Media UFC Embedded Ian Garry training at Chute Boxe

He looks like he finally found a gym he fits in, hope he keeps it WAGLess.
Ian is a little smarter than Conor to think outside the box of Ireland, But, Conor would have called Ian a traitor and say "what you don't believe in your own team, I think that is mental weakness when you don't trust in your own people and team that brought you up and now you want to turn on them, your a snake in the grass." ....Ian would say " But But I love you Conor your my hero.".....Conor..."I imagine you will be headed, and it will become a national holiday, and who can trust someone like you whose kids are named Jose and Juan, your a sell out and your own people don't like you, when your Brazilian team comes to Ireland they cheer them but when you step down, no one is there and no one cares."....Ian.." F U at least I don't hit old men at bars, I am tired of your drunk ass and all your fans have...oh oh never mind"...Ian just realized he was talking to a Conor Bot.
You left out right after Ian says "But, But I love you Conor and your (I think you meant "you're") my hero..." and then Ian continues..."I love taking shots of Proper 12 off Dee's ass chasing it with Forged Stout"...and "if you weren't out smelling blow and banging ho I would be doing lines off your shaft"...

So I was a bit bonged up and wanted to add that snippet to your story...sorry.
You left out right after Ian says "But, But I love you Conor and your (I think you meant "you're") my hero..." and then Ian continues..."I love taking shots of Proper 12 off Dee's ass chasing it with Forged Stout"...and "if you weren't out smelling blow and banging ho I would be doing lines off your shaft"...

So I was a bit bonged up and wanted to add that snippet to your story...sorry.

Might be time to put the bong down for a bit bud.