UFN 88 pbp/spoilers/etc

Oh please please no robbery here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have Stephens dec at +485 and +515 plus it closes out a little hail mary.

I freaking NEED this for Stephens and he won rds 2 and 3.
Baroa would be nice but stephens got it. Hedged so no loss if stwphens gets it
Both guys have the same problem with their boxing... too much energy per punch and zero snap. Very similar striking styles overall.
barao r3 landed alot more

pls judges

No he didn't. Maybe, MAYBE he landed a bit more. I want to see the stats. But Stephens FOR SURE landed cleaner better shots.
hit stephens dec line and then barao @ that 400+ line small

hmm guess the power punches were on the judges menu
fml.. surprised it was not even split.. barao landed almost twice the amount of strike and got the td.. but stephens with the harder shots won it i guess