Media What is Herb Dean doing here?

Herb has a tough and thankless job where everything he does is under a microscope. He's human that's why I like him.
Herb has a tough and thankless job where everything he does is under a microscope. He's human that's why I like him.
There should be two refs, just like there is a few refs in NFL. If both agree on a stoppage, no issue. If both don't agree, restart it like they would for a eye poke, illegal knee to a downed fighter, or low blow.
What a fiasco that was , why would you take a fighters word that he’s choked his opponent out without at least checking his arm to see if it’s limp first
This is what actually happened. Georgi claims Nagibin was either tapping or out. Herb reaches in to check and Georgi releases. The other guy pops right up and was in no trouble. Herb says; "I saw no tap". This is all as the bell rings. After the bell rings, while Herb is arguing, Nagiben dives in for the sucker punch.

Herb did nothing wrong here.
What fight was that?
It looks like fighter A was telling Herb that fighter B was tapping and Herb just went with it instead of grabbing the guys arm to see if he was limp.

Then fighter B got pissed that fighter A fooled Herb into believing he was tapping so he punched him in the face.
fighter b did nothing wrong
Herb has a tough and thankless job where everything he does is under a microscope. He's human that's why I like him.
herb dean is supposed to be a top tier professional but fucks up multiple times per card. imagine if a doctor made the same amount of mistakes that herb does in surgery. herbal dean needs to retire at this point. he is p4p the worst ref in the business but is coddled by everyone for some reason.
I would hope that wasnt the end of the fight. If it was the fighter on top should have been DQ'd or make it a NC because that was a cheap shot while the ref was stepped in. In no way was that the right thing for him to do. The guy on top might be the next Gilbert Yvel making a run for the dirtiest fighter of all time.
Herb decided to allow full nonsense once our boy Keith started getting hespect. Now they both have converted to full nonsense. Very strange sequence of events.
if you quit defending, it should be over. If you pretend to be choked out by going limp as your "defense" then you are a piece of crap. If you get upset and punch your opponent because of your stupid choke "defense" then you are double piece of crap.
Remember this one.
Khalid Murtazaliev vs. CB Dollaway


Maybe he's wearing an earpiece with Mazzagatti giving instructions.
What was the end result?

Please don’t tell me dude on top got a KO win

Jesus what was the result of that fight?

Herb done messed up bad on this one

End result was a DQ win for Georgi Karakhanyan. Later changed to a NC by whatever commision oversees Moscow, Russia.

Question: if a ref stops a fight do they have the ability to restart it?

Good question. Answer: No. Gets murky with the new replay rules. A ref can "stop the action" to check if a foul was committed if a fighter is in trouble from a suspect strike. However, the ref must specifically announce that he is stopping the fight to check replay. If he is correct and a foul was committed, the fouled fighter has a chance to recover. If he is incorrect and no foul was committed, this counts as "ending the fight" and a tko is awarded to other fighter.

Once the action is stopped due to damage, the fight cannot and should not be restarted. Ref has made his decision for the fighter's safety and it's up to commision from there.

BTW people, watch the actual fight. Herb is not at fault here. You could name a handful of other events, but this thread is full of slander.
End result was a DQ win for Georgi Karakhanyan. Later changed to a NC by whatever commision oversees Moscow, Russia.

Good question. Answer: No. Gets murky with the new replay rules. A ref can "stop the action" to check if a foul was committed if a fighter is in trouble from a suspect strike. However, the ref must specifically announce that he is stopping the fight to check replay. If he is correct and a foul was committed, the fouled fighter has a chance to recover. If he is incorrect and no foul was committed, this counts as "ending the fight" and a tko is awarded to other fighter.

Once the action is stopped due to damage, the fight cannot and should not be restarted. Ref has made his decision for the fighter's safety and it's up to commision from there.

BTW people, watch the actual fight. Herb is not at fault here. You could name a handful of other events, but this thread is full of slander.

I stand corrected and will delete my earlier post criticizing Herb

Whoever made the clip that was tweeted intentionally added music to blur out the horn sounding the end of the round.

You could hear Herb saying "he tapped? I didn't see no tap!" but regardless the round was over immediately after he let go of the choke, and before the opponent punched him.

Dude sorta deserved the late punch for trying to win a fight by lying to the ref that his opponent tapped
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