes.

Its money!!! add protein to make it anabolic low carb cheesecake.

That sounds freaking delicious! I will now figure out how to "fold" cream. :icon_chee
Thanks, man. I'm assuming that "low cal, high workload" is simply: Less food, more activity?

That sounds freaking delicious! I will now figure out how to "fold" cream. :icon_chee

I had to learn this to but cannot explain it other than it is not stirring.
Thanks, man. I'm assuming that "low cal, high workload" is simply: Less food, more activity?

200 is actually a sub goal of mine. I haven't been under 200, other than a short period of time after a horrible, horrible flu, since I was 19. I figured that around 200 would be a good time to reexamine where I was and decide if I wanted to work on getting leaner still, or focus more on strength again. That's a long ways off, though: right now I'm very confident that I can lose a good chunk of weight while still getting stronger. Mostly because I'm fat and weak.

That sounds freaking delicious! I will now figure out how to "fold" cream. :icon_chee

Folding basically means taking the stuff at the bottom of the bowl and spooning it on top, over and over again, until well mixed.

Edit: Here's a youtube video that explains, using beaten egg whites as an example ingredient:

That was helpful. Thanks, guys. I'm going to try that tonight.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Weight: 263.2

7:45 am - Protein shake: 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 tblspoon flax meal, 1 tblspoon natural PB, handful of spinach, 1.5 cups water
9:20 am - 1/2 cup of coffee with whole milk (someone drank my half and half)
12:30 pm - small cappucino from gas station
1 pm - ham, turkey, white American, mayo on sub roll
1:30 pm - coffee with heavy cream
2:50 pm - and another one - I think I drink too much coffee...
5:30 pm - 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder with 1 cup water
7 pm - strength training
8:20 pm - 1/2 scoop strawberry protein powder, 1 tblspoon Greens+, 1 tblspoon fiber, 1.5 cups water
8:50 pm - grilled chicken breast with hame and meleted swiss cheese (just put lunch meat ham and a piece of swiss on top, and nuked it for 1:30)
10:30 pm - diet root beer with heavy cream, sugar free Jello pudding with sugar free Cool Whip
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Weight 262.4

8 am - Probiotics w/ 2 glasses of water
9:45 am - 3 egg cheddar omelet with a side of bacon, Diet Snapple Lemon Tea
10 am - coffee w/ heavy cream
12:30 pm - " "
1:50 pm - ham, turkey, white American, mayo on sub roll (I've now gotten one of these subs every day - they are delicious, but I should probably cut out the bread on days I'm not lifting, eh?)
Back to logging. I have done shitty eating-wise while not logging, which was the whole point of logging. Fail.

Trying out the "Primal Blueprint" plan for the next 30 days and maybe more. As I stated in the Pub, in addition to losing weight, I think this will help with my symptoms of UC and asthma, both related to inflammation.

Friday, October 9, 2009
8 am: Probiotics with 2 glasses water
9:30 am: Handful of mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, macadamias) with sea salt
12:30 pm: One piece chicken cordon blue (chicken breast cutlet with ham and swiss cheese on top of it) with broccoli and cauliflower. Also came with potatoes and carrots, which I didn't eat.
6:30 pm: White meat and skin from a rotisserie chicken, and a small can of green beans. Also, three spoons of cream cheese.