International South Africa: Kill the whites!

Lmao imagine crying about South Africans singing an anti-racist song about healing from one of the most egregious wh*te supremacist colonizer occupations in modern history that's still alive and well today. I agree with the spirit of the message, the Boer invaders and colonizers are hogging the best farmland and positions of power and should be redistributed to whence they came.

lol... Ask Zimbabwe how that turned out
I don't know enough about their history to make a real determination on the overall issue itself, but I do know it is in bad taste to say they should kill them.

Everyone should agree on that part no matter where you stand politically. If you don't, then fuck you.
Probably just minor to mention this but wtf, seems like I heard somewhere one time that blacks in South Africa had some resentments. Maybe the white farmers did something in the past?

Meh, it's probably nothing.

The same group that liked to force tires filled with gasoline over people's heads and set them on fire?

You mean that very rational group?

Yeah, I'm sure that their "Kill the Whites" is just a chant and not a real threat to white people living there.
they were banging sticks and rocks together when europeans were signing the magna carta.
This isn't really the slam dunk you think it is when you know a bit of history that was basically the way of the world til 1990. Every people every color every continent.

And might usually does make right when it comes to conflicts over land. It's not nice moral or ethical but it's totally how it works just the same. You either win it hold it and make it into something or another groups gonna come along and the cycle begins again.

I think they have every right to hate the evil white man and want him gone but I think that conflict is a 2 way street , I also think Rhodesia winning that war probably would have been the best thing that could have happened to that part of Africa back in the day as well and that Africa would actually have a powerful functional country had that happened. There would be ghosts of the past and issues to resolve don't get me wrong but I think it would look like America now.

Kinda wild to me that they wanted the white farmers gone , then they wanted them back and now they want to kill them some more. Make up your minds and live with the decision.
This isn't really true, many conquerors did not engage in settler colonialism and more often than not they often just conquered a people and extracted taxes. That can be done in a very evil, exploitative way but the point is that wiping out the local population is far from the norm, most of the time they're just forced to pay tribute and allowed to continue their existence as usual.

Consider for instance the Palestinians. The laymen thinks of them as descendants of the Arabs who conquered the region and displaced the local population just like the Zionists did 1300 years later but its not true, genetic studies show that they have lots of overlap with modern Jews behind only the local Druze and Bedouin. That's the pattern in most places; outside group conquers the local folks, extract taxes and tribute from the farmers and elite, and over centuries there might be cultural assimilation.
So you are pro letting people at risk in or not?
Only if they're white like the Boers.
Lol@people still suggesting "Boers" = all white people.

Again some of the descendets of these people have a "no blacks allowed" City in that Country (that has doubled in size) where residents chase black people with guns. But yeah, disliking them is hate speech against all white people.

But I'm sure some of them are very fine people.
So who is being referred to here when they speak of "Boers" and why is it okay to talk about killing them?
So who is being referred to here when they speak of "Boers" and why is it okay to talk about killing them?

"Boers" doesn't mean "white people." It refers more specifically to Dutch and some French Free Burghers who were occupiers or South Africa. They had 2 conflicts with the British and in the 2nd one when British came to South Africa during a gold rush the Boers regarded them as "foreigners" or "unwelcome visitors" and denied things like voting rights. These British were from the Cape Colony. The Boers responded to failed negotiations with attacks and guerilla warfare. They saw the British as invaders. That war was agreed upon by both to be a "white man's war" because despite this harsh hostility, the one thing they agreed on was f*ck black people.

Modern Boer descendants dont even use that moniker, they're known as Afrikaners. The term "Boer" was used colloquially to describe police and other institutions of apartheid. And as I also mentioned earlier in this thread the modern Afrikaners still have a "whites only" town in South Africa where they display apartheid flags and residents are known to be armed while chasing away black people who come close.

The Boers in most contexts are not people who deserve much sympathy, nor continue to do themselves any favors. Nor do they deserve white people who arent racist taking much offense to this, or expressing outrage at the singing of a song written in the spirit of resistance to people who were actively trying to genocide other people.
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"Boers" doesn't mean "white people." It refers more specifically to Dutch and some French Free Burghers who were occupiers or South Africa. They had 2 conflicts with the British and in the 2nd one when British came to South Africa during a gold rush the Boers regarded them as "foreigners" or "unwelcome visitors" and denied things like voting rights. These British were from the Cape Colony. The Boers responded to failed negotiations with attacks and guerilla warfare. They saw the British as invaders. That war was agreed upon by both to be a "white man's war" because despite this harsh hostility, the one thing they agreed on was f*ck black people.

Modern Boer descendants dont even use that moniker, they're known as Afrikaners. The term "Boer" was used colloquially to describe police and other institutions of apartheid. And as I also mentioned earlier in this thread the modern Afrikaners still have a "whites only" town in South Africa where they display apartheid flags and residents are known to be armed while chasing easy black people who come close.

The Boers in most contexts are not people who deserve much sympathy, nor continue to do themselves any favors. Nor do they deserve white people who arent racist taking much offense to this, or expressing outrage at the singing of a song written in the spirit of resistance to people who were actively trying to genocide other people.
I don't think anyone thought that "Boer" refers to all whites, pretty sure its widely understood that its in reference to the Afrikaners. Calling for violence against another ethnic group in the country is wrong especially by a political party. Collectively blaming the Boers because there is still racism and bigotry among some of them is also wrong.
This isn't really true, many conquerors did not engage in settler colonialism and more often than not they often just conquered a people and extracted taxes. That can be done in a very evil, exploitative way but the point is that wiping out the local population is far from the norm, most of the time they're just forced to pay tribute and allowed to continue their existence as usual.

