Rock v Rap

What's better?

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This. Rap has been better in the last 20 years, and it's not even close, but that's only cause rock is dead and the only people who form bands nowadays are upper-middle class and rich whiteboys. Rock no longer rspeaks to the people. Rap does... sadly.
Cant say that I really agree with your post either, but really it all comes down to personal preference and what you expose yourself to.

For me Rap music peaked in 1998. There has obviously been good rap music since then though, but my tastes lean towards 93-98. For rock music 80's-early 90's. There are exceptions there too and I like a lot of rock music put out since then.
Cant say that I really agree with your post either, but really it all comes down to personal preference and what you expose yourself to.

For me Rap music peaked in 1998. There has obviously been good rap music since then though, but my tastes lean towards 93-98. For rock music 80's-early 90's. There are exceptions there too and I like a lot of rock music put out since then.

Yeah, we're probably different ages. I just turned 40. For me, Rap peaked from 1988-1997, after which it's been on a slow decline. Rock has been on a slow decline since the early 00's (QOTSA, Muse, Strokes, Darkness, White Stripes, etc. etc.). It's not all the artists fault, mind you. File Sharing took most of the money out of REAL music two decades ago. Yeah, you can still make shit loads of money nowadays, but that's mostly from pop artists constantly touring to sellout crowds, selling merchandise, and getting corporate sponsors. Royalties aint worth shit. And new bands (ie. not The Stones or U2) ain't selling merch or getting sponsors.