International Wagner Claims to Have Shot Down Russian Helicopter, Putin Briefed, Operation Fortress in Play

How would that work?

Prigozhin goes to 'prison', but basically lives in luxury?

I dunno.

This is exceptional stuff we're witnessing.

Prigozhin has always been close to Putler an at one time said Ukrainian supporters would be arrested. Prigozhin seems to be working for a way out for Putler without losing face.
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Anti-Kremlin tycoon urges Russians to back Wagner boss
Anti-Kremlin figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky has urged Russians to support Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin who, as we've been reporting, has vowed to bring down Moscow's military leadership.
Khodorkovsky, who was once Russia’s richest oligarch, said: "We need to help now, and then, if necessary, we will fight this one, too."
After falling out with Vladimir Putin, he spent 10 years in a Russian prison and recently called for tougher sanctions against the Russian president.
Khodorkovsky said it was important to back "even the devil" if he decided to take on the Kremlin.
"And yes, this is just the beginning," he said.


Anti-terror measures in Moscow - mayor
Moscow's mayor has announced anti-terrorist measures are being taken to reinforce security in the capital city.
Writing on Telegram Sergey Sobyanin wrote: "In connection with the incoming information, anti-terrorist measures are being taken in Moscow aimed at strengthening security measures.
"Additional control on the roads has been introduced.
"It is possible to limit the holding of public events. Please consider the measures taken with understanding."


Avoid Rostov centre says governor as armed men seen
Things appear to be moving very fast in the city of Rostov-on-Don, where footage on local Telegram channels appear to show armed forces surrounding a government building.
The footage - which has not been verified by the BBC - shows armed men in uniform walking around the building's perimeter, as armoured vehicles surround it, including two tanks with their guns trained on it.
Reuters news agency said it had verified the location as the police headquarters building.
Meanwhile the local governor Vasily Golubev urged residents to avoid the centre of Rostov-on-Don.
"In connection with the current situation, I ask you to refrain from traveling to the city center and, if possible, not to leave your homes," he wrote on Telegram


To be honest, I would discount this as a way of Putin 'looking good' via an exit strategy.

Sorry, I honestly couldn't guess which way you were leaning or what you meant :)

I don't think it's possible that a Wagner mutiny ties into the counter offensive, but whatever's happening defies logic in the first place.

This extremely high level corruption puts Russians at risk, but what did they expect?

Yeah I just looked them up and I didn't know the group was so big. I suppose it's likely that Wagner is just being opportunistic with its timing knowing that Russia has its hands especially full right now. Well, that doesn't account for the supposed bombing of Wagner actually. I don't know. lol.
Yeah I just looked them up and I didn't know the group was so big. I suppose it's likely that Wagner is just being opportunistic with its timing knowing that Russia has its hands especially full right now. Well, that doesn't account for the supposed bombing of Wagner actually. I don't know. lol.

Shoigu vs Prigozhin has been bubbling away for a while, as Russia continued to pretend it was 'winning' in Ukraine.

I didn't expect this though.

We don't really see power plays like this in normal countries.

Seeing how they're able to easily override entire cities who see no reason to resist, though, who knows where this ends.
Prigozhin isn't in Putin's inner circle and I don't think they are really that close. This has got very interesting. There is no going back.
Sounds like NATO is invading Russia.

Allegedly the moment Wagner shot down a Russian helicopter.

This could be the moment civil war began in Russia.

Good job Putin, you retard.
So, does this mean the war in Ukraine is over?
I wouldn't go that far yet, but a Russian civil war is great news. This is still too early to tell what's going to happen. Possibly Prigozhin rallies a force and takes Moscow or he gets killed very soon.
Highway to Moscow closed - regional governor
The M4 highway has been closed at the border between Lipetsk and Voronezh regions, the Lipetsk governor says.
Earlier he said a Russian military convoy was on the highway.
The M4 connects Moscow to southern regions including Rostov and its main city Rostov-on-Don, where armed men have been seen.
It follows Wagner mercenary group boss Prigozhin's vow to topple Russia's military leadership
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Now post a link to the ratified treaty where the US government agreed to not expand NATO to former Soviet states. If there is no treaty, its not real.

I wouldn't go that far yet, but a Russian civil war is great news. This is still too early to tell what's going to happen. Possibly Prigozhin rallies a force and takes Moscow or he gets killed very soon.
A country with nukes in a civil war is not good news. Imagine rogue factions selling nukes to terrorists that want to kill you and your family.