What's one thing you would change in the UFC/MMA?


Formally known as MXZT
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
I'd say the gloves.

Juicers get a life time ban or be on their own shame/secret juice belt class
Champs need to defend against top3 ranked op who have actually won their latest fight, absolutely no double champ bullshit before multiple defenses
Lose all bs rules like 12-6 elbows, grounded knees should be allowed etc
Change the gloves, refs need to punish blatant cage grabs
If you win a belt you get to powerslap Dana live in cage and it's mandatory
I'd say the gloves.

With a change in gloves like this I wonder about a few things. Is it harder to see if someone is grabbing the fence? Does it stifle the submission abilities of fighters in any way? Does it limit the ability to hand fight or to parry strikes with an open palm? Does it take any legal tools away from the fighter? And as we’ve seen, you can still be well within striking range and still claw eyes with fingers bent. I like the idea I’m just not sure if that is optimal design.
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With a change in gloves like this I wonder about a few things. Is it harder to see if someone is grabbing the fence? Does it stifle the submission abilities of fighters in any way? Does it limit the ability to hand fight or to parry strikes with an open palm? Does it take any legal tools away from the fighter? And as we’ve seen, you can still be well within striking range and still claw eyes with fingers bent. I like the idea I’m just not sure if that is optimal design.

Those are all valid questions indeed. I don't know, I guess they have to test it out. But I think it's worth giving it a try maybe in the smaller circuits first and see how it works.
Obviously the soccer kicks, knees to grounded and 12-6 elbows.
But honestly, I’d much rather turn the clock back some 20-25 years to a time where I was much more enthusiastic about mma.
i'd like less rules, allow groin shots, eyepokes, soccer kicks, knees to grounded opponenets. I wanna see who's the better real life fighter.
Ban Goddard and Dean from all UFC events, hire Dan Hardy, every finish gets a 100k bonus, lifetime ban for any type of steroid use, legalize soccer kicks, knees to grounded opponents. No more warnings for fouls, instant point deductions. There, I fixed the promotion.