You Guys Strain Your Backs Often While Hitting The Bag?

I dunno if it's cause I kinda squeeze/elevate my trap when I throw my hooks, but I strain my back pretty often when hitting the heavy bag. Of course, this affects training, and I don't want that at all, so kinda just wondering if this happens to anyone else, and if so, if you've found a solution for it, because I'm assuming it's a form error.

Some back stretches and excercises from a pro

That sounds serious. Stop boxing it's a useless skill anyway. Learn muay thai. The kicking will fix your back. I've heard some pros say they have a TON of pain unless they do muay thai and then it goes away for days after kicking.

I experience this.
Try stretching your hips somewhat aggressively before working out. Helps me a lot with that issue, if I don't stretch it's a 80% chance I'll strain my back, if I do it's virtually 0. Your issue could be caused by a million things, but this is one of them worth trying.
I dunno if it's cause I kinda squeeze/elevate my trap when I throw my hooks, but I strain my back pretty often when hitting the heavy bag. Of course, this affects training, and I don't want that at all, so kinda just wondering if this happens to anyone else, and if so, if you've found a solution for it, because I'm assuming it's a form error.

maybe you're twisting your torso excessively