International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V11

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Most famous recent yelling was in autumn 2022 th.
" I will promise you that sooner or later we will eliminate Moldova as country and nation from face of earth " D.Medvedev.

Lavrov best outgoing was when he told : " Russia never had invaded any foreign country ".
" How is about regions in Georgia and how is about Ukraine"?

Lavrov: " It is Russia. ".
2015 - till autumn 2022 th Lavrov in international scene had used such flowchart when had been asked about these " republics " in Luhansk and Dontsk....
1. It isn't Russian Federation's territory therefore we can't bear responsibility about situation in these areas.
2. These forces aren't Russian Federation's armed forces and doesn't operate in Russian Federation therefore Russian MoD doesn't have any duty to know about their casualities.
3. Russian Federation doesn't rule these areas, therefore we can't run investigations about crimes in these areas. :D

Russia destroyed another smaller dam. yet pro Russian people still believe the Ukrainian soldiers destroyed the first dam. Russian senator said the only way Ukrainian talks is that Ukraine transfers Mikolai, Kharkiv, Odessa to Russia yeah OK.
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Berlusconi died.
He was one from best Putin's friends since Putin was FSB director.
He had huge impact in Italian mass media as businessman and like Gerhard and Agnela was one from most impactful pro Kremlin oriented realpolitik practitioners...
Berlusconi died.
He was one from best Putin's friends since Putin was FSB director.
He had huge impact in Italian mass media as businessman and like Gerhard and Agnela was one from most impactful pro Kremlin oriented realpolitik practitioners...
Well another Putin associate is gone if I was associated with the guy I would not be to comfortable right now.
Their artillery doesn't work well in all cases. Sometimes it is effecitve, sometimes they are deNazifying theit own soldiers and officers.

Russian combat engineering and builders usually always were good: IF proper materials and tools are provided in time, russians usually are good builders.
Exactly therefore sometimes russians had built for example bridge or large apartments house and kleptocrats were able to do maintenance and regular repairs on paper:D with in reality 0 cent invested 10-25 years in row.

Russians in general are good builders. Esp slavic origin russians...

I must say, SanDisk, your English writing is noticeably improving. Nice work. You are talking about a pretty complicated subject matter, and the readability of your posts has certainly improved since the start of this awful war. Kudos.
Kremlin does have also one reltatively strong a bit hidden asset in EU politics.
It is pro Kremlin oriented very rich dude who was concurrent vs Pavel in Czech presidental elections... luck for Ukr and EU he lost vs Pavel in elections otherwise EU and NATO had to taste next Orban No2 in all his beauty.
+ he is oligarch pretending that will care abut casuals and middle class.
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Don’t these Ukrainian tank battalions have at least one light tactical vehicle that has manpads? Are these Russian helicopters able to shoot their anti tank missiles way out of range from the manpads?
Well, for example in Donbas and Luhansk coal mining industry privatisation attempts had been started since 1992 th.
Most profitable coal mines had been privatised since 1992 th and Yanukovich too was rich dude happy with privatisation.
Majority of profitable coal mines are operared by private companies and maind driver from all oligarchs businesses is Ahkmetov.

For chinesse to deal with is is really easily... to offer $:p under the table and $ ;) on the table and purchase.
Or just to pay $ for coal.
The same is about Europe. Who cares.

Russia is different tale cos imperialism and land grab flowchart.
Even most realistic westerners are in" safe state " by admitting that Russia wants to re create USSR.
While in reality their long term target isn't just to re establish Warshaw block and USSR, also to be a world hegemony No1.:(.
Empire that should be is considerably larger than Warshaw block + USSR area...ofc also East Germany too is part of empire that should be.
From Lisbon till Vladivostok: Empire that should be.:p
Don’t these Ukrainian tank battalions have at least one light tactical vehicle that has manpads? Are these Russian helicopters able to shoot their anti tank missiles way out of range from the manpads?
Anti tank missiles launched from helicopters might have 5 - 20 km range.
MANPADS does have 4-8 km effective range.

While I do have a lot of doubts about pro rus reports.

For example in one case initially some had posted that ukr had get on mines and after this was artillery shelling.
Later appeared about drones in this episode and even cosmos from universe..
Don’t these Ukrainian tank battalions have at least one light tactical vehicle that has manpads? Are these Russian helicopters able to shoot their anti tank missiles way out of range from the manpads?
i see lots of claims from russia about russian helicopters, but i haven't seen any evidence these helicopters are responsible for the claims. Most of the losses look like drones spotted a column and directed artillery fire, maybe an anti-armor squad, and other drone operators.
After this shelling with 152 mm self propelled art. In one case.

Then they had used this to claim xx episodes with the same scene. Channels and profiles in all awailable channels to be used and profiles to comment.
This about 1 case.
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i see lots of claims from russia about russian helicopters, but i haven't seen any evidence these helicopters are responsible for the claims. Most of the losses look like drones spotted a column and directed artillery fire, maybe an anti-armor squad, and other drone operators.
Reddit had lots of vids about helis

Its down today due to strike so cant post vids
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wsws is such trash lmao.

"Ukraine has all these natural resources... This is why NATO..." jesus christ just come out and say it "Russia imperialism GOOD"

Also pretty sure marino knows since he parrots their talking points
IF ukr really does have lithium then for Putin it is tool to reduce dependency from lithium imports ...
About dumUmbass coal Putin isn't interested, still rus and chinesee oligarchs are interested a lot and in depth.
Nationalists ofc are happy with any new land grab and rusification.

All we hear is Russian progress on media yet this video shows rather stark contrast in action.
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Reddit had lots of vids about helis

Its down today due to strike so cant post vids
These helis are marketing hype job.
They are really vulnerable and usual flowchart russia is using today is....
mines. A LOT OF mines + fortifications and anti tank obstacles + to call shelling with 152 mm and 203 mm artillery + MRLS...
This for first def line.
Drones too ofc.

Russia wants to sell Ka-52 and therefore trolls are working.
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Well, as usully they are potraying west as bed evil and russia, even china as " good for working class " countries.

While russia now is ruled by " communists " country maintained to serve oligarchs and kleptocracy elite...
& the same imperialistic targets + add here intent to build giant size empire hegemon.
Strategically for russia most interesting thing in ukraine is ... lithium. Russia is lithium importer and they might solve this problem by subjugating Ukraine.
Next thing is... to capture ukraine's agricultural industry.
Ukraine is very important vegetable oils exporter by their share in world export market by %, only after this wheat as important stuff....
Russia also does have considerably lesser salt deposits than ukraine does have.
Ofc other stuff too is valuable for russian oligarchs.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
I am getting a flood of pro Russian crap on my feeds from Facebook an YouTube I don't directly go to T#tter at all. It's hard to be a patriot in a world controlled by billions an billions. Instead bow to the Russian an Saudi oligarchs.
I'm pretty sure no one likes these Trotskyites but I post it just so people know what the hard left is thinking.
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