Social Remember when 'Gay' meant 'Happy'?

We should try to make gay mean happy again.

So you can say things like, "You got a promotion! Congratulations! I'm so gay for you!"
"Happy for you , coworker! Would you be happy too if I sucked your cock?!"
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Words change meaning all the time.
"The 1960s marked the transition in the predominant meaning of the word gay from that of "carefree" to the current "homosexual". "

So no, I do not.
I was not even born then
it may also mean gay but people haven't used it for that in decades. when i played little league in the early 80's, each team would be sponsored by a local business and that business would be on the back of our jersey's. one team was sponsored by "Gay Toys" (owners name, not a gay sex shop) and we all had a field day making fun of them for having to wear those jerseys. None of us were thinking they were just happy.
I don't think any sherbros are old enough to remember that but I do remember when "queer" was considered derogotory and "f@g" was considered funny...well, it's still funny but you know what I mean.
To this day, I refuse to buy "Ben Gay" Even after they changed the name to "Bengay" they are not fooling me.
To this day, I refuse to buy "Ben Gay" Even after they changed the name to "Bengay" they are not fooling me.
Holy Crap! I never knew that! I would have thought it was a Mandela Effect delusion.
That what psople used to called somebody happy lol this place is not just recently all sexualy fucked up but this is for a long time