What on Earth is Overeem doing?


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
His strategy just isn't working. For a veteran it's so weird.

He's been using that pull off to the side + throwing a looping left, arcing left for a few fights now, it's what he threw when Francis sent him to the moon. He must have so many uncommon techniques to catch out HWs, but this isn't one that works yet he keeps going to it.

I get the shelling up too, he knows HWs gas quickly, so they dump energy as they try to pummel him, but he just can't seem to absorb it before they gas.

He should just go for broke every fight to be honest, I'd give him better odds.
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For a K-1 champ he sure doesn't seem to want to engage in kickboxing.

What happened to his kicks? He used to have legit power that people feared.

That feigning then throwing big single shots style isn't working. I do find it weird that he's been doing it more lately cause most of the times I can think of that he fought like that it wasn't very successful(Stipe, Ngannou, Volkov). I get the feeling that Overeem is declining physically a lot every fight now at his age/fight mileage and that might be the reason why he's doing it.
It’s desperation, I think.

He knows that he can still compete, but (I assume) he also knows that his body is failing him.

He can no longer do the things that earned him victories in the past, so he’s developed some new techniques that can work against some fighters.

But when he’s facing a fighter who is well-rounded and technically sound, he looks like a fucking idiot.

I think that he is fully aware of this, but that he has the balls to give it an honest shot, anyway.

And he likes the paydays...
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Collecting checks and banging bitches
Gassing your opponent by shelling on flurries and literally being a human punching-bag are slightly different strategies
His shelling up technique has worked up until now.
It seems that once he realized the mortality of his chin he stopped training his standup much at all. He used to have such good striking, even mixing in well placed combos. Now he almost exclusively just throws that looping left as he enters hoping for a clinch. There is literally nothing else to his striking game. He used to be about the best HW striker. I know he's older but it just seems so weird that he has abandoned his standup pretty much.
He's scared to get hit. He knew it was his last run and had to fight so carefully
The announcers need to stop referring to him as some kind of master class striker from K1.

He is no where close to that guy anymore and when they refer to that it's just embarrassing.
Going hard is what got him the first losses in the ufc. His style has transformed into a bit of weird thing, but it's effective quite a lot too. He's just not good enough for the guys at the top.