Soccer & the UFC.....


Purple Belt
Jul 14, 2010
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UFC should learn from soccer! Nothing tops the feeling of watching your country men & women WIN whether it's in the Olympics, world cup,... you name it. Why doesn't the UFC start a tournament (every 2 or 3 years) where athletes from all over the world represent their countries & compete to win a world title?
I for one look forward to unchallenged center control, running, flopping, fights in the stands that are more interesting than the card, and scoreless ties.
The Virgin Footballl athlete..

The Chad MMA athlete..
UFC should learn from soccer! Nothing tops the feeling of watching your country men & women WIN whether it's in the Olympics, world cup,... you name it. Why doesn't the UFC start a tournament (every 2 or 3 years) where athletes from all over the world represent their countries & compete to win a world title?

Fighters fight about 2-3 times a year so let them fight those fight to get a title shot

Have you seen what most fighters look like after an MMA fight, there's no way the top fighters are gonna get those kind of beatings for a theme based show. Maybe if amateur MMA was getting more popular (with shin pads , head gear and 7 oz gloves). It's pretty much the only way you can do multiple fights in a month.

There's only an handful of countries that have more than 2-3 UFC level fighters, maybe when it's gonna be a completely global sport, but right now there's USA and Brazil the rest of the world is very shallow
good idea, BUT the problem is MMA is pretty much unknown outside USA and Brazil, Japan and few other countries.
I am 100% sure if you would ask people in the street in Belgium what MMA or UFC means most would not know what your talking about...
Never noticed how many UFC fighters are either american or brazilian?
lol @ comparing some kung fu league to an A level sport.
UFC should learn from soccer! Nothing tops the feeling of watching your country men & women WIN whether it's in the Olympics, world cup,... you name it. Why doesn't the UFC start a tournament (every 2 or 3 years) where athletes from all over the world represent their countries & compete to win a world title?

But then Americans would dominate the rest of the world just like in everything else. Fine by us of course but the rest of the world will feel left out and as the benevolent leader of the free world that's not something we want.
UFC should learn from soccer! Nothing tops the feeling of watching your country men & women WIN whether it's in the Olympics, world cup,... you name it. Why doesn't the UFC start a tournament (every 2 or 3 years) where athletes from all over the world represent their countries & compete to win a world title?
Won't work, too many MMA fans have crush to fighters... I mean Coleman was booed in the US when fighting Fedor... MMA is not a team sport, it is an individual sport... The only reason guy like Conor get so much love fron Ireland is because he is the only good fighter Ireland had so they cheer bad for him..
Soccer is the worst sport IMO. I think if they allowed some contact similar to NBA basketball in the 1990s. It wouldn't be frowned upon by us Americans as much. The flopping down and the players crying and acting like trying to win an academy award is the biggest pussy shit I've ever seen. Makes them all look like effeminate beta males. I literally saw a guy who wasn't even touched flop down and start rolling as if he was having a seizure. Also the low scoring doesn't help much either. When a team wins 1-0 That's a "blowout" in soccer. I'm like Hank hill on soccer.
UFC should learn from soccer! Nothing tops the feeling of watching your country men & women WIN whether it's in the Olympics, world cup,... you name it. Why doesn't the UFC start a tournament (every 2 or 3 years) where athletes from all over the world represent their countries & compete to win a world title?
All of your posts are stupid.
Soccer is the worst sport IMO. I think if they allowed some contact similar to NBA basketball in the 1990s. It wouldn't be frowned upon by us Americans as much. The flopping down and the players crying and acting like trying to win an academy award is the biggest pussy shit I've ever seen. Makes them all look like effeminate beta males. I literally saw a guy who wasn't even touched flop down and start rolling as if he was having a seizure. Also the low scoring doesn't help much either. When a team wins 1-0 That's a "blowout" in soccer. I'm like Hank hill on soccer.
So why isn't the US the best in Rugby?
Let sports be, enjoy them both for what they are and move on. Apples to oranges here.
The Chad MMA athlete..

That fight was so awesome lol

Bochniak has a Hendo chin on him. Two of those left hooks would have put most dudes on the floor and he spent most of the fight eating shots before this
Soccer is the worst sport IMO. I think if they allowed some contact similar to NBA basketball in the 1990s. It wouldn't be frowned upon by us Americans as much. The flopping down and the players crying and acting like trying to win an academy award is the biggest pussy shit I've ever seen. Makes them all look like effeminate beta males. I literally saw a guy who wasn't even touched flop down and start rolling as if he was having a seizure. Also the low scoring doesn't help much either. When a team wins 1-0 That's a "blowout" in soccer. I'm like Hank hill on soccer.
Everyone hates that, real soccer fans love fair play, my guess is that it is time for rules to start punishing those who try to cheat by overreacting or by faking fouls, the latter is punished some times but most of the times they get away with it.
So why isn't the US the best in Rugby?
Too similar to American football is probably why. Idk. It's European in origin. Not as near international as soccer or no where near as old of a sport as soccer.
good idea, BUT the problem is MMA is pretty much unknown outside USA and Brazil, Japan and few other countries.
I am 100% sure if you would ask people in the street in Belgium what MMA or UFC means most would not know what your talking about...
Never noticed how many UFC fighters are either american or brazilian?
I'm pretty sure that 95% of population in USA and Brazil have no idea who Max Holloway or Amanda Nunes are.

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