Social What is your stance on abortion?

What is your stance on abortion??

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We have laws that if you kill an unborn baby you can be charged with murder.

How is it murder if it's just a fetus and not a human?

Whatever your view on abortion, as a society we are hypocrites. It's a baby when the mother plans to deliver it but something else when she doesn't.

This is the saddest part of the whole abortion discussion. We've changed the meaning of fetus to mean nothing more than a clump of cells that we can do what we want with at any time. We have such little value for the human life these days.
And still nothing... not even an interesting conversation, wow you're a waste of time.
You're talking about modern human lawmakers. Im talking about the miracle of existence.

There was never a conversation to be had. You're still reading the table of contents.
I mean, dude's got a point.

The fuck you think is gonna happen?

Saying it was "accidental" doesn't change the fact that its still baby killing. Dress that shit up all you want, its still baby killing.

There is absolutely no contract (explicit or implicit) that states a woman is agreeing to give birth to a child every time she has sex.
There is absolutely no contract (explicit or implicit) that states a woman is agreeing to give birth to a child every time she has sex.

Are you retarded? Most women of legal consenting age understand basic human biology, and what comes from unprotected sex.

This isn't some esoteric field of knowledge bud, this is grade school shit.

It is less a matter of "contractual obligation" and more of a matter of being a decent fucking human and not letting your carelessness result in dead babies.
Are you retarded? Most women of legal consenting age understand basic human biology, and what comes from unprotected sex.

This isn't some esoteric field of knowledge bud, this is grade school shit.

It is less a matter of "contractual obligation" and more of a matter of being a decent fucking human and not letting your carelessness result in dead babies.

ok, so you have some qualifiers there where the woman would not be responsible.

Mental capacity - the ones that didn't understand are fine to abort
Age of the woman - if the woman is under the age of consent then it's fine to abort
The woman has to be consenting - rape, incest cases are fine to abort. I'd even say coercion and being under the influence if alcohol would invalidate this.

You also have diminished responsibility of the woman is on birth control. Is this really the argument you want to put forward?
ok, so you have some qualifiers there where the woman would not be responsible.

Mental capacity - the ones that didn't understand are fine to abort
Age of the woman - if the woman is under the age of consent then it's fine to abort
The woman has to be consenting - rape, incest cases are fine to abort. I'd even say coercion and being under the influence if alcohol would invalidate this.

You also have diminished responsibility of the woman is on birth control. Is this really the argument you want to put forward?

What percentage of abortions do those cases represent?

I don't think you're gonna like the numbers you find there, bud.
What percentage of abortions do those cases represent?

I don't think you're gonna like the numbers you find there, bud.

Well, let's start with if those cases are fine or not? According to your reasoning are they fine to proceed with an abortion?
Well, let's start with if those cases are fine or not? According to your reasoning are they fine to proceed with an abortion?

Stop deflecting.

Nearly 80% of abortions that occur annually in the US are elective.

Giving women a seemingly "ethical" means of deflecting responsibility has led to these numbers, and no amount of conflation changes the fact that the VAST majority of abortions are due to personal choice and not preventative health circumstances.

Stop white knighting baby killing, its gross.
Stop deflecting.

Nearly 80% of abortions that occur annually in the US are elective.

Giving women a seemingly "ethical" means of deflecting responsibility has led to these numbers, and no amount of conflation changes the fact that the VAST majority of abortions are due to personal choice and not preventative health circumstances.

Stop white knighting baby killing, its gross.

That was your statement that had qualifiers in there that made abortion ethical you asshole, don't you remember?

- Mental capacity
- Age of consent
- General consent
- Not under coercion
- Not under the influence
Stop deflecting.

Nearly 80% of abortions that occur annually in the US are elective.

Giving women a seemingly "ethical" means of deflecting responsibility has led to these numbers, and no amount of conflation changes the fact that the VAST majority of abortions are due to personal choice and not preventative health circumstances.

Stop white knighting baby killing, its gross.

50-43 @Viva
That was your statement that had qualifiers in there that made abortion ethical you asshole, don't you remember?

- Mental capacity
- Age of consent
- General consent
- Not under coercion
- Not under the influence

Are we going to continue to pretend these situations represent the overwhelming majority of abortions?

I'm not saying it isn't warranted in SOME situations. However you are blatantly overrepresenting these situations.

A poll conducted in 2014 shows that (of the 8000 polled), 44% of women had previously had an abortion, as well as nearly 50% percent of women claiming they had not used contraceptives'. Another poll conducted in 2018 shares similar numbers. You can take what you want from these numbers, however I'm inclined to believe they suggest heavy misuse of a service that results in the purposeful destruction of human life.

Here's the 2014 study.
I'm a guy and not stupid enough to have sex without protection so abortion isn't really any of my business. I do think it should not be free however, to prevent it being used as a form of contraception. Tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill for people who don't take personal responsibility.
I'm a guy and not stupid enough to have sex without protection so abortion isn't really any of my business. I do think it should not be free however, to prevent it being used as a form of contraception. Tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill for people who don't take personal responsibility.

The Hyde Amendments keeps tax payers from paying for abortions, thankfully.

Obama tried to repeal it, but his ass got dunked on.
Are we going to continue to pretend these situations represent the overwhelming majority of abortions?

I'm not saying it isn't warranted in SOME situations. However you are blatantly overrepresenting these situations.

A poll conducted in 2014 shows that (of the 8000 polled), 44% of women had previously had an abortion, as well as nearly 50% percent of women claiming they had not used contraceptives'. Another poll conducted in 2018 shares similar numbers. You can take what you want from these numbers, however I'm inclined to believe they suggest heavy misuse of a service that results in the purposeful destruction of human life.

Here's the 2014 study.

Hey moron, when did I say it was the overwhelming majority? I was summarizing your exceptions where abortion would be justified. Does that list cover it?
You know that post makes zero sense. The word murder specifically refers to the premeditated, ILLEGAL killing of another human.
So if it's not illegal, it can't be murder. Your statement "everyone can do whatever they want" means that you don't even think it should be illegal.

So not only is abortion not murder (at least in most civilized societies), you by your own admission don't think abortion should be murder.

You are literally arguing against yourself.

It shouldn't be illegal, but it is. So my post makes sense, lol.
I think abortion is murder, but I don't think murder should be illegal. That's why I said abortion is okay in my book, everyone can do what they want - but it's the killing of another human being out of selfish reasons. What you call this act is irrelevant to me, important to me is only that one acknowledges that fact instead of weaseling their way out of taking responsibility for the killing of another human.

Like I said, I don't care. I just don't wanna have anything to do with people who kill a child and then deny they killed a child. That's all it is.
What if I know it’s murder and I just don’t care. I’d have two kids rn if it wasn’t for abortions. Wanna know how often I think about them. Never.

That's cool and you have more integrity and better morals and values than people who pretend it's not murder.
I don't recomend it as a birth control.

This is such a strange way of framing it. Sure, most people will agree that a woman who gets a dozen abortions has a problem. But why is that so much more of a problem than a woman getting one? After all, all the pro-abortion arguments like viability, bodily autonomy and all the rest still hold true whether you've had one abortion or one hundred, don't they?
This is such a strange way of framing it. Sure, most people will agree that a woman who gets a dozen abortions has a problem. But why is that so much more of a problem than a woman getting one? After all, all the pro-abortion arguments like viability, bodily autonomy and all the rest still hold true whether you've had one abortion or one hundred, don't they?

It holds true its just more expensive compared to pills, condems.

I cant recomend it but its up to them

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