That Mark Hunt blames everybody else but himself proof that he's got brain damage?

Don't really have an opinion on the situation. But you DO understand that the ONLY WAY that someone can take your statement out of context is if you said or wrote it. Dana's silly argument of "How do you take your own words out of context," is just that...silly. Hunt was saying that Dana took Hunt's words out of context, not that Hunt took his own words out of context. Seemed like no one caught that, & Dana gets away with saying some really retarded shit & puts it on Hunt. Maybe they BOTH have brain damage.
The guy used to do a LOT of drugs and that's a junky's mentality.
Hunt was trying to double-dip. He wanted to be paid for another fight or two and then sue for a crap ton of money. He was going to point to his words as proof that they shouldn't have allowed him to fight.

Dude really isn't that smart.
Dana white is legit laughing while mark hunt is flaming hot pissed
Cut half that for taxes, half that for your gym, and you're not left with enough money to retire on unless you live in Brazil or a third world country.

And Mark Hunt hasn't been making even that his entire career.

Only a handful of guys in the history of the sport make enough to retire on from fighting.
i dunno man. if you look at his payouts in his last 4 fights, in the last about 1 1/2 years, he made ~3.5M. i highly doubt he gives 1/2 to his gym either. teams at Hunts level don't take 1/2 your earnings, that would be insane. Either way, if he needs money, he's definitely doing something wrong or something stupid.
Cut half that for taxes, half that for your gym, and you're not left with enough money to retire on unless you live in Brazil or a third world country.
If he gave half to taxes and half to his gym, he wouldn't make a cent because he would be giving 100% away.
Cut half that for taxes, half that for your gym, and you're not left with enough money to retire on unless you live in Brazil or a third world country.

$3.5M in 3 years. 50% to taxes is probably around correct. 10% for manager/gym total unless he's getting hosed. (certainly possible, he's not that bright.)

That leaves around $1.5M. Average American family makes that in 30 years. If he ends up broke, it's sad, but it's his own doing. (Though it wouldn't make him unusual, humans in general are awful at handling brief high earning periods. See most pro athletes and lottery winners.)

Now, I'm not arguing that he doesn't need to make more money or whether or not he deserves more. I'm just saying he has made enough to retire over his career multiple times over and if he ends up broke, it's on him.
same thing here. if Dana hadn't bent Hunt over many times over the years, he probably agrees to extra testing, and there is no issue today.

You may be right and Dana certainly is an asshat, but in this particular situation Hunt is clearly in the wrong and that's not debatable. So the right answer is take the damn tests and take your big paycheck. Problem is he knows if the tests go poorly, his career (at least in the USA) is over. And if his tests go bad, we definitely want his career over as fans.
$3.5M in 3 years. 50% to taxes is probably around correct. 10% for manager/gym total unless he's getting hosed. (certainly possible, he's not that bright.)

That leaves around $1.5M. Average American family makes that in 30 years. If he ends up broke, it's sad, but it's his own doing. (Though it wouldn't make him unusual, humans in general are awful at handling brief high earning periods. See most pro athletes and lottery winners.)

Now, I'm not arguing that he doesn't need to make more money or whether or not he deserves more. I'm just saying he has made enough to retire over his career multiple times over and if he ends up broke, it's on him.
Some men can plan financially. Other men can beat chimpanzees in tug of war. Few men can do both. Shane Carwin is one of those men.
If he gave half to taxes and half to his gym, he wouldn't make a cent because he would be giving 100% away.
nobody gives 1/2 to their team. that would be insane. That would mean for top fighters, they'd be paying hundreds of thousands of dollars each fight for a 8 week camp and cornering. No one owuld do that. the only disclosure i've ever seen with numbers is that ATT used to charge 20%, and they lowered it to like 5% a few years ago. There was an article about once
You may be right and Dana certainly is an asshat, but in this particular situation Hunt is clearly in the wrong and that's not debatable. So the right answer is take the damn tests and take your big paycheck. Problem is he knows if the tests go poorly, his career (at least in the USA) is over. And if his tests go bad, we definitely want his career over as fans.

i don't think it's not debatable, even if you disagree. just like i don't think MM's points here are not debatable. most people didn't read MM's statement in full, but of those that did, i'm sure many disagreed (not with his feelings of course - you cannot debate that - but his thought process or specific line of facts that led to his feelings. but it's certainly not "not debatable".

similarly, Hunt feels the same way MM does. he's tired of feeling singled out all the time, pushed around. and we can debate whether he should feel singled out and picked on, but you cannot debate that he actually feels that way.

i wish Hunt would take the tests, pass, and fight. OTOH, i think Hunt should also do what Hunt needs to do for himself, beyond any one individual fight or dilemma. don't you? and my argument is that this goes beyond this simple test. it's about how fighters feel treated in general. when the power imbalance is strong, one side can push as hard as they want, but eventually when the balances become a tad more even, the other side just may start playing the game back.
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First he says (before the fight) he could care less if his last opp. was juicing, then he loses and complains that his opp. is a cheater, scum, etc. And that the UFC is in on it for allowing it.

Then he pens an article claiming he has probs. with memory, speech, etc. And then when he is pulled from his fight, he complains his words were taken out of context, even though he wrote them!

Don't get me wrong, Hunt is a great fighter... one of the greatest heavyweights of all time, BUT... keepin it real, is it time for him to get help as he clearly has anger issues/it's everybody's fault but mine, etc.

If that's brain damage, then the entire human race has brain damage.

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