Consider for instance the Palestinians. The laymen thinks of them as descendants of the Arabs who conquered the region and displaced the local population just like the Zionists did 1300 years later but its not true, genetic studies show that they have lots of overlap with modern Jews behind only the local Druze and Bedouin. That's the pattern in most places; outside group conquers the local folks, extract taxes and tribute from the farmers and elite, and over centuries there might be cultural assimilation.

Only if they're white like the Boers.

So who is being referred to here when they speak of "Boers" and why is it okay to talk about killing them?

You are being way to nice with what the word conquered means imo . Yea it wasn't a full on genocide every time and people fuck who's around them causing genes to mix ....but you making the word conquered sound like it's not a violent thing.
I don't think anyone thought that "Boer" refers to all whites, pretty sure its widely understood that its in reference to the Afrikaners. Calling for violence against another ethnic group in the country is wrong especially by a political party. Collectively blaming the Boers because there is still racism and bigotry among some of them is also wrong.

This thread is literally titled "kill the whites."

Are we doing the "some of them, I'm sure, are very fine people" thing?

It was argued in Court in South Africa that recital of a song isnt even an indictment against the Afrikaners, specifically, but continues the spirit of resistance to apartheid sentiment. Just like Americans can sing "Cop Killer" and its not an indictment against all law enforcement, just the sh*tty ones.
This thread is literally titled "kill the whites."

Are we doing the "some of them, I'm sure, are very fine people" thing?

It was argued in Court in South Africa that recital of a song isnt even an indictment against the Afrikaners, specifically, but continues the spirit of resistance to apartheid sentiment. Just like Americans can sing "Cop Killer" and its not an indictment against all law enforcement, just the sh*tty ones.

Seems highly unlikely that white farmers would hear that and think.. Phew. I'm a white farmer but thank fuck that's directed at apartheid....
Seems highly unlikely that white farmers would hear that and think.. Phew. I'm a white farmer but thank fuck that's directed at apartheid....

Boers arent vaguely "white farmers" as hard as you and others are trying to shoehorn that. If a white farmer isnt a Boer, then they're not a Boer. If they're an Afrikaner who lives in the "whites only" City of Orania they might be offended. But then again they're very likely also disgusting racists which is why they live there in the first place.
This thread is literally titled "kill the whites."

Are we doing the "some of them, I'm sure, are very fine people" thing?

It was argued in Court in South Africa that recital of a song isnt even an indictment against the Afrikaners, specifically, but continues the spirit of resistance to apartheid sentiment. Just like Americans can sing "Cop Killer" and its not an indictment against all law enforcement, just the sh*tty ones.
Uh yes, not all Boers are bad simply because historically Boer dominated institutions enforced Apartheid and to this day there is an all white town in SA somewhere. Is that really a controversial take? Don't we agree collective blame is wrong?
You are being way to nice with what the word conquered means imo . Yea it wasn't a full on genocide every time and people fuck who's around them causing genes to mix ....but you making the word conquered sound like it's not a violent thing.
See now you're arguing something different and against something that I've never said. Of course conquest involves violence at some level, never denied it and that wasn't your original argument. You were arguing that conquest necessarily includes genocide and ethnic cleansing which couldn't be further from the truth. In some cases a conquest could be the result of a few large field battles where mostly enemy combatants die and where the change in leadership is hardly felt by the average commoner. Total war is a relatively recent phenomenon.
This thread is literally titled "kill the whites."

Are we doing the "some of them, I'm sure, are very fine people" thing?

It was argued in Court in South Africa that recital of a song isnt even an indictment against the Afrikaners, specifically, but continues the spirit of resistance to apartheid sentiment. Just like Americans can sing "Cop Killer" and its not an indictment against all law enforcement, just the sh*tty ones.
At what point would you say you became comfortable with Anti-Whiteism?
Boers arent vaguely "white farmers" as hard as you and others are trying to shoehorn that. If a white farmer isnt a Boer, then they're not a Boer. If they're an Afrikaner who lives in the "whites only" City of Orania they might be offended. But then again they're very likely also disgusting racists which is why they live there in the first place.

The EFF certainly doesn't makes that distinction in their platform.

EFF clearly calls for violence against white landowners.
The EFF certainly doesn't makes that distinction in their platform.

EFF clearly calls for violence against white landowners.

They literally made it in Court.
Uh yes, not all Boers are bad simply because historically Boer dominated institutions enforced Apartheid and to this day there is an all white town in SA somewhere. Is that really a controversial take? Don't we agree collective blame is wrong?

See now you're arguing something different and against something that I've never said. Of course conquest involves violence at some level, never denied it and that wasn't your original argument. You were arguing that conquest necessarily includes genocide and ethnic cleansing which couldn't be further from the truth. In some cases a conquest could be the result of a few large field battles where mostly enemy combatants die and where the change in leadership is hardly felt by the average commoner. Total war is a relatively recent phenomenon.

If there are good Afrikaners they shouldnt be blamed. Just as good Cops who arent even in the same department as bad Cops, or good Cops who report bad Cops shouldnt be included in the ire when "Cop Killer" is sung. But again, all this was argued in SA's High Court
If there are good Afrikaners they shouldnt be blamed. Just as good Cops who arent even in the same department as bad Cops, or good Cops who report bad Cops shouldnt be included in the ire when "Cop Killer" is sung. But again, all this was argued in SA's High Court
You can't compare a profession like the police to an ethnic group and you would likely point that out if the discussion here was about Black Lives Matter vs Blue Lives Matter.

I don't know what SA's High Court has to do with this or what was decided there but I think its irrelevant, calling for ethnic violence is wrong. Surprised that this is a controversial take.