Thoughts on Taylor Swift

Brother Numsi

Red Belt
Aug 2, 2010
Reaction score
Thought she was just another basic white girl with a guitar who got lucky. But here she is again about to drop another album that will no doubt sell millions. You can't be 'basic' and have this type of longevity.

Not a huge fan of her music but she's a talented artist. And I especially like the fact that she's gotten a little thicc these last few years

He's hot as fuck now with the added weight! Looks good on her.



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I never heard of her until the whole Kanye Fiasco. In my (unpopular) opinion, he did her a bit of a favor. I remember from that day on I didn't stop hearing her name. Other than that, I don't have much of an opinion on her as I am out of middle school and don't have a va jay jay.

Very, very, pretty girl though.
Garbage music for the masses.

You know when people say “ I like all music besides country”

I fall into that category . Also this is even worse it’s pop country .
I was watching the awards show when that shit with Kanye West happened and something's always bothered me about that. Before the show started, she was outside giving an interview and she kept answering the questions with the phrase "I sing country music." If you notice, that's the last thing she said before Kanye interrupted her too. wtf was she doing? Trying to change the course of her career somehow? It irks me cause we'll never know the answer now.

Also, she should title her albums with the literal contents of what they are. "Shit that happened to me in high school", "More shit that happened to me in high school", "My failed relationships", etc. On a related note, I want Pink to do the same thing with her songs "I'm tough and I'll hit you", "Why did I hit you what's wrong with me", "Please don't leave me I'm sorry I hit you", and "I don't care if you leave cause I'm tough"
I don't like her music, but think she's a very talented writer. Her sense of self-importance is off the chart, though.
Same songs re-worded to different beats. Seems she has had like 30 boyfriends and all their breakups fuel her songs.
She strikes me as a horrible human being. Her music is garbage. She completely turned her back on her country roots. And swift plays victim more than any other female artist in the game.

Not to mention that her talents don't match her fame. She's way too famous for someone with basic guitar skills and a basic singing voice. Almost every other female singer in the game has a stronger singing voice than her.

Music is trash fam.
I think her farts probably got worst since she gained the weight
I'd bang her, if that's what you're asking.

Oh, and her music, don't really care for it.
She's a typical Hollywood product of nepotism with a large team of professionals who write her music.

Her parents are billionaires. She was always going to be successful.
Proud to say I wouldn't know her music if I broke into a neighbour's house for playing music too loud and took her cd out of their stereo and cut their throats with the broken shards
Kylie Minogue was basic, couldn't sing, very little talent, but look at her

But she was so sweet and sexy