Sherparents - what’s the appropriate reaction here? Sherlawyers chime in too please.

I'd have my kid out of that school immediately. I'd be in touch with police, and a lawyer. One way or another I'm trying to put that place out of business.

And I'm coming for every license held by everyone in the building when it happened.

I'd fully understand if one of those parents attacked that lady.
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The worker showed poor judgment, at needs to be reprimanded and retrained…assuming she has no prior stupidity on her record..

retrained, really?
Should parents have full disclosure of the employees past infractions then?
I can understand the original thought of putting on a mask and being a fun thing. but it was pretty clear from the start they was terrified and it was a bad idea. They was just enjoying being cruel
People are so fuckin wierd......she went.out and bought that mask thinking this eas a good idea. Took it to school still thinking great idea. Juat keeps on gicing the kids the business as they freak out still thinking its a good idea.

I gurantee you she has multiple cats
Dick move.

She's been bad, so by her own standards it'd be cool if a father cornered her one night and scared her into pissing her pants. Make her believe she managed to get away, throw out an "I'll find you" and give her recurring nightmares. Just a joke bro!

Dumb cunt.

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