UMBRELLA ACADEMY (Season 3 Trailer; Returns June 22, 2022)

Guy, guys. Klaus can make what he manifests actually interface with the real world. Remember when Ben hit him??? When hes completely truly sober, he is going to be a BEAST
I want him to summon an army of ghost warriors next season's finale like its LOTR
I want him to summon an army of ghost warriors next season's finale like its LOTR
Yeah, there's a lot they can do with him, glad to see he evolved.

I liked the ending of this, and it had some cool moments, but it was a slog to get through at times. Netflix tends to have serious pacing issues with their shows. Ellen Page is awful throughout too, but I liked the rest of the cast. I'm looking forward to season 2.
Just finished the season. At the beginning I thought it was great. Now overall I think it was good. Would definitely watch a second season.

Honestly I think you guys are kinda assholes the way you perceive Vanya. I thought her story was super sad and I was so happy she survived and didn't kill anyone else. Her story seemed irredeemable but it looks like Allison will be able to speak again and she did kill Pogo but I guess we can deal with that.

What's weird to me is Klaus part of the group. Yes he had drug issues but still before the finale (and without dead Ben) they all thought his powers were useless. So what was he doing there?

I agree wholeheartedly with this post. I dont get the Vanya hate. I think Ellen Page did a marvelous job convincing me that she was manipulated, lied to, and traumatized as a child. Her character had low self esteem due to her father's harsh ways and she portrayed that very well.

I think Klaus was part of the team because his father wanted him to realize how powerful he was if he only tapped into his powers. Klaus was a headcase due to his father's training and used drugs as an escape. Only when Klaus wqs sober did he reach his full potential
No, i understand the vanya hate. She acted bland, dressed dull, and is not nice on the eyes. I dont think anyone didnt understand her character and, at best, ellen page did the best for what she had to work with, but shes a boring character. I felt almost agitated about how great and powerful she became.

I am unsure about springing into the next season simply because i was finding myself trying to like this more than i should. That feels like work. Its an interesting idea and there are some parts that shine, but not many. When the best part of your season is seeing the characters dance to I Think Were Alone Now, in a super hero drama, you got problems.

When it comes to the characters, some powers are silly or lackluster. Luther, the strong guy, hardly did anything. Plus hes just as vulnerable as anyone. Diego cut him with a knife for christs sake. Oh, diego, so hes agile and great at throwing knives. Yay. Klause and number 5 (is his name astral?) are good and now so is vanya, but allison and her "i heard a rumor" is laughable.

I still want a back story on ben, pogo, and.. more on the father.
Hadn't heard of this somehow, wife and i started it saturday on a whim, and finished it sunday. Really enjoyed it, felt different...could, maybe SHOULD be cheesey as hell, but doesnt feel that way much really...Pumped for a second season. Wish it was out already.

I know they do a lot of flashback/nonlinear stuff, but how long after the start of season 2 you think we have the kid actors until they figure out how to get their adult bodies back? also does SpaceBoy get his human Nips back?

edit: also...wasn't the whole point of Vanya
to be dull and ordinary and now is coming into her power and hopefully some charisma? i mean...she was literally sedated her whole life... idk...something about Page makes me want to watch her on screen, she's nuts, but I ended up caring about and liking her character...called that she was the cause of the apocolypse, but didn't call her going full villain, was a satisfying death on her dickhead bf
witj regards to Vanya I get the criticism of her character. Still I thinl she was the victim and you can't blame her for anything. I felt like watching Carrie where a poor girl gets treated like shit and finally snaps. She doesn't even really snap. She just can't control her powers.
The book was messed up but that's what you get and deserve when you treat your sister like shit for 20 years. She also regretted it.
In the end she still wanted to apologize to Allison and explain herself but they didn't let her so her repressed emotions and powers took over. Was nice to see Diego Klaus and Allison all being understanding of her. Too bad Luther was pissed because she had almost killed Allison.
Just finished the episode 4.

Overall it's a good show but pacing is uneven and episodes are far too long (usual problem wit Netflix's comic book shows). At some moments the show is slow as fuck.

I really like characters of Luther, Diego and #5. Pogo is amazing.

I can't stand Ellen Page, she is annoying as fuck and she isn't capable of doing more than 2 facial emotions.
Also, she is barely past 30 and she looks like she is 40 and like she smells of a cat's piss.
Just finished it. Not bad at all. Like X Men on mushrooms:)

- Vanya reminded me a lot of Carrie. Especially the way she killed her boyfriend.

