Economy The US National debt is 28 Trillion, the value of US stock market is 43 Trillion=never gonna pay


Sep 12, 2014
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our debt is almost as much as the total value of all us companies. how the fudge are we gonna pay for that? China is going to be owning us and we will be made in US but property of China.
Yes? Thats how sovereign debt works. They are never going to pay it back.
our debt is almost as much as the total value of all us companies. how the fudge are we gonna pay for that? China is going to be owning us and we will be made in US but property of China.

thanks Obama!!!! <-- yes the debt doubled under obama and at some point the debt is so high that the interest is so high and it is hard to pay it off. So remember that Trump was carrying all this interest from obama and also remember that the government grew under obama which makes debt go up.

Now add covid relief to that

But President Bidet will fix it all up.
thanks Obama!!!! <-- yes the debt doubled under obama and at some point the debt is so high that the interest is so high and it is hard to pay it off. So remember that Trump was carrying all this interest from obama and also remember that the government grew under obama which makes debt go up.

Now add covid relief to that

But President Bidet will fix it all up.

You can thank several others besides Obama, nearly all of them in the modern era. Reagan and George W Bush say hi.

The debt leader, FDR, has an excuse....Great Depression, WW2, 4 terms.

It doesn’t need to be “fixed” needs to be handled like it was handled under Clinton.
He was such a good president that Republicans had to come after him for getting pussy.
You can thank several others besides Obama, nearly all of them in the modern era. Reagan and George W Bush say hi.

The debt leader, FDR, has an excuse....Great Depression, WW2, 4 terms.

It doesn’t need to be “fixed” needs to be handled like it was handled under Clinton.
He was such a good president that Republicans had to come after him for getting pussy.
That's what scares me. That we're not going to be able to go into debt when we really need it. By running up the debt in good times, we're screwing ourselves when the inevitable bad times happen. COVID should be a snapshot of that. Other countries are helping their citizens much more, and we're barely able to write $600 checks. What's gonna happen when WW 3 happens? Or when a new Great Depression happens?
Kind of wondering if all this money is being pumped out to push a global currency.
They are have been talking about a global currency and one world government for awhile now. The great reset and them saying you will own nothing and be happy maybe that is because no one will have money?
and people wants dems in office and they want diversity or other crap but in govt they cant fire govt workers so they will create more govt jobs that will put even more strein on tax revenue and other useless idiotic crap they campaign on
The debt is a fake issue any political pretending its a problem is a traitor whose using that as an excuse to hurt people.
The Republican Party has been an abysmal failure on Spending. Us TEA Party types have zero faith in them. The Democratic Party is a non-starter.

When the musical chairs stop, don't have you investments in the dollar.
Makes you wonder why anyone would take our debt at this point.
We're still the richest, most powerful country on the planet. Nobody realistically thinks the US is going to fall any time soon. Our debt is worth more than most country's entire GDPs.

I think we're good.
This is what trashed Yugoslavia financially. Tito, unlike most dictators, understood he was mortal. So he borrowed like crazy and life was nicer than economic fundamentals would have otherwise allowed, then he died, and the bills came due. Maybe the difference is we can just tell China LOL we just nationalized all the companies & real estate you bought and aren't paying shit on the debt.