International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V8

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Ahh just removed from airforce command but remains for some units?

Also that Count Eric von Rosen guy got any insight on him? Sounds a interesting chap. How's he viewed by you guys?

Just curious but it's a bit off topic so no need to answer if ya feel it goes to far into the weeds.

Think its still official air force logo they just dont use it all the time

Parade was actually this year lol

No one actually wants the war to drag on. There are two camps: those who want the war to end in Ukraine's favor, and those who want it to end in Russia's. Both camps want the war over "instantly", but it's not happening because both sides believe they have something to gain by continuing the war.
Yes and there were some that thought think Ukraine should surrender immediately because they were just prolonging the war and casualties which is also in the 'want Russia to win' camp but being pseudo-humanitarian (as long as Russia win). Predictably now they have gone very quiet because Russia are getting trounced.
Carlsberg used to have the Swastika too.


Russia launches the biggest cruise missile attack since start of the war. Following Syria playbook to the letter, the bigger the setback then the bigger the terror bombing will be.

Fails to take down a bike path.

Hit a park.

NATOs headquarter is in Brussels and this is what it actually looks like.


It is a crankshaft but why? Does it symbolize the infite engine powering the non negotiable NATO expansion over the whole globe? Why would they do this!
Russia launches the biggest cruise missile attack since start of the war. Following Syria playbook to the letter, the bigger the setback then the bigger the terror bombing will be.

Fails to take down a bike path.

Hit a park.

It is a crankshaft but why? Does it symbolize the infite engine powering the non negotiable NATO expansion over the whole globe? Why would they do this!

Thats actually what I also saw.
If you want a real moronic one... Google Scout Snipers (US Marine)
No, I'm not wrong or have been saying stupid shit. Predictions similar to any intelligence agency that has been wrong in the past. Just a difference of opinion. When you grow up, you will see that that is how the world works. People have a different point of view. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Too many idiots on this thread wanting this war prolonged and people to die. Where was all this hate when the US was killing civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. "...but, but, those are Americans, they are the good guys!" You should be the last one holding an opinion as you are a veteran - or so you say.
Dude you just implied that the Ukraine shouldn’t have split when the USSR collapsed if they didn’t want to be invaded. That’s incredibly stupid.

Or so I say… gtfo don’t embarrass yourself more
More than this.
The swastika is much older symbol than Germany or Roman empire......
It had been used even more than 1500 years before Christ.

It even isn't euopean sybol in it's core and looks that had been " imported " in europe more than 2500 years ago....


In old times ppl used it to describe weather....
In order to describe weather with just 1 sign it is ideal tool.

Clockwise: time is calm, there no trouble.... like calm wind, there isn't harsh rain or too strong wind...
Good weather for agriculture and walk long road by foot etc....

For sailors it is.... proper wind in usable for ship direction.... good for ship to reach target...

Counter clockwise is opposite!!! meaning.

Later with all these religions and spiritual practices it had get next additional meaning....
There instead of weather ...." energies " and " order of things " had been meant....
According to medieval times and occultists ....
Different " dreamers " and spiritualists etc.

However looks that a lot of ppl who had used swastika after some 1700 th didn't knew one important thing....Nazis too btw....:D

If you want stability and long existence for your org, country or success in things you want to do....
You should use clockwise swastika.....

Sometimes in rituals had ofc used counter clowkwise swastika destroy something....and as next sign then rebuilt should be done....i.e used order symbol and clockwise swastika.....

If you use only counter clockwise swastika or multiple counter clockwise swastikas......
You are " cursing " yourself , org, place where you are....
Yeah I think the earliest are bronze age petroglyphs in Europe. Also used in Hinduism and Buddhism
It's terrible that Russia keeps hitting and killing civilians on purpose. But it isn't bad for Ukraine from the military point of view. More anger on people, more volunteers to the front. And more weapons from the partners.
its also an incredible waste of cruise missiles. the targets on the whole have no military value. putin doesnt have an inexhaustible supply.
its also an incredible waste of cruise missiles. the targets on the whole have no military value. putin doesnt have an inexhaustible supply.

If they where the hypersonic vs there goes between 300 to 500 million dollars and I see US providing Patriot Missiles or Iron Dome type.
Russia launches the biggest cruise missile attack since start of the war. Following Syria playbook to the letter, the bigger the setback then the bigger the terror bombing will be.

Fails to take down a bike path.

Hit a park.

It is a crankshaft but why? Does it symbolize the infite engine powering the non negotiable NATO expansion over the whole globe? Why would they do this!

Putin to the cruise missile you had one job. It missed the bridge.

Think its still official air force logo they just dont use it all the time

Parade was actually this year lol

This more looks associated with hinduism and buddhism.
Symbol means stability and order...
It's terrible that Russia keeps hitting and killing civilians on purpose. But it isn't bad for Ukraine from the military point of view. More anger on people, more volunteers to the front. And more weapons from the partners.

It is this. And while russians
It's terrible that Russia keeps hitting and killing civilians on purpose. But it isn't bad for Ukraine from the military point of view. More anger on people, more volunteers to the front. And more weapons from the partners.

Yeah it is....
While unlike russians are dreaming, they only will create more anger and hate on them and more willingless to fight .....vs russians and russkies....

Also Kremlin was stupid with POWs.
He literally repeated Hitler's mistake.
When Hitler had invaded Poland, Belarus and Russia and Ukr....
He treated POWs very brutally.......they were far more brutal with them than in some France etc where attepmted to play normal ppl image....

Outcome was : number of POWs quickly dropped, fast death always is more comfortable than slow death.......It is what this is.
Next stuff: partisan movement had ....rised not as had been excepted....

WW2 flowcharts for Hitler ....reapeats 1:1....
Strange stuff.
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