Crime Witnessing a rape or gangrape

I have, and would intervene in any such situation. I have hundreds upon hundreds of times but I was always in uniform. Now, off duty I did a few times and tackled w few guys that were fighting in a grocery store. I tackled a guy my old department chasing. I sure as fuck am getting involved in a rape in progress.
I've had this talk with @irish_thug and he answered the same way. He's an LEO as well.

It's dumb but he's done it and paid the price.
This says more about TS than anything else

Not everyone is unable to help someone, but, I know where he is coming from in general. For example, if you look up videos of people being attacked by dogs, there are zero videos of someone beating up a dog. There are many, many of people being mauled, and the help from bystanders is basically useless. Grown men swatting at it like they are shooing away bugs.
We are not all little bitches like you. Where are you from? I grew up in Placer County, CA and then moved to San Diego and then Orange County, CA. All of those places are/were very "RED". We don't stand back and let bullies take over. On the same exact day when Santa Monica, Long Beach, and Santa Ana got rolled by ANTIFA / BLM they also showed up in my town, Huntington Beach. They didn't get past PCH where the surfers and MMA fighters beat their asses when they tried to advance into our town. You just have likely grown up in a coward filled BLUE area.

I'll bet these surveys are of places like Boston, New York, etc. Try that bully shit in RED: Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Idaho, etc... and let me know how it works out for you.

lol I’m dying to know your iq
If I intervene who's going to film and shout "WORLD STAR"?
Depends on Situation . Sometimes I’d intervene …but 10 dudes stomping a dude to death ?! I’m getting away and calling 911 but am not gonna be a martyr for young , explosive individuals of any race . Ain’t happening.
That's true for fights but I have a hard time picturing able bodied men walking past a screaming woman being raped by a creep in public spaces, that's something you'd only see in lawless shitholes and hentai.

Someone tell those YouTubers to make a social experiment video on assaulting a girl and see how the public react to this.
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That's true for fights but I have a hard time picturing able bodied men walking past a screaming woman being raped by a creep in public spaces, that's something you'd only see in lawless shitholes and hentai.

Someone tell those YouTubers to make a social experiment video on assaulting a girl and see how the public react to this.

"For more than 40 minutes, a woman was harassed by a stranger on a public transit train in Philadelphia and then raped while bystanders held up their cellphones, seemingly to record the assault, police said.

The attack happened last Wednesday night on the city's transit system, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, or SEPTA. The incident led to calls from police urging the public "to be our partners and to watch out for other riders" after officials said passengers did not physically intervene or call 911."
This phenomenon is real. I was walking around a mall once. I heard a woman screaming. I looked across the mall and saw a guy grabbing a struggling and screaming woman. I was extremely reluctant to get involved. I assumed someone else would do something. A mall full of people and everyone was just standing and watching. I was like fuck, I gotta do something. I started walking towards them but dreading the situation. The guy was significantly bigger than me and I wasnt trying to get my ass whooped over some stranger. Right as I got to them another man in the crowd tackled the guy and held him down as the woman escaped. I was relieved.

As it turned out, the guy was a security guard and the woman had stolen something from a nearby shop. But no one knew that at the time.

I still don't know what I would have done if the other guy hadn't shown up. If the dude had started beating on me for getting involved, I have zero confidence anyone else would have defended me in that situation. This was not some shithole place, just a normal suburban mall.

Now if we are talking about an actual rape, that's very different. I would have rushed in immediately.
That's true for fights but I have a hard time picturing able bodied men walking past a screaming woman being raped by a creep in public spaces, that's something you'd only see in lawless shitholes and hentai.

Someone tell those YouTubers to make a social experiment video on assaulting a girl and see how the public react to this.

Umm...a woman got murdered like that. There was a whole syndrome named after her about why bystanders don't get involved.

"The phenomenon, called the Bystander Effect or the Genovese Syndrome, attempts to explain why someone witnessing a crime would not help the victim.
Psychologists Bibb Latané and John Darley made their careers studying the Bystander Effect and have shown in clinical experiments that witnesses are less likely to help a crime victim if there are other witnesses. The more witnesses, the less likely any one person will intervene.
The Bystander Effect was used by the press as a parable of a morally bankrupt modern society losing its compassion for others, particularly in cities."
There is absolutely no world in which I see a lady getting raped and don't intervene.

You keep saying this yet the numbers disagree with you. People always think they can do certain things but if they have never truly faced the situation then they don't know what they will do.

Not everyone is unable to help someone, but, I know where he is coming from in general. For example, if you look up videos of people being attacked by dogs, there are zero videos of someone beating up a dog. There are many, many of people being mauled, and the help from bystanders is basically useless. Grown men swatting at it like they are shooing away bugs.

That's the point I'm trying to make

We have so many videos of people getting bashed/raped/killed in public every single day yet we never ever see one guy stopping a group of assailants.

We have so many people saying they would do this and that yet the data always speaks to the contrary

But I guess when you never leave your mums basement then you don't really get to see public assaults and such

A bit unlucky for public rape victims that Sherdoggers don't go outside much

If only they left their basements to help out once in a while the world would be a safer place
Also lol@people saying it only happens in third world shit holes

It's actually the only places where they would defend a women or try to stop a fight since they are still in an honour culture

It's actually in the richest countries that people don't ever step in to help
You know what is also baffling reading this thread and the klitchko brothers thread

People were actually laughing at a rich boxer willing to die for his land in a definite loss. It's such a paradox this forum. That someone would go grab a bat and engage groups of men raping a women where the most likely outcome is their death then laugh at the klitchkos for defending ukraine against Russia. Just baffling
You know what is also baffling reading this thread and the klitchko brothers thread

People were actually laughing at a rich boxer willing to die for his land in a definite loss. It's such a paradox this forum. That someone would go grab a bat and engage groups of men raping a women where the most likely outcome is their death then laugh at the klitchkos for defending ukraine against Russia. Just baffling

Why must you make multiple posts for a single response? Are you just trying to improve your post count?
Why must you make multiple posts for a single response? Are you just trying to improve your post count?

I just responded to everything at once and on the phone it's annoying to quote multiple shit and post at one time

And why would I care about a post count lol

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