Where was BLM when this was going on?

Is China. Is normal.

Different culture but judge all you want because they DGAF.
there are many different organizations you can vote for, and international women's rights journalists, organizations, and charities. Just because googling something might hurt your narrative doesn't mean that Americans traditionally aren't massive donors to international causes.
Gays being killed.
Africans being mistreated.
Women have their clítoris cut off and obligated to marry whoever they are told so.
But you send money to pussyhat.org and thats fine.
China is on track to be the world superpower and they will not be forgiving to #BLM rallies

Imagine trying to tell China about how historical oppression is holding you back.
BLM comes and goes, this one's just lasting a little longer. Never forget, people like Al Sharpton make a lot of money making sure racism is alive and well.
It's mind-blowing to me with all of the stuff out there dispelling that silly talking point people are just running with it.

"silly talking point" being "all lives matter"? You know people who've responded to BLM questions with All Lives Matter have been labeled racist, some even losing their job?
In modern times arnt there more black on black crimes in the states ? Who’s fault is that and what is the movement doing about it?
There are a number of organisations that focus on this issue. A quick google search will answer your question...
It's always hilarious, and hypocritical, when you rightwingers suddenly care about international issues. Where were you when your government and military invaded and started illegal wars? Where were you when our soldiers were slaughtering and raping women and children in Afghanistan and Iraq? Where were you when American private military contractors were committing war crimes with our backing?

Where were you this last week when our Constitutional rights were being violated, spit on and completely ignored? That's right. Crying about looters and claiming "not all cops." Y'all bitch about leftists so goddamn much without doing a goddamn thing to improve anything for anyone. I don't fully agree with hardline leftists either but at least they're trying to do something in our grossly corrupt and broken system of government. At least they realize the government and police don't give a shit about the people and never have. "Of the people, by the people, for the people..." Or did you forget about that too because it doesn't fit your Fox News manifesto?
I didn't say that. I'm stating that they're very selective of what incidents they choose to be vocal about and which they dont. And why shouldn't they? Does black oppression stop being black oppression when it takes place outside the US? So much for unity and solidarity for black people.

there was a lot of content about this when it happened. People boycotting McDonalds and Chinese food places in the Uk. Probably not in America though.
The reason they don't pull this shit in China is because the Chinese don't care. There is no self loathing and guilt to exploit, the Chinese public would happily support beating your ass on a massive scale as long as it maintains social order. It's why nobody batted an eyelid over what's happening in Xinjiang and it's why they don't care about what's happening with Africans in Guangzhou. PEople think it's becaus ethey control the internet over there but genuinely most Chinese wouldn't give two fucks if they knew about it anyway.

Do beggars go to places where nobody gives them money? It's that simple...
So because BLM did not say anything about what happened in China, they should not say anything about what happens in the US, where BLM originated ?? I fail to see your logic here.
In their slogan 'silence is violence'.
BLM is a communist political front for globalists. Stop treating them like a real group with real people and real agendas.

Seriously wake up you idiots.
It's always hilarious, and hypocritical, when you rightwingers suddenly care about international issues. Where were you when your government and military invaded and started illegal wars? Where were you when our soldiers were slaughtering and raping women and children in Afghanistan and Iraq? Where were you when American private military contractors were committing war crimes with our backing?

Where were you this last week when our Constitutional rights were being violated, spit on and completely ignored? That's right. Crying about looters and claiming "not all cops." Y'all bitch about leftists so goddamn much without doing a goddamn thing to improve anything for anyone. I don't fully agree with hardline leftists either but at least they're trying to do something in our grossly corrupt and broken system of government. At least they realize the government and police don't give a shit about the people and never have. "Of the people, by the people, for the people..." Or did you forget about that too because it doesn't fit your Fox News manifesto?
Police don't give a shit about people? I get the sense you're one of those people who'd be happy for police forces to be disbanded. Best live in a gated community with private security fam if that's the future you want. Why is it that because of a few dickhead cops the rest are suddenly corrupt and crooked and don't care about enforcing the law? Does that work for every profession, a few fucked up people and you're happy to write off everyone who works in that field?
BLM was going to protest it but then LeBron told them that would be inappropriate.
Self-preservation, China isn't the place BLM would be able to pull their usual tactics and get away with it. Start rioting and looting in Shanghai and you won't have to worry about tear gas and rubber bullets, you'll have live rounds from fully automatic machine guns ripping you to pieces.
A more accurate question would have been

Why don't the Chinese have a BLM organisation
Police don't give a shit about people? I get the sense you're one of those people who'd be happy for police forces to be disbanded. Best live in a gated community with private security fam if that's the future you want. Why is it that because of a few dickhead cops the rest are suddenly corrupt and crooked and don't care about enforcing the law? Does that work for every profession, a few fucked up people and you're happy to write off everyone who works in that field?

A few? Have you watched any of the protest videos? I'm happy to write them off, tear it all down and have them re-apply. When you fuck up at any other job, you get fired. Cops get paid vacation and get away with murder. They're essentially umtouchable unless the there are protests.

I want the police union demolished because it's clear they have a stranglehold on politicians. "Don't give us our budget, we'll tell the boys to be slow to calls and tell the voters it's your fault." They're shakedown artists, conmen and nothing more.

We need police but the current system is trash. Stop sending cops to seminars training them to think like killers. But also stop this hero worship of them. Also stop forcing so many problems on them they will never, ever be able to handle. Cops aren't jack of all trades problem solvers.