What happened to Jason "Mayhem" Miller!!!?

Something happened between him an Dana behind the scenes. Dana just out of nowhere became super hostile towards him and claimed the Bisping fight was most one sided he had ever seen despite Miller winning the first round.
Sherfam, I'm back! Been in the clink with Lee Murray and just got my parole, and I can't express how excited I am to find that Mayhem Miller is still relevant!

Can't wait to get up to speed on the current state of MMA and learn about all these new fighters.
I saw the thread about the podcast with Rampage and Karo Parisyan. They talked about Mayhem Miller and I remember him having his own TV series and he was on TUF as well. Despite not having the best UFC record on the planet, he achieved great success more so as an MMA personality than a fighter.

He went from this:

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To this:
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He is 42 in this pic and I don't want to hear shit about age. Karo, Rampage, Hughes, Lawler ,GSP, Bisping ,Serra, Cro Cop and Diaz look the same aside from weight gain or receding hairline. That and they had a much more extensive fighting career longer in duration and much more active in competition. This dude was doing tons of TV shows.

1. Karo, Rampage, Hughes, Lawler ,GSP, Bisping ,Serra, Cro Cop and Diaz use Sunscreen 50+ SPF. Jason cannot afford SPF 50+, most probably he uses 30+
2. No, seriously, there might be drugs involved. GSP eats healthy and trains regularly. Diaz doesn't look the same, though.
I expected a much worse second pic, aka this one :

Its strange because he came off a bit annoying but he seemed like a happy person or at least in a good mood. That and despite not having the best record, he had two TV shows in regards to MMA and was a major MMA personality.

It caught me off guard for him to be doing so bad. I would expect it more so from a quite guy who fought in the UFC and kept to himself.

Was it really the losses?

He was never really a competitive guy. Never had intense drive in training. Karo, Rampage and fighters in team punishment mentioned that he like to mess around in training. Played practical jokes and looked at MMA more as an adventure as oppose to a serious endeavor.

Hence he kind of had an advantage of being more relaxed in fights since he kind of was free spirited and could have fun. Similar to early Conor who was cool as a cucumber.
So you mentioning him happy, I thought the same, but a few years back I rewattched the GSP fight, and in between rounds, he had a smile on his face, but said something in a really pissed off manner. I can't remember what exactly, but I remember thinking his facial expression and his tone to what he said were polar opposite. I have a feeling whatever turmoil that's inside him has been there far longer than we realize.
It’s clear that the dude has metal issues, but back when he was on top it all seemed like an act. Hope he doesn’t get in big trouble. Tony gives me the same vibes.
It's too bad about Miller. He was smart and charismatic and he fought the best. But Miller seemed to me like an angry guy behind the scenes.
He met a succubus and she drained his life force.
i used to be a huge fan of Mayhem and for what i saw and knew the guy fried his mind with party drugs: he used to always be "original" and playful in a funny crazy way but at some point it looked like he lost control and in some (probably substance fueled) occasions even the grip on reality.
I don't think that he has always been crazy or that he "naturally" became mentaly ill: the guy fried his mind with pills and powders.
I think (JUST A GUESS) that he started with the serious drug usage as he got popular and had his own TV-show Bully Beatdown.

Popularity, Fame, Money -> Tryin out drugs

Nobody knows if his Mental Health would be in check if he didn't start with hard partying and serious drugs.

Maybe / maybe not.

He sure created Mayhem

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August 2011 - Assaulted his sister​

In August 2011 Miller was arrested after his sister accused him of assualting her at a party. He was charged with "simple assault and false imprisonment." The incident took place in Chatham County, North Carolina.

According to TMZ, Mayhem's sister asked to leave the party and he put her "into a headlock and refused to let her go."

August 2012 - Naked church incident​

One year later, Miller was arrested in Mission Viejo, CA after he was found sleeping naked in a church. According to several reports, "The pastor at the church told law enforcement that Miller had broken into the church and destroyed a variety of pictures, CDs, and books inside. Miller also discharged a fire extinguisher, leaving a residue trail to the second floor where police reportedly found a naked Miller sleeping on a couch."

The charges were eventually dismissed when the pastor requested he not get jail time.

August 2013 - Domestic battery x2​

On August 11, 2013, Miller was arrested for domestic battery but released the following day. Just a few days later on August 22, he was arrested again for domestic battery. The two cases were combined and he was charged with "two felony counts of corporal injury of a spouse," he pleaded not guilty and was released on $100,000 bail.

On October 9 he was taken back into custody when he violated a restraining order by sending a Snapchat to the victim.

