Opinion Would George Floyd be alive today, if Derek Chauvin didn't pin his knee to his neck?

Would George Floyd be alive today, if Derek Chauvin didn't pin his knee to his neck?

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Given that he was Covid positive and walking around in public without a mask, even indoors, think of my many lives Chauvin saved. My grandparents are old and in poor health. If they had happened to walk by George Floyd, they would probably be dead today.
George Floyd would have survived if he would've gotten the medical attention he needed after he stopped struggling and was subdued. It'll be difficult to prove intent in this case for murder, in my opinion, but it doesn't mean racism didn't play a role in this.
so all things the same other then the color of the perp, you think he would NOT have put his knee there? Funny just seen an arrest of a white guy and there two cops and both there knees were on the guys neck,back. Sorry but if Floyd was white the cops knee would more then likely would have been in the same place
Got to vote knee on neck killed him.
People go "He OD before and screamed for his mama."
He also lived and didnt have a knee on his neck. They never mention that part.
This time there was a knee. and he died.
Vote Knee
He was living on borrowed time regardless.
What circles did you run in where people condoned that? At the time, Reginald Denny got pulled out of his car and beaten to near death for no other reason than being white. How much did he get from the state and where was his sainthood?
What circles I ran in? That was the crux of the officers’ defense: that King was drug crazed, in fact PCP-crazed specifically (toxicology results were negative for PCP). One of the officers’ attorneys says in this article, "I guess in a sense we are putting Rodney King on trial.”
Conservatives in this country have a long history of shaming the victims rather than contend with potential racism. It doesn’t have to solely be drug related either, we saw Michael Brown and Eric Garner similarly victim blamed. Stephen Clark was likewise blamed. It’s a long running pattern and it’s pathetic.
Only logical and honest answer is

"Yes, George Floyd would probably be still alive."

GF didn't become an overnight junkie so he was always out his nut, he didn't die any other day.

Cant be 100% sure so its probably be still alive.
Conservatives in this country have a long history of shaming the victims rather than contend with potential racism. It doesn’t have to solely be drug related either, we saw Michael Brown and Eric Garner similarly victim blamed. Stephen Clark was likewise blamed. It’s a long running pattern and it’s pathetic.
No, my friend; it is not shaming as you and the leftists believe, rather its called ACCOUNTABILITY. Racism has nothing to do with felons doped up on life-damaging narcotics getting pulled over for breaking the law or most often showing up after a call from a civilian (such is the case with Floyd). The left is so opposed to accountability and engrained in victimhood that the entire narrative dodges the criminal activities and poor choices made by the victim.
I’m pretty sure the drugs killed him but the altercation caused the chain of events which led to his death.
He may have lived as he survived several overdoses prior to that one or that could have been the own to finally do him in. A lot of junkies survive multiple overdoses but at some point you will find the one that you don’t survive.

Hence he's guilty beyond a probable doubt. To many people think "probable" doubt means "all" doubt--that's not how it works.
You mean if he hadn't committed a crime necessitating the need for police intervention and then decided to eat a few thousand dollars worth of illegal drugs? Yeah, maybe he'd still be alive.
Floyd’s death is a homicide, and was ruled as such twice. He’d still be alive if Chauvin hadn’t put a knee in his neck for
9 minutes, in a gross display of excessive force (as even the police lieutenant testified to). What happened that day was disgusting and unnecessary, and fully the fault of the police. An attempt to paint this as an overdose is dishonest. An attempt to paint this as the victim’s fault is likewise dishonest (and shameful). There are all sorts of crimes “requiring police intervention” that do not result in death. This one did because of Chauvin’s actions. Period.
No, my friend; it is not shaming as you and the leftists believe, rather its called ACCOUNTABILITY. Racism has nothing to do with felons doped up on life-damaging narcotics getting pulled over for breaking the law or most often showing up after a call from a civilian (such is the case with Floyd). The left is so opposed to accountability and engrained in victimhood that the entire narrative dodges the criminal activities and poor choices made by the victim.
And your narrative dodges the criminal activities and poor choices made by the perpetrator of this incident, Officer Chauvin.
Let me make this abundantly clear:
  • Passing a counterfeit bill is not a capital offense.
  • Resisting arrest is not a capital offense.
  • Taking drugs or having a substance abuse problem is not a capital offense.
I am not dodging the fact that Floyd committed a crime, it is not an excuse for police to kill him on the street. I love how your definition of “accountability” is essentially that an African American committing a misdemeanor deserves to die on the street, but yet your definition of accountability doesn’t encompass anything whatsoever for the police officer who killed him.
Floyd did nothing to deserve to be killed at he hands of police that day—and he was killed by Chauvin, as the cause of death states.
The fact that you go to such lengths to avoid condemning an officer for using unnecessary lethal force is sad and pathetic.
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Yes, he would be alive and happy with his family. The video does not lie. RIP
I'm just curious what do you guys think.

