The Official "Show your Stuff" Thread:


Doctor of Doom
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
Figured it'd be good to have a nice weapon appreciation thread. Showing what we have.

As of right now I only have two swords which are just show pieces, not really worth posting. But the two I do have worth posting are my dagger and my pride and joy, which you'll see beneath the dagger, all black:


Here's a slightly different view:


The cool thing about the double-sided blade is it's intended purpose. It's not necessarily an engaging weapon. But it's best-used just kind of hurled blindly into a crowd of attacking enemies. lol

Finally found time to get out in the field. No Muley bucks today (at least, not in a legal location), but looking forward to the rest of the weekend.
i'd love too, but i still don't know how to post pics!!! LOL
Just use this site:

It does all the work for you, as long as you know where your pics are on your computer. Create an account at photobucket (it's free), then use the upload tool just like you uploaded your Av. It gives you the code for links as well, just use the one with the "
this will be a good thread.
now saddam don't go posting those wmd
King Kabuki said:
Just use this site:

It does all the work for you, as long as you know where your pics are on your computer. Create an account at photobucket (it's free), then use the upload tool just like you uploaded your Av. It gives you the code for links as well, just use the one with the "" tag by copying and pasting into the box here.[/QUOTE]
cool, i'll try. i get frustrated quite easily, so if something annoys me...

here's my small colleciton of old and rare knives... including a WWII bayonette, a traditional japanese sword (not kitana) and an authentic arabian curved sword (with 2 dining knives in sheath) others are just some various old daggars.

this is my battle-ready sword i had forged at the PA ren-fair. its fully tang, which means that if i hit something it won't break at the hilt, like all those replica kitanas goth people like to pretend they are highlander with!!!

close up of the arabian sword, i'll get around to posting it out of the sheath eventually
Looks good man. But I might have to find a way to re-size the first one since it's ginormous.
haha, yeah, i was shocked... can i do that on that site? i'm not sure why the other one is so big... i took all three at the same time!!
I think photobucket has a re-size tool. Or if you want I can re-size it and host it for you.
King Kabuki said:
I think photobucket has a re-size tool. Or if you want I can re-size it and host it for you.
i'll figure it out... that is way too fucking large!
god i wish I had a digital camera!
her name is "consequence".

She was given to me by my brother before he moved out of the country to watch my back.

440 stainless steel.
Blade catcher good for disarming
Index finger guard to stop disarming, and reversals.

she's sharp and thte devil's toe nails.

i have a few other katana's (including a cold steel one) but this paul chen one the best, very light, sharp and practical, fun doing test cuts too!

have some good nuchakus but no pics:icon_cry2
Excellent curve to that blade.

Have you tested it's sharpness?

I had a pair of Nunchaku once that were vulcanized rubber with steel re-inforcement (like tires).

It REALLY sucked to fuck up when using them.
Shft_E said:
her name is "consequence".

She was given to me by my brother before he moved out of the country to watch my back.

440 stainless steel.
Blade catcher good for disarming
Index finger guard to stop disarming, and reversals.

she's sharp and thte devil's toe nails.

She's a beauty
^tanks, she likes compliements

>>jonutarr>- I was thinkin of purchasing a paul chen would you say they are worth it, they are kinda pricey.
The great thing about having a dad who is a very, very serious collector of cutlery is that I get cool knives for gifts.

I don't have actual pictures of my pig-pokers (can't find my crap digital camera) but I do have pics.

1) Benchmade Bali-Song knife, with titanium handles and surgically sharp blade.


2) Swedish Fallkniven combat/survival knife. Nicely balanced with a thick, sharp blade and neoprene handle


3) What self-respecting Jarhead would be without a K-Bar; my bro bought me one when I graduated from Parris Island.


Shft_E said:
^tanks, she likes compliements

>>jonutarr>- I was thinkin of purchasing a paul chen would you say they are worth it, they are kinda pricey.

My father, who has been collecting blades for about a dozen years and who is fanatically serious about it (he rarely ever buys production blades anymore, only custom jobs from master smiths) recommends the Chen swords. As Japanese swords go, they're really quite reasonable; I believe that a good, serviceable samurai swords (katana, wazikashi, or tanto blades) that can stand up to use (not wall-hangers) will start out at about $200-$250 per inch of blade or more.