International What has meaningfully changed in America since 9/11?

Fox by the Sea

Lighthouse Keeper
Platinum Member
Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
Today marks 20 years since 9/11. i, just like most other non-americans, watched the whole thing on tv and we were transfixed for days. even if i was a kid when it happened, i still remember the fact that it felt it was an important moment, that would impact the course of world politics in a massive way - without of course having the words to be able to articulate it at the time.

Looking back, since then America went through 4 presidents - Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden. the way politics is being done has been immensely changed by the inclusion of the "online" element, and new themes, such as identity politics, have become major factors to consider by the candidates. The war in Afghanistan has just ended, on not the most positive note for America, and the US shows signs of decline, with new countries such as China emerging as an opponent while a more converging EU moves towards a more strategically autonomous route, one that might not be so adverse to Russia.

How do you feel America has meaningfully changed in these two decades?
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Unfortunately I have nothing positive to add :-(
change isn't necessarily positive.
Fair enough. I've been thinking about this alot Tonite/this morning and reflecting back on the last twenty years just saddens and confuses me. And then if I try to set my emotions aside and think of it like a math problem...I get sadder and more confused. Just tired bro :shrug:

But here's a beautiful picture of an apple orchard I just woke up on
I've been thinking about this alot Tonite/this morning and reflecting back on the last twenty years just saddens and confuses me. And then if I try to set my emotions aside and think of it like a math problem...I get sadder and more confused.
i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people felt like this.
if your name is Muhammad, you can expect to get pulled aside for a "random" secondary inspection at every airport you go to.
the elites are open with their contempt for the population. we've lost all our freedoms. we are being replaced by foreign invaders
It took me years and a Bucks championship to figure out how to change my avatar. mind just pming me to explain? I also went through bucks champ but fuck if that helps me to figure out how to post a picture from my phone here
if your name is Muhammad, you can expect to get pulled aside for a "random" secondary inspection at every airport you go to.

Barrack Hussein Obama got elected president 7 years after 9/11.

Your point is moot.