It seems to me its possible he still would have died considering he was high on drugs and had some underlying health issues or maybe the handling of the arrest of George Floyd contributed to his death.

I'm sure George Floyd was in high stress because of the cops presence and their actions and that would certainly strain his heart in some way.

All of it could have contributed to his death.

Let's put it this way...

When you watch the trial and see Derek constantly writing on his yellow legal paper during witness testimony you think to yourself, "WTF could this guy possibly have to be taking such extensive notes for?"

But what he's really writing is just, "I am fucked. I am so fucked," several hundred times a day.
That wasn't Floyd's first time taking drugs. Drug users build up tolerance to that shit, so you never know when your luck has run out until it does.

It's impossible to play the 'what if' game now, but it is certainly more likely that he would still be alive had he not ran into Chauvin that day.
Well he ingested the drugs before the knee to the neck. So I’d say as soon as he ate his drugs, the chances were that he was going to die and it was just a matter of time.
He was a junkie. It wasn't his first rodeo, bro. I'd bet dollars to donuts that he took that much on a regular basis. He went 46 years as a guy with serious substance abuse problems, but coincidentally the day he died was when someone put his knee on his neck for 8 minutes, including over two minutes where he was already unconscious. That's quite convenient for your narrative, isn't it?

Also, aren't you an admitted hard drug user yourself? I've seen you talk on here about doing A LOT of coke, including quite recently. Aren't you in your 30s or 40s? How have you survived so long? People use hard drugs for decades and don't die. If some fucking cop ever kneels on your neck even after you pass out and then you die, hopefully people will give you and your family the grace that you refuse to give to Floyd and his family.
Probably, yes. But that doesn't make George Floyd some kind of saint, and that doesn't make Chauvin a monster for using an approved technique. People are treating Floyd like a martyr, but the only thing he really died doing was being a complete idiot, putting other people's lives in danger, and running into the wrong cop who wasn't having it. Sad situation all around, but I don't think you can hold Chauvin criminally accountable.
"Approved technique" yet multiple officers including the Chief of Police have testified otherwise. Did they perjure themselves? Nice alternative facts, bro.
"Approved technique" yet multiple officers including the Chief of Police have testified otherwise. Did they perjure themselves? Nice alternative facts, bro.

It's a gray area, but Minneapolis hasn't criminally charged any officers that have used knee to neck and injured/killed someone. This same thing just happened in 2018 and it was settled out of court in a civil suit. It seems that the technique is frowned upon, and not even taught anymore, but was still technically acceptable for use at the time. Minneapolis has since passed a law banning choke holds, including knee to neck.

"The Minneapolis Policy and Procedure manual describes two types of neck restraint police officers can deploy: Conscious neck restraint (putting light pressure on the subject's neck with an arm or leg without cutting off their airway) and unconscious neck restraint (applying enough pressure on a subject to make them lose consciousness without killing them)."

Of course Chauvin actually killed the man, but it's debatable if he or the meth/fentnyl combo was responsible. If the manual says that police officers are authorized to restrain and choke someone unconscious (which had been used at least 44 times since 2018 - 277 neck restraints total), I think you have to blame the PD for their flawed policy.

Wouldn't be alive today with multiple ODs and a drug habit that was getting worse, but presumably you mean that day.

Don't know if he would have died that day if he would have stayed home and not gotten arrested. Had he been pinned down like that without that amount of drugs in his system, he wouldn't have died, and whether he would have died with the drugs alone and no arrest is anybody's guess, but of course he wouldn't have been taken out of the police car in the first place were he not freaking out from the drugs.