Ronda Rousey failed hard in WWE

You should be a white knight and offer a pillow!
Most people that have ridiculous success in their early life tends to not appreciate them and blame any failure/faults to others. Some do, most won't.
Lol it sounds like kayfabe to me. She’s just playing heel. I haven’t followed the product in quite a few years, but it seemed like she caught on ok, got over, had big matches on PPVs (including WrestleMania). Doesn’t seem like she failed to me. Is she an all-time great? Fuck no. But it seems to be like she did well there.
There’s always pron <{yearp}>,she’d probably put on excellent performances there

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First time I've seen a wrestler be so straightforward about fake matches. Wwe fanboys probably wont like that.
translation: well-done shtick playing to known stereotype cons random mma bro to post about WWE on Sherdog, at the intent of a scriptwriter who knows the angry male Nelson-from-the-Simpsons demographic well.
She failed all the way to a Wrestlemania main event as the champion despite being a rookie. Boy, wish I could fail that hard.
First time I've seen a wrestler be so straightforward about fake matches. Wwe fanboys probably wont like that.
Wrestling fans are totally aware that it’s not real. They’re not bothered by that, and they discuss wrestling in those terms. They get frustrated by ppl who don’t understand the business, and remarks about it being fake play into that.
Pro wrestling, I mean sports entertainment, has been a dumpster fire for some time
What a surprise, it’s not her fault and she hates people
Did you know that water is wet ?
I haven’t really watched her in the ring, my understanding is that most people agreed she was pretty good. Actually very good. I don’t know about her promos? Maybe she was just doing too much part-time bullshit for the fans to get invested.
I don’t watch wrestling but watched her wrestle mania match with steph and hhh and Kurt angle and it was fun to watch. She seemed good at it .