- Nice nod to the comic showing Hargreaves coming from an alien planet.

- The Red Gas Mask guys were obviously Storm Trooper Academy alumni, given their utter lack of ability to hit anyone.

- Pogo's death brought teh Feels.

- Klaus and Ben were the final episode MVP's:cool:

- Glad that Hazel and his GILF made it out. Fuck Cha-Cha.

- So a second season would show them as kids but with all their memories still intact? Would watch.
I like season finales to actually bring closure, so I was a little disappointed about the conclusion. I’ll definitely watch a second season though.
Thought this was some sort of Resident Evil spinoff show

Leaving pretty disappointed
My gf read the comics, but I had no idea what to expect going in. I really liked it. Five is my favorite but there weren't really any bad characters, imo. I'm definitely looking forward to S2...almost as much as S3 of Jessica Jones. (@Dragonlordxxxxx ;))
My gf read the comics, but I had no idea what to expect going in. I really liked it. Five is my favorite but there weren't really any bad characters, imo. I'm definitely looking forward to S2...almost as much as S3 of Jessica Jones. (@Dragonlordxxxxx ;))
Five is my favorite character too. Klaus was entertaining and more bearable when he became sober.

Luther/Number One was the Peter Quill of Infinity War in Umbrella Academy. Luther's two actions towards Vanya caused the apocalypse.

Jessica Jones season 3 comes at a good time since I have been having a hard time sleeping lately.
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I'm late to the party, can someone TL;DR the entire thread for me?
Five is my favorite character too. Klaus was entertaining and more bearable when he became sober.

Luther/Number One was the Peter Quill of Infinity War in Umbrella Academy. Luther's two actions towards Vanya cost the apocalypse.

Klaus and Ben were awesome. They had a great dynamic.

As for Luther...that's a perfect way to describe him.

When Vanya saw Allison during her concert, Luther should've called off the attack. Vanya smiled and was glad she was there. Instead, she gets spooked and destroys the moon. Good job, Number One. lol

Jessica Jones season 3 comes at a good time since I have been having a hard time sleeping lately.

I'm late to the party, can someone TL;DR the entire thread for me?
A bunch of women spontaneously birthed kids with super powers. A crazy rich dude bought several them and raised them to be a crime fighting team. Much dysfunction ensues. One girl is hot. One girl has a big forehead. Time travel shenanigans in an attempt to stop the apocalypse. Also there’s a talking chimpanzee butler and robot mom.
A bunch of women spontaneously birthed kids with super powers. A crazy rich dude bought several them and raised them to be a crime fighting team. Much dysfunction ensues. One girl is hot. One girl has a big forehead. Time travel shenanigans in an attempt to stop the apocalypse. Also there’s a talking chimpanzee butler and robot mom.

Amendment: Grace = would
A bunch of women spontaneously birthed kids with super powers. A crazy rich dude bought several them and raised them to be a crime fighting team. Much dysfunction ensues. One girl is hot. One girl has a big forehead. Time travel shenanigans in an attempt to stop the apocalypse. Also there’s a talking chimpanzee butler and robot mom.

And how does the Mayberry feel about this?
And how does the Mayberry feel about this?
The consensus is mostly positive. I thought it was good but had a few dragging moments here and there. Some sub-plots (like Cha Cha and Hazel plotline midway) were unnecessary and were just time fillers. The show is like a mix of X-Men, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and A Series of Unfortunate Events.
The consensus is mostly positive. I thought it was good but had a few dragging moments here and there. Some sub-plots (like Cha Cha and Hazel plotline midway) were unnecessary and were just time fillers. The show is like a mix of X-Men, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Did anyone post any pictures of hot chicks?

That kinda meshes with my take from the previews. It looked intriguing but also looked like the pacing might not be enough for my addled millennial brain and I would like get bored or at least not hooked enough to watch more than a couple episodes. I still might put it on in the background at some point.
Yeah, there's a lot they can do with him, glad to see he evolved.

I liked the ending of this, and it had some cool moments, but it was a slog to get through at times. Netflix tends to have serious pacing issues with their shows. Ellen Page is awful throughout too, but I liked the rest of the cast. I'm looking forward to season 2.
I'm in episode 5 it is going at such a slow pace, but I'm kinda sticking to it because I guess they just want to flesh out the character. And yup Ellen Paige is so annoying she has this I'm always deprresed look and now has the forehead of Martina Hingis and looks old.

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