International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V11

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It's crazy how they have still have to jam these rockets after they've already destroyed all the launching platforms 2 times over.
They had destroyed more than ever had been produced and also more tanks than Ukr ever had ( incl crap in storage etc bs...)....
Hacker drains Russian special services wallets, transfers funds to Ukraine


The hacker stole bitcoins from the FSB and the GRU, and then sent them to Ukraine

"The mysterious user seems to have been able to put blockchain and Bitcoin technologies to work against the Russian terrorist state.

The hacker gained access to hundreds of crypto wallets that likely belong to Russian security agencies, cryptocurrency industry news site CoinDesk clarified, citing Chainalysis, a cryptocurrency monitoring company that works closely with the U.S. government.

Chainalysis analysts believe that the hacker used the transaction documentation feature of the Bitcoin blockchain to identify 986 wallets controlled by Russia’s foreign military intelligence agency (GRU), the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), and the Federal Security Service (FSB).

The analysts did not say what feature they were referring to.

At the same time, the hacker left messages in Russian to the owners of the wallets, in which he stated that these wallets were used to pay for the services of hackers working for Russia."

Hacker drains Russian special services wallets, transfers funds to Ukraine (

All of this will stop if Pres. Putin just withdraws his troops from Ukraine.
Situation around Velika Novoselovka at 23:00 Moscow time according to WARGONZO

The enemy continues to advance at the junction of the areas of responsibility of the 5th Army and the Cascade OBTF, which, in principle, was predictable.

The enemy entered the settlement. Makarovka, which is a more serious loss than Neskuchnoe, as it is at its best. If the enemy manages to consolidate the success, then he will definitely try to use this point as a springboard for further actions.

So far, the advancement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area is no more than five kilometers deep into our territory.

On the one hand, they failed to jump out into the operational space - they should have the second and third lines of defense in front of them. However, on the other hand, we do not share assessments in spirit – these territories do not play a big role. Of course, they play - our boys are fighting for every piece of land.

Another thing is that at a certain moment the question of expediency arises from the point of view of preserving one's own resource in order to continue further defense. After all, the enemy also deals damage - not only we burn their Leopards.

Now it is necessary to keep the enemy away from Staromlynovka. If the Armed Forces of Ukraine succeed, the situation may become critical and much more dangerous than many people think now.
From a popular Rus Z channel:

According to military correspondent Sladkov, in the Zaporozhye direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again began a massive artillery shelling of our positions.

This time, the enemy came up with something new in the form of spraying smoke from chemical protection vehicles, trying to hide their movements.
I think people underestimate how hard it is to break through these prepared defenses. The Russians have been smashing their heads on the very well prepared defenses around Donetsk since the start of the war, and have barely made any progress at all. The Russians have had time to prepare defensive lines now in the South- people expecting the AFU to just punch right through haven't been paying attention.
I think people underestimate how hard it is to break through these prepared defenses. The Russians have been smashing their heads on the very well prepared defenses around Donetsk since the start of the war, and have barely made any progress at all. The Russians have had time to prepare defensive lines now in the South- people expecting the AFU to just punch right through haven't been paying attention.

I wouldn't exactly say, barely. With tons of losses surely, but Rus have made significant gains in Donbass regardless, since the beginning of the invasion. Plus Ukr had more time to prepare defense in Donbass than Rus had in the south. Plus south for Rus is more difficult to supply than Donbass was for Ukr. Me personally I don't expect crazy collapses of front lines, I expect a slow and grinding process of pushing Rus out further south and thinning the land line to the sea for them during the whole summer. (With heavy losses on both sides of course, in men and equipment)
I wouldn't exactly say, barely. With tons of losses surely, but Rus have made significant gains in Donbass regardless, since the beginning of the invasion. Plus Ukr had more time to prepare defense in Donbass than Rus had in the south. Plus south for Rus is more difficult to supply than Donbass was for Ukr. Me personally I don't expect crazy collapses of front lines, I expect a slow and grinding process of pushing Rus out further south and thinning the land line to the sea for them during the whole summer. (With heavy losses on both sides of course, in men and equipment)

kind of expect the same , will def be slow at first but once some ground is gained and himars and storm shadow will be huge as Russians supply lines will be targeted. I also can see at some point where Russian soldiers will say fuck it and leave assuming they get pushed far back and a collapse would be possible.
I wouldn't exactly say, barely. With tons of losses surely, but Rus have made significant gains in Donbass regardless, since the beginning of the invasion. Plus Ukr had more time to prepare defense in Donbass than Rus had in the south. Plus south for Rus is more difficult to supply than Donbass was for Ukr. Me personally I don't expect crazy collapses of front lines, I expect a slow and grinding process of pushing Rus out further south and thinning the land line to the sea for them during the whole summer. (With heavy losses on both sides of course, in men and equipment)
That's probably a realistic expectation.
Well, ofc it is not easy task.
Since january Putin started to invest a lot in fortifications in occupied areas.
Ofc all these minefields, trenches, bunkers and hedgehogs etc.
They still are continuing to build fortifications and bunkers in occupied areas.
Russi does have mountains with different mines....

Btw they are again digging some trenches in Crimea.
They took some early loses and will likely have more along the way. I'm not sure what you read but I'm guessing its stuff from the Kremlin because UKR has already made some gains and seems you ignore the posts that guys have of the info showing that.
He didn’t read shit he just comes in here to troll
More then a few people believe in Prigozhin an this is why Putin seeking to tie up his soldiers under Shoigu. Prigozhin knows Putin trying to muzzle him like a dog. There going to be a major break between Prigozhin an Shoigu.

I also thing Prigozhin wants the war to end to reconstitute his units. I believe he does not see an end in sight an Putin destroying the Russian economy over his personal war.

The boss of the Russian private military company Wagner says he won’t sign contracts with Russia’s Defense Ministry, rejecting an attempt to bring his force in line.
Yevgeny Prigozhin’s comments follow an announcement by the Russian Ministry of Defense Saturday that “volunteer units” and private military groups would be required to sign a contract with the ministry.

The order – signed by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu – said the move would “give the voluntary formations the necessary legal status,” and create “unified approaches” to their work.
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