October 2014 - Live tweeting his police stand-off​

In October 2014, police arrived to Miller's home to arrest him after for a felony domestic violence warrant/ Miller refused to co-operate and locked himself inside his Orange County, CA home.

He famously live tweeted the incident on his official Twitter account before eventually surrendering.

March 2015 - Fighting with police​

Miller was arrested in Laguna Beach, CA after it was reported that he was "volatile and breaking glass" inside of a bar. A video from a witness at the time showed Miller fighting police while handcuffed. He was charged with "battery on a peace officer, unlawful fighting, and resisting arrest."

October 2015 - Tased by police​

Officers responded to a domestic call involving Miller and two women. When they arrived Miller threatened police and was eventually tased by police and arrested for assault.

February 2016 - DUI​

Miller was arrested in Irvine, CA and charged with a DUI.

March 2016 - Vandalizing a tattoo shop​

Miller was arrested for vandalism and robbery of a tattoo shop in Lake Forest, CA. He was held on $1 million bail.

July 2016 - Spitting at the Chop House​

In July, Miller was arrested at the Saddle Ranch Chop House after "allegedly injuring a security guard and spitting on a police officer." The charges were later dismissed.

November 2017 - felony battery​

Miller pleaded guilty to felony domestic battery and received a "suspended sentence of four years in prison and three years of probation" for the incident.

October 2018 - Destroying property​

Miller was charged with felony vandalism after police were called to his girlfriend's home. She claimed he "smashed a large marble table, punched holes in the walls, tore down doors, and derailed the home's garage door."

Due to the crime, and his previous incidents he was facing 23 years in state prison but accepted a plea deal on July 19, 2019 for one year of incarceration and two years of probation, he was released having already served his time.

August 2020 - Grand theft auto​

Miller was charged in August 202 with multiple felonies for burglary and grand theft auto. He accepted a please deal which saw him receive one year of incarceration and two years of probation.

September 2021 - Tased again​

On September 10, police were called for yet another felony domestic violence incident in Los Angeles, CA.

According to reports, "After law enforcement arrived on the scene, Miller locked himself in the bathroom. Officers reported visible marks on the victim's face and neck consistent with an assault. Miller was eventually tased after resisting arrest and taken into custody."

October 2021 - Officially charged​

Miller was officially charged for the bar incident which reportedly left the man he assaulted with broken ribs.

August 2023 - Assaulting a fan​

Miller was arrested on August 30 for assaulting a fan who approached him at the Sunset Marquis in West Hollywood.

According to the report, "a fan of Miller’s approached him at the club to say hello, but things turned quickly into a verbal altercation, and Miller allegedly put the victim in a chokehold before security intervened to break things up."

Miller had just been released from prison for his prior crimes of which he served from June 2022 to May 2023.
Sherfam, I'm back! Been in the clink with Lee Murray and just got my parole, and I can't express how excited I am to find that Mayhem Miller is still relevant!

Can't wait to get up to speed on the current state of MMA and learn about all these new fighters.
I know this is just s guy sherdogger playing but it's not outside the realm of possibility it's actually Mayhem...
Miller is what happens when you smoke the wacky tabbacky.
Its strange because he came off a bit annoying but he seemed like a happy person or at least in a good mood. That and despite not having the best record, he had two TV shows in regards to MMA and was a major MMA personality.

It caught me off guard for him to be doing so bad. I would expect it more so from a quite guy who fought in the UFC and kept to himself.

Was it really the losses?

He was never really a competitive guy. Never had intense drive in training. Karo, Rampage and fighters in team punishment mentioned that he like to mess around in training. Played practical jokes and looked at MMA more as an adventure as oppose to a serious endeavor.

Hence he kind of had an advantage of being more relaxed in fights since he kind of was free spirited and could have fun. Similar to early Conor who was cool as a cucumber.

I think first of all you just never ever know what's really going on with a person behind the curtains. Anyone can have mental issues even when you least suspect it.
Secondly I might even argue the ones that act overly happy to the outside can have the most issues. Much better to be balanced than to have crazy peaks and ups and downs. Or maybe they even use drugs to seem so happy in spurts.
During one of his many "comebacks", he was on mmaroasted for a stretch. Fresh out of jail of course, a couple of years ago. The first 2 weeks he was great. Mellow as hell, insightful, intelligent. He was coaching Adam's wrestling kids.

Immediately spiraled and became the unlistenable, obnoxious piece of shit you're used to. Then went to jail again. He's out now but hasn't been on the show.