Sam Alvey

He's got some kind of blackmail material over Dana, clearly.
To all those saying he seems like a decent guy:

It is exactly people like him who play a big role in their peers being underpaid and having to worry about making ends meet while being professional (!) athletes.
He hasn't lost 7 in a row.
Honestly, I'm not sure. I really like Alvey, but he doesn't have merit to still be with the UFC in my opinion. He's never really an easy outting for anyone, but that doesn't quire justify a spot on the roster I feel. I'll certainly be pulling for him as a fan though -- his postfight interviews always bring a smile to me.

He doesn't get many post fight interviews these days.
Behind the scenes stuff I'm sure. The company loves him probably because hes taken some fights on short notice or never bitched about pay etc etc. Kinda like Paul Felder to a lesser extent.
This might be why...

He must have dirt on Dana or something because it boggles my mind how he's still on the roster. Not only is he losing, he's BORING. And he has enough power in his hands and counter punches to make his opponents fight boring with him a lot of the time. He brings nothing to the table.
If you look at record (and Cerrone too), both guys have losing streaks going. But if you look further back in their careers, they were work horses for the UFC. Both fought multiple times per year (above average). I suspect what is happening is pay back for what they did to help the UFC. Sam has this one fight left on his contract
Honestly, I'm not sure. I really like Alvey, but he doesn't have merit to still be with the UFC in my opinion. He's never really an easy outting for anyone, but that doesn't quire justify a spot on the roster I feel. I'll certainly be pulling for him as a fan though -- his postfight interviews always bring a smile to me.

i actually think maybe it would have been better after the 3rd or 4th loss in a row for him to try pfl and bellator contracts or bkfc. long term probably more money and less loses going that path winning 1 after 4 loses is no where in the ufc. winning 4 after a 4 fight skid is still no where
i think dana is the hookers and go type of guy. not the creepy has sex with everyones wife to get you ahead kind of guy.
I dunno. I could've sworn there was an MMA fighter that said he's seen Dana try and pull that shit with other fighter's wives. I think it was Stephen Thompson.
Perhaps Mrs. Alvey pretended to be into Dana, then roofied him.
Her and Sam drew a hitler mustache on Dana, ball gagged him and had a black tranny hooker peg his back pussy , all on 4K video.


Proceed to breed incessantly.

His wife is a former model and his manager.. Dana likes to try and sleep with fighters wives.. do the math folks.
Sam Alvey vs Elias Theodorou should have negated any potential good will.
I dunno. I could've sworn there was an MMA fighter that said he's seen Dana try and pull that shit with other fighter's wives. I think it was Stephen Thompson.

if steven thompson said that i'd believe it. but idk. seems to out there. is he really that guy? and if he is considering how many haters he has i feel like it would be coming from more than once source

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